外国经济与管理 2013 年 第 35 卷第 02 期, 页码:52 - 62
[1]Bond F W and Flaxman P E.The ability of psychological flexi-bility and job control to predict learning,job performance,and mental health[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior Manage-ment,2006,26(1/2):113-130.
[2]Bremner J D.Does stress damage the brain?[J].Biological Psychiatry,1999,45(7):797-805.
[3]Cavanaugh M A,et al.An empirical examination of self-repor-ted work stress among U.S.managers[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2000,85(1):65-74.
[4]Daniels K,et al.An experience sampling study of learning,af-fect,and the demands control support model[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2009,94(4):1003-1017.
[5]Daniels K,et al.Problem solving and well-being:Exploring the instrumental role of job control and social support[J].Journal of Management,2012,38(4):1-28.
[6]De Jonge J,et al.“Take a break?!”Off-job recovery,job de-mands,and job resources as predictors of health,active lear-ning,and creativity[J].European Journal of Work and Organi-zational Psychology,2012,12(3):321-348.
[7]De Lange A H,et al.On the relationships among work charac-teristics and learning-related behavior:Does age matter?[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2009,31(7):925-950.
[8]Demerouti E,et al.The job demands-resources model of burn-out[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2001,86(3):499-512.
[9]Frese M,et al.Making things happen:Reciprocal relationships between work characteristics and personal initiative in a four-wave longitudinal structural equation model[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2007,92(4):1084-1120.
[10]Ganster D C and Schaubroeck J.Work stress and employee health[J].Journal of Management,1991,17(2):235-271.
[11]Holman D J and Wall T D.Work characteristics,learning-re-lated outcomes,and strain:A test of competing direct effects,mediated,and moderated models[J].Journal of Occupational Health Psychology,2002,7(4):283-301.
[12]Johnson J V and Hall E M.Job strain,work place social sup-port,and cardiovascular disease:A cross-sectional study of a random sample of the Swedish working population[J].A-merican Journal of Public Health,1988,78(10):1336-1342.
[13]Karasek R.Job demands,job decision latitude,and mental strain:Implications for job redesign[J].Administrative Sci-ence Quarterly,1979,24(2):258-306.
[14]Karasek R and Theorell T.Healthy work:Stress,productivi-ty and the reconstruction of working life[M].New York:Basic Books,1990.
[15]Lazarus R S.Progress on cognitive-motivational-relational theory of emotions[J].American Psychologist,1991,46(8):819-834.
[16]Meurs J A and Perrewe P L.Cognitive activation theory of stress:An integrative theoretical approach to work stress[J].Journal of Management,2011,37(4):1043-1068.
[17]Morrison D,et al.Job design,opportunities for skill utiliza-tion,and intrinsic job satisfaction[J].European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology,2005,14(1):59-79.
[18]Ouweneel A P E,et al.How task characteristics and social support relate to managerial learning:Empirical evidence from Dutch home care[J].Journal of Psychology,2009,143(1):28-44.
[19]Parker S K and Sprigg C A.Minimizing strain and maximi-zing learning:The role of job demands,job control,and pro-active personality[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,1999,84(6):925-939.
[20]Preston S D,et al.Effects of anticipatory stress on decision making in a gambling task[J].Behavioral Neuroscience,2007,121(2):257-263.
[21]Proost K,et al.Coping with unmet expectations:Learning opportunities as a buffer against emotional exhaustion and turnover intentions[J].European Journal of Work and Orga-nizational Psychology,2012,21(1):7-27.
[22]Rau R.Learning opportunities at work as predictor for reco-very and health[J].European Journal of Work and Organiza-tional Psychology,2006,15(2):158-180.
[23]Ruysseveldt J V,et al.Job resources and emotional exhaus-tion:The mediating role of learning opportunities[J].Work&Stress,2011,25(3):205-223.
[24]Shih S P,et al.Learning demand and job autonomy of IT per-sonnel:Impact on turnover intention[J].Computers in Hu-man Behavior,2011,27(6):2301-2307.
[25]Taris T W,et al.Learning new behavior patterns:A longitu-dinal test of Karasek’s active learning hypothesis among Dutch teachers[J].Work&Stress,2003,17(1):1-20.
[26]Taris T W and Feij J A.Learning and strain among newco-mers:A three-wave study on the effects of job demands and job control[J].Journal of Psychology,2004,138(6):543-563.
[27]Taris T W,et al.Professional efficacy,exhaustion,and work characteristics among police officers:A longitudinal test of the learning-related predictions of the demand-control model[J].Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology,2010,83(2):455-474.
[28]Ursin H and Eridsen H R.The cognitive activation theory of stress[J].Psychoneuroendocrinology,2004,29(5):567-592.
[29]Van der Doef M and Maes S.The job demand-control(-sup-port)model and psychological well-being:A review of20 years of empirical research[J].Work&Stress,1999,13(2):87-114.
[30]Van Yperen N W and Hagedoorn M.Do high job demands increase intrinsic motivation or fatigue or both?The role of job control and job social support[J].Academy of Manage-ment Journal,2003,46(3):339-348.
[31]Waugh C E,et al.Cardiovascular and affective recovery from anticipatory threat[J].Biological Psychology,2010,84(2):169-175.
[32]Weststar J.Give me the room to learn:Associations between job control and work-related learning[J].Canadian Journal of Work and Society,2007,11(Fall):6-15.
[33]Weststar J.Worker control and workplace learning:Expan-sion of the job demand-control model[J].Industrial Rela-tions,2009,48(3):533-548.
[34]Xanthopoulou D,et al.Reciprocal relationships between job resources,personal resources,and work engagement[J].Journal of Vocational Behavior,2009,74(3):235-244.
