财经研究 2014 年 第 40 卷第 11 期, 页码:17 - 28
[6]Bjorklund A,Markus J.Intergenerational income mobility in Sweden compared to the United States[J].American Economics Review,1997,87(5):1009-1018.
[7]Corak M,Heisz A.The intergenerational earnings and income mobility of Canadian men:Evidence from longitudinal income tax data[J].Journal of Human Resources,1999,34(3):504-533.
[8]Couch K A,Dunn T A.Intergenerational correlations in labor market status:A comparison of the United States and Germany[J].Journal of Human Resources,1997,32(1):210-232.
[9]Dearden L,Machin S,Reed H.Intergenerational mobility in Britain[J].The Economic Journal,1997,107(440):47-66.
[10]Hansen B E.Threshold effects in non-dynamic panels:Estimation,testing,and inference[J].Journal of Econometrics,1999,93(2):345-368.
[11]Lillard L A,Kilburn M R.Intergenerational earnings links:Sons and daughters[R].Labor and Population Program Working Paper,1995.
[12]Nicoletti C,Tanturri M L.Differences in delaying motherhood across European countries:Empirical evidence from the ECHP[J].European Journal of Population/Revue européenne de Démographie,2008,24(2):157-183.
[13]Nilsen A O,Vaage K,Aakvik A,et al.Estimates of intergenerational elasticities based on lifetime earnings[J].IZA Discussion Papers No.3709,2008.
[14]Pekkarinen T,Uusitalo R,Kerr S.School tracking and intergenerational income mobility:Evidence from the finnish comprehensive school reform[J].Journal of Public Economics,2009,93(7):965-973.
[15]Piraino P.Comparable estimates of intergenerational income mobility in Italy[J].The B.E.Journal of Economic Analysis&Policy,2007,7(2):1-27.
[16]Solon G.Intergenerational income mobility in the United States[J].The American Economic Review,1992,82(3):393-408.
[17]Mayer E S,Lopoo L M.Government spending and intergenerational mobility[J].Journal of Public Economics,2008,92(1-2):139-158.
[18]Zimmerman D J.Regression toward mediocrity in economic stature[J].American Economic Review,1992,82(3):409-429.
[6]Bjorklund A,Markus J.Intergenerational income mobility in Sweden compared to the United States[J].American Economics Review,1997,87(5):1009-1018.
[7]Corak M,Heisz A.The intergenerational earnings and income mobility of Canadian men:Evidence from longitudinal income tax data[J].Journal of Human Resources,1999,34(3):504-533.
[8]Couch K A,Dunn T A.Intergenerational correlations in labor market status:A comparison of the United States and Germany[J].Journal of Human Resources,1997,32(1):210-232.
[9]Dearden L,Machin S,Reed H.Intergenerational mobility in Britain[J].The Economic Journal,1997,107(440):47-66.
[10]Hansen B E.Threshold effects in non-dynamic panels:Estimation,testing,and inference[J].Journal of Econometrics,1999,93(2):345-368.
[11]Lillard L A,Kilburn M R.Intergenerational earnings links:Sons and daughters[R].Labor and Population Program Working Paper,1995.
[12]Nicoletti C,Tanturri M L.Differences in delaying motherhood across European countries:Empirical evidence from the ECHP[J].European Journal of Population/Revue européenne de Démographie,2008,24(2):157-183.
[13]Nilsen A O,Vaage K,Aakvik A,et al.Estimates of intergenerational elasticities based on lifetime earnings[J].IZA Discussion Papers No.3709,2008.
[14]Pekkarinen T,Uusitalo R,Kerr S.School tracking and intergenerational income mobility:Evidence from the finnish comprehensive school reform[J].Journal of Public Economics,2009,93(7):965-973.
[15]Piraino P.Comparable estimates of intergenerational income mobility in Italy[J].The B.E.Journal of Economic Analysis&Policy,2007,7(2):1-27.
[16]Solon G.Intergenerational income mobility in the United States[J].The American Economic Review,1992,82(3):393-408.
[17]Mayer E S,Lopoo L M.Government spending and intergenerational mobility[J].Journal of Public Economics,2008,92(1-2):139-158.
[18]Zimmerman D J.Regression toward mediocrity in economic stature[J].American Economic Review,1992,82(3):409-429.
徐俊武, 易祥瑞. 增加公共教育支出能够缓解“二代”现象吗?——基于CHNS的代际收入流动性分析[J]. 财经研究, 2014, 40(11): 17–28.