外国经济与管理 2015 年 第 37 卷第 10 期, 页码:
[1]Ahlstrom D and Bruton G D. Learning from successful local private firms in China:Establishing legitimacy [J].Academy of Management Executive,2001,15(4):72-83.
[2]Ahlstrom D,Bruton G D and Yeh K S. Private firms in China:Building legitimacy in an emerging economy [J]. Journal of World Business,2008,(43):385-399.
[3]Aldrich H E and Fiol C M. Fools rush in?The institutional context of industry creation[J].The Academy of Management Review,1994,19(4):545-670.
[4]Ashforth B E and Gibbs B W. The doubleedge of organizational legitimation[J].Organization Science,1990,1(2):177-194.
[5]Dacin M T,et al.The Legitimacy of strategic alliances:An institutional perspective[J].Strategic Management Journal,2007,28(2),169-187.
[6]Dimaggio P J and Powell W W. The iron cage revisited:Institutional isomorphism and collective rationality in organizational fields[J].American Sociological Review,1983,48(2):147-160.
[7]Doh J P,et al.Does the market respond to an endorsement of social responsibility? The role of institutions,information,and legitimacy[J].Journal of Management,2010,36(6):1461-1485.
[8]Dowling J and Pfeffer J. Organizational legitimacy:Social value and organizational behaviour[J].The Pacific Sociological Review,1975,18(1):122-136.
[9]Drees J M and Heugens P P M A R. Synthesizing and extending resource dependence theory:A metaanalysis[J].Journal of Management,2013,2:1-33.
[10]Elsbach K D and Sutton R I. Acquiring organizational legitimacy through illegitimate actions:A marriage of institutional and impression management theories[J].The Academy of Management Journal,1992,35(4):699-738.
[11]Fennell M L. The effects of environmental characteristics on the structure of hospital clusters[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1980,25(3):485-510.
[12]Glynn M A and Abzug R. Institutionalizing identity:Symbolic isomorphism and organizational names[J].Academy of Management Journal,2002,45(1):267-280.
[13]Haveman H A. Follow the leader:Mimetic isomorphism and entry into new markets[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1993,38(4):593-627.
[14]JeanPhilippe V. Toward a new measure of organizational legitimacy:Method,validation,and illustration [J].Organizational Research Methods,2011,14(3):106-108.
[15]Johnson C,et al. Legitimacy as a social process[J].Annual Review of Sociology,2006,32:53-78.
[16]Khaire M. Young and no money? Never mind:The material impact of social resources on new venture growth [J].Organization Science,2010,21(1):168-185.
[17]Kostova T and Zaheer S.Organizational legitimacy under conditions of complexity:The case of the multinational enterprise[J].Academy of Management Review,1999,24(1):64-81.
[18]Lounsbury M and Glynn M A. Cultural entrepreneurship:Stories,legitimacy,and the acquisition of resource [J]. Strategic Management Journal,2001,22:545-564.
[19]Maurer J G. Readings in organizational theory:Open system approaches[M].New York;Random House,1971.
[20]Meyer J W and Rowan B. Institutionalized organizations:Formal structure as myth and ceremony [J].American Journal of Sociology,1977,83(2),340-363.
[21]Meyer J W.The impact of the centralization of educational funding and control on state and local organizational governance [J].Institute for Research on Educational Finance and Governance,1979,8:1-33.
[22]Meyer J W and Scott W R.Organizational environments:Ritual and rationality[M].Beverly Hills,CA:Sage,1983.
[23]Navis C and Glynn M A. Legitimate distinctiveness and the entrepreneurial identity:Influence on investor judgments of new venture plausibility[J]. Academy of Management Review,2011,36(3):479-499.
[24]Oliver C. Strategic responses to institutional processes [J]. The Academy of Management Review,1991,16(1):145-179.
[25]Paroutis S and Heracleous L. Discourse revisited:Dimensions and employment of firstorder strategy discourse during institutional adoption [J].Strategic Management Journal,2013,34:935-956.
[26]Parsons T. Structure and process in modern societies[M]. Glencoe,IL:Free Press,1960.