[2]Bremner J D.Does stress damage the brain?[J].Biological Psychiatry,1999,45(7):797-805.
[3]Cavanaugh M A,et al.An empirical examination of self-repor-ted work stress among U.S.managers[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2000,85(1):65-74.
[4]Daniels K,et al.An experience sampling study of learning,af-fect,and the demands control support model[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2009,94(4):1003-1017.
[5]Daniels K,et al.Problem solving and well-being:Exploring the instrumental role of job control and social support[J].Journal of Management,2012,38(4):1-28.
[6]De Jonge J,et al.“Take a break?!”Off-job recovery,job de-mands,and job resources as predictors of health,active lear-ning,and creativity[J].European Journal of Work and Organi-zational Psychology,2012,12(3):321-348.
[7]De Lange A H,et al.On the relationships among work charac-teristics and learning-related behavior:Does age matter?[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2009,31(7):925-950.
[8]Demerouti E,et al.The job demands-resources model of burn-out[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2001,86(3):499-512.
[9]Frese M,et al.Making things happen:Reciprocal relationships between work characteristics and personal initiative in a four-wave longitudinal structural equation model[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2007,92(4):1084-1120.
[10]Ganster D C and Schaubroeck J.Work stress and employee health[J].Journal of Management,1991,17(2):235-271.
[11]Holman D J and Wall T D.Work characteristics,learning-re-lated outcomes,and strain:A test of competing direct effects,mediated,and moderated models[J].Journal of Occupational Health Psychology,2002,7(4):283-301.
[12]Johnson J V and Hall E M.Job strain,work place social sup-port,and cardiovascular disease:A cross-sectional study of a random sample of the Swedish working population[J].A-merican Journal of Public Health,1988,78(10):1336-1342.
[13]Karasek R.Job demands,job decision latitude,and mental strain:Implications for job redesign[J].Administrative Sci-ence Quarterly,1979,24(2):258-306.
[14]Karasek R and Theorell T.Healthy work:Stress,productivi-ty and the reconstruction of working life[M].New York:Basic Books,1990.
[15]Lazarus R S.Progress on cognitive-motivational-relational theory of emotions[J].American Psychologist,1991,46(8):819-834.
[16]Meurs J A and Perrewe P L.Cognitive activation theory of stress:An integrative theoretical approach to work stress[J].Journal of Management,2011,37(4):1043-1068.
[17]Morrison D,et al.Job design,opportunities for skill utiliza-tion,and intrinsic job satisfaction[J].European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology,2005,14(1):59-79.
[18]Ouweneel A P E,et al.How task characteristics and social support relate to managerial learning:Empirical evidence from Dutch home care[J].Journal of Psychology,2009,143(1):28-44.
[19]Parker S K and Sprigg C A.Minimizing strain and maximi-zing learning:The role of job demands,job control,and pro-active personality[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,1999,84(6):925-939.
[20]Preston S D,et al.Effects of anticipatory stress on decision making in a gambling task[J].Behavioral Neuroscience,2007,121(2):257-263.
[21]Proost K,et al.Coping with unmet expectations:Learning opportunities as a buffer against emotional exhaustion and turnover intentions[J].European Journal of Work and Orga-nizational Psychology,2012,21(1):7-27.
[22]Rau R.Learning opportunities at work as predictor for reco-very and health[J].European Journal of Work and Organiza-tional Psychology,2006,15(2):158-180.
[23]Ruysseveldt J V,et al.Job resources and emotional exhaus-tion:The mediating role of learning opportunities[J].Work&Stress,2011,25(3):205-223.
[24]Shih S P,et al.Learning demand and job autonomy of IT per-sonnel:Impact on turnover intention[J].Computers in Hu-man Behavior,2011,27(6):2301-2307.
[25]Taris T W,et al.Learning new behavior patterns:A longitu-dinal test of Karasek’s active learning hypothesis among Dutch teachers[J].Work&Stress,2003,17(1):1-20.
[26]Taris T W and Feij J A.Learning and strain among newco-mers:A three-wave study on the effects of job demands and job control[J].Journal of Psychology,2004,138(6):543-563.
[27]Taris T W,et al.Professional efficacy,exhaustion,and work characteristics among police officers:A longitudinal test of the learning-related predictions of the demand-control model[J].Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology,2010,83(2):455-474.
[28]Ursin H and Eridsen H R.The cognitive activation theory of stress[J].Psychoneuroendocrinology,2004,29(5):567-592.
[29]Van der Doef M and Maes S.The job demand-control(-sup-port)model and psychological well-being:A review of20 years of empirical research[J].Work&Stress,1999,13(2):87-114.
[30]Van Yperen N W and Hagedoorn M.Do high job demands increase intrinsic motivation or fatigue or both?The role of job control and job social support[J].Academy of Manage-ment Journal,2003,46(3):339-348.
[31]Waugh C E,et al.Cardiovascular and affective recovery from anticipatory threat[J].Biological Psychology,2010,84(2):169-175.
[32]Weststar J.Give me the room to learn:Associations between job control and work-related learning[J].Canadian Journal of Work and Society,2007,11(Fall):6-15.
[33]Weststar J.Worker control and workplace learning:Expan-sion of the job demand-control model[J].Industrial Rela-tions,2009,48(3):533-548.
[34]Xanthopoulou D,et al.Reciprocal relationships between job resources,personal resources,and work engagement[J].Journal of Vocational Behavior,2009,74(3):235-244.
赵欣, 刘倩, 于玲玲. 工作压力学习效应研究述评与三元互惠模型构建[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2013, 35(2): 52–62.