财经研究 2003 年 第 29 卷第 03 期, 页码:5 - 10
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[3] 杨建龙.关于外商投资与外商投资政策的博弈分析[M].北京:经济科学出版社.2000.
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[8] UNCTAD. 2000, World Investment Report 2000: Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions and Development [R]. New York and Geneva.
[9] Fundenberg D. , and J.. 1983,Tirole Capital as a Commitment:Strategic Investment to Deter Mobility[J]. Journal of Economic Theory,31:227-256.
[10] jean-Pierre Benoit, and Vijay Krishna. 1991, Entry Deterrence and Dynamic Competition[J] International Journal of Industrial Economics. Vol. 9. 477-495.
[11] Bumol,W. J. Panzaar.and R. Willig. 1982,Contestable Markets and the Theory of Industry Structurer [J]. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
[12] Dixit, A.. 1980,The role of investment in entry deterrence[J]. Economic Journal.
[13] Spence,A. M.. 1977,Entry,capacity,investment and oligopo-listic pricing[J]. Bell Journal of Economics.
[14] Hornstein,A.. 1993,Monopolistic Competition,Increasing Returns to Scale and the Importance of Productivity Shocks[J]. Journal of Monetary Economics. 31:299-316.
兰天. 外商投资政策与产业扶持政策协调博弈研究[J]. 财经研究, 2003, 29(3): 5–10.