财经研究 2006 年 第 32 卷第 01 期, 页码:106 - 114
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[5]Willis R.Wage determinants:A survey and reinterpretation of human capital earningsfunctions.In:Orley C.Ashenfelter&richard layard(eds.)[C].Handbook of Labor E-conomics Vol.1.Amsterdam:Elsevier Science Publishers/North-Holland,1986,525~602.
[6]Moffitt R.New developments in econometric methods for labor market analysis.In:Or-ley C.Ashenfelter and David Card(eds.)[C].Handbook of Labor Economics,1999,3:1367~1397.
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[8]Mincer J.Investment in human capital and personal income distribution[J].ournal ofPolitical Economy,1958,66:281~302.
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[10]Sascha O Becker,Andrea Ichino.Estimation of average treatment effects based on pro-pensity scores[J].The Stata Journal.2002,4:358~377.
[2]Griliches,Z.Estimating the returns to schooling:Some econometric problems[J].Econ-ometrica,1977,45(1):1~22.
[3]Roy A.Some thoughts on the distribution of earnings[J].Oxford Economic Papers,1951,3:135~146.
[4]Willis R,S Rosen.Education and self-selection[J].Journal of Political Economy,1979,87(5):S7~S36.
[5]Willis R.Wage determinants:A survey and reinterpretation of human capital earningsfunctions.In:Orley C.Ashenfelter&richard layard(eds.)[C].Handbook of Labor E-conomics Vol.1.Amsterdam:Elsevier Science Publishers/North-Holland,1986,525~602.
[6]Moffitt R.New developments in econometric methods for labor market analysis.In:Or-ley C.Ashenfelter and David Card(eds.)[C].Handbook of Labor Economics,1999,3:1367~1397.
[7]Alan B Krueger.Labor policy and labor research since the 1960s:Two ships sailing in orthog-onal directions[C].http://www.irs.princeton.edu/pubs/pdfs/428.pdf.Dec.1999.
[8]Mincer J.Investment in human capital and personal income distribution[J].ournal ofPolitical Economy,1958,66:281~302.
[9]Rosenbaum P,D B Rubin.The central role of the propensity score in observational stud-ies for causal effects[J].Biometrika.1983,70:41~55.
[10]Sascha O Becker,Andrea Ichino.Estimation of average treatment effects based on pro-pensity scores[J].The Stata Journal.2002,4:358~377.
任兆璋, 范闽. 教育工资升水率的微观计量分析[J]. 财经研究, 2006, 32(1): 106–114.