外国经济与管理 2014 年 第 36 卷第 02 期, 页码:24 - 34
[1]Ahearne M,et al.Antecedents and consequences of customercompany identification:Expanding the role of relationship marketing[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2005,90(3):574-585.
[2]Ashforth B E and Mael F.Social identity theory and the organization[J].Academy of Management Review,1989,14(1):20-39.
[3]Ashforth B E,et al.Identification in organizations:An examination of four fundamental questions[J].Journal of Management,2008,34(3):325-374.
[4]Bagozzi R P,et al.Customer-organization relationships:Development and test of a theory of extended identities[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2012,97(1):63-76.
[5]Bergami M and Bagozzi R P.Self-categorization,affective commitment and group self-esteem as distinct aspects of social identity in the organization[J].British Journal of Social Psychology,2000,39(4):555-577.
[6]Bhattacharya C B and Sen S.Consumer-company identification:A framework for understanding consumers’relationships with companies[J].Journal of Marketing,2003,67(2):76-88.
[7]Cardador M T and Pratt M G.Identification management and its bases:Bridging management and marketing perspectives through a focus on affiliation dimensions[J].Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,2006,34(2):174-184.
[8]Curras R,et al.The role of self-definitional principles in consumer identification with a socially responsible company[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2009,89(4):547-564.
[9]Einwiller S A,et al.Enough is enough!When identification no longer prevents negative corporate associations[J].Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,2006,34(2):185-194.
[10]Fombelle P W,et al.Leveraging customers’multiple identities:Identity synergy as a driver of organizational identification[J].Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,2012,40(4):587-604.
[11]Homburg C,et al.Social identity and the service-profit chain[J].Journal of Marketing,2009,73(2):38-54.
[12]Kagan J.The concept of indentification[J].Psychological Review,1958,65(5):296-305.
[13]Karaosmanoglu E,et al.The role of other customer effect in corporate marketing:Its impact on corporate image and consumer-company identification[J].European Journal of Marketing,2011,45(9/10):1416-1445.
[14]Lee E M,et al.Does perceived consumer fit matter in corporate social responsibility issues?[J].Journal of Business Research,2012,65(11):1558-1564.
[15]Leenheer J,et al.Do loyalty programs really enhance behavioral loyalty?An empirical analysis accounting for self-selecting members[J].International Journal of Research in Marketing,2007,24(1):31-47.
[16]Lichtenstein D R,et al.The relationships among manager-,employee-,and customer-company identification:Implications for retail store financial performance[J].Journal of Retailing,2010,86(1):85-93.
[17]Lii Y S and Lee M.Doing right leads to doing well:When the type of CSR and reputation interact to affect consumer evaluations of the firm[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2012,105(1):69-81.
[18]Mael F and Ashforth B E.Alumni and their alma mater:A partial test of the reformulated model of organizational identification[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,1992,13(2):103-123.
[19]Marin L and Ruiz S.The role of affiliation,attractivenessand personal connection in consumer-company identification[J].European Journal of Marketing,2013,47(3/4):655-673.
[20]McMillan D W and Chavis D M.Sense of community:A definition and theory[J].Journal of Community Psychology,1986,14(1):6-23.
[21]Netemeyer R G,et al.Identification with the retail organization and customer-perceived employee similarity:Effects on customer spending[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2012,97(5):1049-1058.
[22]Palmatier R W,et al.Factors influencing the effectiveness of relationship marketing:A meta-analysis[J].Journal of Marketing,2006,70(4):136-53.
[23]Press M and Arnould E J.How does organizational identification form?A consumer behavior perspective[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2011,38(4):650-666.
[24]Sanford N.The dynamics of identification[J].Psychological Review,1955,62(2):106-118.
[25]Scott S G and Lane V R.A stakeholder approach to organizational identity[J].Academy of Management Review,2000,25(1):43-62.
[26]Tajfel H and Turner J C.The social identity theory of intergroup behavior[A].Worchel S and Austin L(Eds.).Psychology of intergroup relations[C].Chicago:Nelson-Hall,1986:7-24.
