外国经济与管理 2006 年 第 28 卷第 01 期, 页码:60 - 65
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[2]Cooper,A C,T B Folta,C Woo.Entrepreneurial information search[J].Journal of Business Venturing,1995,10:107-120.
[3]Low,M B,I C MacMillan.Entrepreneurship:past research and future challenges[J].Journal of Management,1988,14(2):139-161.
[4]Aldrich,H.Organizations evolving[M].Newbury Park:Sage Publications,1999.
[5]Aldrich,H,T Baker.Blinded by the cites?has there been progress in the entrepreneurship field?[A].In:Entrepre-neurship 2000[C].Chicago:Upstart Publishing Company,1997.
[6]Aldrich,H,M E Martinez.Many are called but few are chosen:an evolutionary perspective for the study of entrepre-neurship[J].Entrepreneurship Theory&Practice,2001,25(4):41-56.
[7]Baumol,W J.Entrepreneurship in economic theory[J].American Economic Review,1968,58(2):64-71.
[8]Baumol,W J,J C Panzar,R D Willig.Contestable markets and the theory of industry structure[M].San Diego:Har-court Brace Jovanovich,1982:52-125.
[9]Reynolds,P D,N M Carter,W B Gartner,P G Greene.The prevalence of nascent entrepreneurs in the United States:evidence from the panel study of entrepreneurial dynamics[J].Small Business Economics,2004,23:263-284.
[10]Busenitz,L W,G P West,D Shepherd,T Nelson,G N Chandler,A Zacharakis.Entrepreneurship research in emergence:past trends and future directions[J].Journal of Management,2003,29(3):285-308.
方世建, 程磊. 创业家与中小企业研究奖评介及创业研究展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2006, 28(1): 60–65.