外国经济与管理 2013 年 第 35 卷第 01 期, 页码:63 - 72
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[2]Bailey K D.Methods of social research:Qualitative and quan-titative approaches[M].(4th Ed.).New York:Free Press,1994:48.
[3]Browne M,et al.Managing strategically[A].Fulop L and Linstead S(Eds.).Management:A critical text[C].London:Macmillan Business,1999:364-413.
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[6]Foster W P.Paradigm and promises:Reviewing administra-tive theories[A].Capper C A(Ed).Educational administra-tion in a pluralistic society:A multi-paradigm approach[C].Buffalo,New York:Prometheus Books,1993:57.
[7]Fournier V and Grey C.At the critical moment:Conditions and prospects for critical management studies[J].Human Re-lations,2000,53(1):7-32.
[8]Grey C and Mitev N N.Business process re-engineering:A critical appraisal[J].Personnel Review,1995,24(1):6-18.
[9]Kay J.Foundations of corporate success:How business strate-gies add value[M].London:Oxford University Press,2003.
[10]Kincheloe J L and McLaren P L.Rethinking critical theory and qualitative research[A].Denzin N K and Lincoln Y S(Eds.).Handbook of qualitative research[C].Thousand Oaks,California:Sage Publications,1994:138-157.
[11]Peattie K.Strategic planning:Its role in organizational poli-tics[J].Long Range Planning,1993,26(3):8-18.
[12]Putnam L L and Pacanowsky M E.Communication and or-ganizations:An interpretive approach[M].Beverly Hill,Cali-fornia:Sage Publications,1983.
[13]Senge P M.The fifth discipline:The art and practice of the learning organization[M].New York:Doubleday Currency,1990.
[14]Sievers B.Work,death,and life itself:Essays on manage-ment and organization[M].Berlin:Walter de Gruyter,1994.
[15]Sinclair A.Approaches to organizational culture and ethics[J].Journal of Business Ethics,1993,12(1):63-73.
[16]Slif B D and Williams R.What’s behind the research?Dis-covering hidden assumptions in the behavioral sciences[M].London:Sage Publications,1995.
[2]Bailey K D.Methods of social research:Qualitative and quan-titative approaches[M].(4th Ed.).New York:Free Press,1994:48.
[3]Browne M,et al.Managing strategically[A].Fulop L and Linstead S(Eds.).Management:A critical text[C].London:Macmillan Business,1999:364-413.
[4]Buchanan D A and Badham R J.Power,politics,and organiza-tional change:Winning the turf game(Human Resource Mana-gement Series)[M].(2nd Ed.).Los Angeles:Sage Publica-tions,2008.
[5]Delanty G.Social science:Philosophical and methodological foun-dations[M].(2nd Ed.).London:Open University Press,2005.
[6]Foster W P.Paradigm and promises:Reviewing administra-tive theories[A].Capper C A(Ed).Educational administra-tion in a pluralistic society:A multi-paradigm approach[C].Buffalo,New York:Prometheus Books,1993:57.
[7]Fournier V and Grey C.At the critical moment:Conditions and prospects for critical management studies[J].Human Re-lations,2000,53(1):7-32.
[8]Grey C and Mitev N N.Business process re-engineering:A critical appraisal[J].Personnel Review,1995,24(1):6-18.
[9]Kay J.Foundations of corporate success:How business strate-gies add value[M].London:Oxford University Press,2003.
[10]Kincheloe J L and McLaren P L.Rethinking critical theory and qualitative research[A].Denzin N K and Lincoln Y S(Eds.).Handbook of qualitative research[C].Thousand Oaks,California:Sage Publications,1994:138-157.
[11]Peattie K.Strategic planning:Its role in organizational poli-tics[J].Long Range Planning,1993,26(3):8-18.
[12]Putnam L L and Pacanowsky M E.Communication and or-ganizations:An interpretive approach[M].Beverly Hill,Cali-fornia:Sage Publications,1983.
[13]Senge P M.The fifth discipline:The art and practice of the learning organization[M].New York:Doubleday Currency,1990.
[14]Sievers B.Work,death,and life itself:Essays on manage-ment and organization[M].Berlin:Walter de Gruyter,1994.
[15]Sinclair A.Approaches to organizational culture and ethics[J].Journal of Business Ethics,1993,12(1):63-73.
[16]Slif B D and Williams R.What’s behind the research?Dis-covering hidden assumptions in the behavioral sciences[M].London:Sage Publications,1995.
罗珉, 甘元霞. 管理学批判理论述评[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2013, 35(1): 63–72.