[27]Pfeffer J and Salancik G R. The external control of organizations:A resource dependence perspective[M].New York:Harper & Row,1978.
[28]Ruebottom T. The microstructures of rhetorical strategy in social entrepreneurship:Building legitimacy through heroes and villains[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2013,28:98-116.
[29]Rutherford M W and Buller P F.Searching for the legitimacy threshold[J].Journal of Management Inquiry,2007,16(1):78-92.
[30]Scott W R.Institutions and organizations[M].Thousand Oaks,CA:Sage,1995.
[31]Suchman M C. Managing legitimacy:Strategic and institutional approaches[J]. The Academy of Management Review.1995,20(3):571-610.
[32]Tornikoski E T and Newbert S L. Exploring the determinants of organizational emergence:A legitimacy perspective[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2007,22:311-335.
[33]berbacher F. Legitimation of new ventures:A review and research programme[J]. Journal of Management Studies,2014,51(4):667-698.
[34]Zimmerman M A and Zeitz G J. Beyond survival:Achieving new venture growth by building legitimacy[J]. Academy of Management Review,2002,27(3):414-431.
[36]蔡莉,葛宝山,朱秀梅,费宇鹏,柳青.基于资源视角的创业研究框架构建 [J].中国工业经济,2007,(11):96-103.
[38]杜运周,任兵,陈忠卫,张玉利. 先动性、合法化与中小企业成长——一个中介模型及其启示[J].管理世界,2008,(12):126 -148.
[46]杰弗里·蒂蒙斯等. 创业学:21世纪的创业精神[M].人民邮电出版社,1999.
[48]李雪灵,万妮娜. 基于Timmons创业要素模型的创业经验作用研究[J].管理世界,2009,(8):182-183.
[49]李雪灵,马文杰,刘钊,董保宝. 合法性视角下的创业导向与企业成长:基于中国新企业的实证检验[J].中国工业经济,2011,(8):99-108.
[54]田茂利,杨宏,德米特勒·基马. 论创业企业合法性及其印象管理策略[J].企业经济,2009,(1):59-61.
[2]Ahlstrom D,Bruton G D and Yeh K S. Private firms in China:Building legitimacy in an emerging economy [J]. Journal of World Business,2008,(43):385-399.
[3]Aldrich H E and Fiol C M. Fools rush in?The institutional context of industry creation[J].The Academy of Management Review,1994,19(4):545-670.
[4]Ashforth B E and Gibbs B W. The doubleedge of organizational legitimation[J].Organization Science,1990,1(2):177-194.
[5]Dacin M T,et al.The Legitimacy of strategic alliances:An institutional perspective[J].Strategic Management Journal,2007,28(2),169-187.
[6]Dimaggio P J and Powell W W. The iron cage revisited:Institutional isomorphism and collective rationality in organizational fields[J].American Sociological Review,1983,48(2):147-160.
[7]Doh J P,et al.Does the market respond to an endorsement of social responsibility? The role of institutions,information,and legitimacy[J].Journal of Management,2010,36(6):1461-1485.
[8]Dowling J and Pfeffer J. Organizational legitimacy:Social value and organizational behaviour[J].The Pacific Sociological Review,1975,18(1):122-136.
[9]Drees J M and Heugens P P M A R. Synthesizing and extending resource dependence theory:A metaanalysis[J].Journal of Management,2013,2:1-33.
[10]Elsbach K D and Sutton R I. Acquiring organizational legitimacy through illegitimate actions:A marriage of institutional and impression management theories[J].The Academy of Management Journal,1992,35(4):699-738.
[11]Fennell M L. The effects of environmental characteristics on the structure of hospital clusters[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1980,25(3):485-510.
[12]Glynn M A and Abzug R. Institutionalizing identity:Symbolic isomorphism and organizational names[J].Academy of Management Journal,2002,45(1):267-280.
[13]Haveman H A. Follow the leader:Mimetic isomorphism and entry into new markets[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1993,38(4):593-627.
[14]JeanPhilippe V. Toward a new measure of organizational legitimacy:Method,validation,and illustration [J].Organizational Research Methods,2011,14(3):106-108.
