财经研究 2005 年 第 31 卷第 12 期, 页码:97 - 108
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[17]La Porta R,Lopez-de-Silanes F,Shleifer A,et al.Investor protection and corporategovernance[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2000,58:3~28.
[18]Mao C X.Interaction of debt agency problems and optimal capital structure:Theoryand evidence[J].Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,2003,38:399~423.
[19]Morck R,Shleifer A,Vishny R.Management ownership and market valuation:Anempirical analysis[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1988,20:293~315.
[20]Myers S.Determinants of corporate borrowing[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1977,5:147~175.
[21]Parrino R,Weisbach M S.Measuring investing distortions arising from stockholder-bondholder conflicts[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1999,53:3~42.
[22]Prowse S D.Institutional investment patterns and corporate financial behavior in theUnited States and Japan[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1990,27:43~66.
[23]Shleifer A,Vishny R.A survey of corporate governance[J].Journal of Finance,1997,52:737~783.
[6]Bagnani E,Milonas N,Saunders A,et al.Managers,owners,and the pricing of riskdebt:An empirical analysis[J].Journal of Finance,1994,45:453~477.
[7]Berkovitch E,Kim E.Financial contracting and leverage induced over-and under-invest-ment incentives[J].Journal of Finance,1990,45:765~794.
[8]Berle A,Means G.The modern corporation and private property[M].Macmillan,NewYork,1932.
[9]Bradley M,Jarrell A,Kim H.On the existence of an optimal capital structure[J].Journal of Finance,1984,39:857~878.
[10]Brito J,John K.Leverage and growth opportunities:Risk-avoidance induced by riskydebt[R].Working paper,New York University,2001.
[11]Cho M.Ownership structure,investment,and the corporate value:An empirical anal-ysis[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1998,47:103~121.
[12]Esty B.Organizational form and risk taking in the savings and loan industry[J].Jour-nal of Financial Economics,1997,44:25~55.
[13]Gavish B,Kalay A.On the asset substitution problem[J].Journal of Financial andQuantitative Analysis,1983,18:21~30.
[14]Inderst R,Müller H M.Ownership concentration,monitoring,and the agency cost ofdebt[R].Working paper,University of Mannheim,1999.
[15]Jensen M,Meckling W.Theory of the firm:Managerial behavior,agency costs,andownership structure[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1976,3:305~360.
[16]Johnson S,La Porta R,Lopez-de-Silanes F,et al.Tunneling[J].American EconomicReview,2000,90:22~27.
[17]La Porta R,Lopez-de-Silanes F,Shleifer A,et al.Investor protection and corporategovernance[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2000,58:3~28.
[18]Mao C X.Interaction of debt agency problems and optimal capital structure:Theoryand evidence[J].Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,2003,38:399~423.
[19]Morck R,Shleifer A,Vishny R.Management ownership and market valuation:Anempirical analysis[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1988,20:293~315.
[20]Myers S.Determinants of corporate borrowing[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1977,5:147~175.
[21]Parrino R,Weisbach M S.Measuring investing distortions arising from stockholder-bondholder conflicts[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1999,53:3~42.
[22]Prowse S D.Institutional investment patterns and corporate financial behavior in theUnited States and Japan[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1990,27:43~66.
[23]Shleifer A,Vishny R.A survey of corporate governance[J].Journal of Finance,1997,52:737~783.
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