[2]Ashforth B E and Mael F.Social identity theory and the organization[J].Academy of Management Review,1989,14(1):20-39.
[3]Ashforth B E,et al.Identification in organizations:An examination of four fundamental questions[J].Journal of Management,2008,34(3):325-374.
[4]Bagozzi R P,et al.Customer-organization relationships:Development and test of a theory of extended identities[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2012,97(1):63-76.
[5]Bergami M and Bagozzi R P.Self-categorization,affective commitment and group self-esteem as distinct aspects of social identity in the organization[J].British Journal of Social Psychology,2000,39(4):555-577.
[6]Bhattacharya C B and Sen S.Consumer-company identification:A framework for understanding consumers’relationships with companies[J].Journal of Marketing,2003,67(2):76-88.
[7]Cardador M T and Pratt M G.Identification management and its bases:Bridging management and marketing perspectives through a focus on affiliation dimensions[J].Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,2006,34(2):174-184.
[8]Curras R,et al.The role of self-definitional principles in consumer identification with a socially responsible company[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2009,89(4):547-564.
[9]Einwiller S A,et al.Enough is enough!When identification no longer prevents negative corporate associations[J].Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,2006,34(2):185-194.
[10]Fombelle P W,et al.Leveraging customers’multiple identities:Identity synergy as a driver of organizational identification[J].Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,2012,40(4):587-604.
[11]Homburg C,et al.Social identity and the service-profit chain[J].Journal of Marketing,2009,73(2):38-54.
[12]Kagan J.The concept of indentification[J].Psychological Review,1958,65(5):296-305.
[13]Karaosmanoglu E,et al.The role of other customer effect in corporate marketing:Its impact on corporate image and consumer-company identification[J].European Journal of Marketing,2011,45(9/10):1416-1445.
[14]Lee E M,et al.Does perceived consumer fit matter in corporate social responsibility issues?[J].Journal of Business Research,2012,65(11):1558-1564.
[15]Leenheer J,et al.Do loyalty programs really enhance behavioral loyalty?An empirical analysis accounting for self-selecting members[J].International Journal of Research in Marketing,2007,24(1):31-47.
[16]Lichtenstein D R,et al.The relationships among manager-,employee-,and customer-company identification:Implications for retail store financial performance[J].Journal of Retailing,2010,86(1):85-93.
[17]Lii Y S and Lee M.Doing right leads to doing well:When the type of CSR and reputation interact to affect consumer evaluations of the firm[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2012,105(1):69-81.
[18]Mael F and Ashforth B E.Alumni and their alma mater:A partial test of the reformulated model of organizational identification[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,1992,13(2):103-123.
[19]Marin L and Ruiz S.The role of affiliation,attractivenessand personal connection in consumer-company identification[J].European Journal of Marketing,2013,47(3/4):655-673.
[20]McMillan D W and Chavis D M.Sense of community:A definition and theory[J].Journal of Community Psychology,1986,14(1):6-23.
[21]Netemeyer R G,et al.Identification with the retail organization and customer-perceived employee similarity:Effects on customer spending[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2012,97(5):1049-1058.
[22]Palmatier R W,et al.Factors influencing the effectiveness of relationship marketing:A meta-analysis[J].Journal of Marketing,2006,70(4):136-53.
[23]Press M and Arnould E J.How does organizational identification form?A consumer behavior perspective[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2011,38(4):650-666.
[24]Sanford N.The dynamics of identification[J].Psychological Review,1955,62(2):106-118.
[25]Scott S G and Lane V R.A stakeholder approach to organizational identity[J].Academy of Management Review,2000,25(1):43-62.
[26]Tajfel H and Turner J C.The social identity theory of intergroup behavior[A].Worchel S and Austin L(Eds.).Psychology of intergroup relations[C].Chicago:Nelson-Hall,1986:7-24.
康俊, 江林, 郭益. 顾客—企业认同研究现状与展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2014, 36(2): 24–34.