财经研究 2011 年 第 37 卷第 08 期, 页码:80 - 91
[5]Mielnik O,Goldemberg J.Foreign direct investment and decoupling between energy and gross domestic product in developing countries[J].Energy Policy,2002,30:87-89.
[6]Cole M A.Does trade liberalization increase national energy use?[J].Economics Letters,2006,92:108-112.
[7]Keller W,International technology diffusion[J].Journal of Economic Literature,2004,42(3):752-782.
[8]Borensztein E,De Gregorio J,Lee J-W.How does foreign direct investment affect economic growth?[J].Journal of International Economics,1998,45:115-135.
[9]Hübler M,Keller A.Energy saving via FDI?Empirical evidence from developing countries.[J].Environment and Development Economics,2010,15:59-80.
[10]Alfaro L,Chanda A,Kalemli-Ozcan S,Sayek S.Does foreign direct investment promote growth?Exploring the role of financial markets on linkages[J].Journal of Development Economics,2010,91:242-256.
[11]Eskeland G,Harrison A.Moving to greener pastures?Multinationals and the pollution haven hypothesis[J].Journal of Development Economics,2003,70(1):1-23.
[12]Fisher-Vanden K,Jefferson G H,Liu H,Tao Q.What is driving China’s decline in energy intensity?[J].Resource and Energy Economics,2004,26:77-97.
[13]Alfaro L,Chanda A,Kalemli-Ozcan S,Sayek S,FDI and economic growth:The role of local financial markets[J].Journal of International Economics 2004,64:89-112.
[14]Lee C,Chang C,FDI,financial development,and economic growth:international evidence[J].Journal of Applied Economics.2009,12(2),249-271.
[15]Shafik N.Economic development and environmental quality:An econometric analysis[J].Oxford Economic Papers,1994,46:757-773.
[16]Grossman G M,Krueger A B,Economic growth and the environment[J].The Quarterly Journal of Economics,1995,110(2):353-377.
[17]Grossman G M,Krueger A B.Environmental impacts of a North American free trade agreement[R].NBER Working Paper,No.3914,1991.
[18]Antweiler W.Copeland B R,Taylor M S.Is free trade good for the environment?[J].The American Economic Review,2001,91(4):877-908.
[19]Easterly M,Levine R,Africa’s growth tragedy:A retrospective,1960-1989[R].World Bank Policy Research Working Paper,No.1503,1995.
[20]Javorcik B S.The composition of foreign direct investment and protection of intellectual property rights:Evidence from transition economies[J].European Economic Review 2004,48(1):39-62.
[5]Mielnik O,Goldemberg J.Foreign direct investment and decoupling between energy and gross domestic product in developing countries[J].Energy Policy,2002,30:87-89.
[6]Cole M A.Does trade liberalization increase national energy use?[J].Economics Letters,2006,92:108-112.
[7]Keller W,International technology diffusion[J].Journal of Economic Literature,2004,42(3):752-782.
[8]Borensztein E,De Gregorio J,Lee J-W.How does foreign direct investment affect economic growth?[J].Journal of International Economics,1998,45:115-135.
[9]Hübler M,Keller A.Energy saving via FDI?Empirical evidence from developing countries.[J].Environment and Development Economics,2010,15:59-80.
[10]Alfaro L,Chanda A,Kalemli-Ozcan S,Sayek S.Does foreign direct investment promote growth?Exploring the role of financial markets on linkages[J].Journal of Development Economics,2010,91:242-256.
[11]Eskeland G,Harrison A.Moving to greener pastures?Multinationals and the pollution haven hypothesis[J].Journal of Development Economics,2003,70(1):1-23.
[12]Fisher-Vanden K,Jefferson G H,Liu H,Tao Q.What is driving China’s decline in energy intensity?[J].Resource and Energy Economics,2004,26:77-97.
[13]Alfaro L,Chanda A,Kalemli-Ozcan S,Sayek S,FDI and economic growth:The role of local financial markets[J].Journal of International Economics 2004,64:89-112.
[14]Lee C,Chang C,FDI,financial development,and economic growth:international evidence[J].Journal of Applied Economics.2009,12(2),249-271.
[15]Shafik N.Economic development and environmental quality:An econometric analysis[J].Oxford Economic Papers,1994,46:757-773.
[16]Grossman G M,Krueger A B,Economic growth and the environment[J].The Quarterly Journal of Economics,1995,110(2):353-377.
[17]Grossman G M,Krueger A B.Environmental impacts of a North American free trade agreement[R].NBER Working Paper,No.3914,1991.
[18]Antweiler W.Copeland B R,Taylor M S.Is free trade good for the environment?[J].The American Economic Review,2001,91(4):877-908.
[19]Easterly M,Levine R,Africa’s growth tragedy:A retrospective,1960-1989[R].World Bank Policy Research Working Paper,No.1503,1995.
[20]Javorcik B S.The composition of foreign direct investment and protection of intellectual property rights:Evidence from transition economies[J].European Economic Review 2004,48(1):39-62.
孙浦阳, 武力超, 陈思阳. 外商直接投资与能源消费强度非线性关系探究——基于开放条件下环境“库兹涅茨曲线”框架的分析[J]. 财经研究, 2011, 37(8): 80–91.