[15]Johnson C,et al. Legitimacy as a social process[J].Annual Review of Sociology,2006,32:53-78.
[16]Khaire M. Young and no money? Never mind:The material impact of social resources on new venture growth [J].Organization Science,2010,21(1):168-185.
[17]Kostova T and Zaheer S.Organizational legitimacy under conditions of complexity:The case of the multinational enterprise[J].Academy of Management Review,1999,24(1):64-81.
[18]Lounsbury M and Glynn M A. Cultural entrepreneurship:Stories,legitimacy,and the acquisition of resource [J]. Strategic Management Journal,2001,22:545-564.
[19]Maurer J G. Readings in organizational theory:Open system approaches[M].New York;Random House,1971.
[20]Meyer J W and Rowan B. Institutionalized organizations:Formal structure as myth and ceremony [J].American Journal of Sociology,1977,83(2),340-363.
[21]Meyer J W.The impact of the centralization of educational funding and control on state and local organizational governance [J].Institute for Research on Educational Finance and Governance,1979,8:1-33.
[22]Meyer J W and Scott W R.Organizational environments:Ritual and rationality[M].Beverly Hills,CA:Sage,1983.
[23]Navis C and Glynn M A. Legitimate distinctiveness and the entrepreneurial identity:Influence on investor judgments of new venture plausibility[J]. Academy of Management Review,2011,36(3):479-499.
[24]Oliver C. Strategic responses to institutional processes [J]. The Academy of Management Review,1991,16(1):145-179.
[25]Paroutis S and Heracleous L. Discourse revisited:Dimensions and employment of firstorder strategy discourse during institutional adoption [J].Strategic Management Journal,2013,34:935-956.
[26]Parsons T. Structure and process in modern societies[M]. Glencoe,IL:Free Press,1960.
[27]Pfeffer J and Salancik G R. The external control of organizations:A resource dependence perspective[M].New York:Harper & Row,1978.
[28]Ruebottom T. The microstructures of rhetorical strategy in social entrepreneurship:Building legitimacy through heroes and villains[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2013,28:98-116.
[29]Rutherford M W and Buller P F.Searching for the legitimacy threshold[J].Journal of Management Inquiry,2007,16(1):78-92.
[30]Scott W R.Institutions and organizations[M].Thousand Oaks,CA:Sage,1995.
[31]Suchman M C. Managing legitimacy:Strategic and institutional approaches[J]. The Academy of Management Review.1995,20(3):571-610.
[32]Tornikoski E T and Newbert S L. Exploring the determinants of organizational emergence:A legitimacy perspective[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2007,22:311-335.
[33]berbacher F. Legitimation of new ventures:A review and research programme[J]. Journal of Management Studies,2014,51(4):667-698.
[34]Zimmerman M A and Zeitz G J. Beyond survival:Achieving new venture growth by building legitimacy[J]. Academy of Management Review,2002,27(3):414-431.
[36]蔡莉,葛宝山,朱秀梅,费宇鹏,柳青.基于资源视角的创业研究框架构建 [J].中国工业经济,2007,(11):96-103.
[38]杜运周,任兵,陈忠卫,张玉利. 先动性、合法化与中小企业成长——一个中介模型及其启示[J].管理世界,2008,(12):126 -148.
[46]杰弗里·蒂蒙斯等. 创业学:21世纪的创业精神[M].人民邮电出版社,1999.
[48]李雪灵,万妮娜. 基于Timmons创业要素模型的创业经验作用研究[J].管理世界,2009,(8):182-183.
[49]李雪灵,马文杰,刘钊,董保宝. 合法性视角下的创业导向与企业成长:基于中国新企业的实证检验[J].中国工业经济,2011,(8):99-108.
[54]田茂利,杨宏,德米特勒·基马. 论创业企业合法性及其印象管理策略[J].企业经济,2009,(1):59-61.
马 蔷, 李雪灵, 申 佳, 等. 创业企业合法化战略研究的演化路径与体系构建[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2015, 37(10): 0.