外国经济与管理 2014 年 第 36 卷第 12 期, 页码:47 - 55
[1]Ahituv N and Carmi N.Measuring the power of information in organizations[J].Human Systems Management,2007,26(4):231-246.
[2]Albino V,et al.Industrial districts as complex adaptive systems:Agent-based model of emergent phenomena[A].Industrial Clusters and Inter-firm Networks[C].Northampton:Edward Elgar Publishing,2005:73-82.
[3]Bonacich P B.Power and centrality:A family of measures[J].American Journal of Sociology,1987,(92):1170-1180.
[4]Brass D J and Burkhardt M E.Potential power and power use:An investigation of structure and behavior[J].Academy of Management Journal,1993,(36):465-490.
[5]Bridge G.Mapping the terrain of time-space compression:Power networks in everyday life[J].Environment and Planning,D:Society and Space,1997,15(5):92-112.
[6]Dicken P.Global shift:Mapping the changing contours of the word economy,5th ed.[M].New York:Guilford,2007.
[7]Emerson R M.Exchange theory:A psychological basis for sociological exchange[A].Berger J,et al(eds.).Sociological Theories in Progress[C].Houghton-Mifflin,1972:121-143.
[8]Foucault M.Power:The essential works of Michel Foucault 1954-1984[M].Volume Two.London:Allen lane,2000.
[9]Freeman L C,et al.On human social intelligence[J].Journal of Social and Biological Structures,1988,(11):950-979.
[10]Gereffi G.Global commodity chains:New forms of coordination and control among nations and firms in international industries[J].Competition and Change,1996,(1):427-439.
[11]Giddens A.The third way:The renewal of social democracy[M].Cambridge:Polity,1998.
[12]Granovetter M.Economic action and social structure:The problem of embeddedness[J].American Journal of Sociology,1985,(91):62-76.
[13]Granovetter M.The impact of social structure on economic outcomes[J].Journal of Economic Perspectives,2005,19:33-50.
[14]Hall S G and Petroulas P.Spatial interdependencies of FDI locations:A lessening of the tyranny of distance?[R].Discussion Papers in Economics,2008.
[15]Harrison B.Industrial districts:Old wine in new bottles[J].Regional Studies,1992,(26):469-483.
[16]Hayek F A.The use of knowledge in society[J].American Economic Review,ⅩⅩⅩⅤ,September,1945,4:519-530.
[17]Hingley M.Power imbalanced relationships:Cases from UK fresh food supply[J].International Journal of Retail&Distribution Management,2005,33(8):487-514.
[18]Kahkonen A.The influence of power position on the depth of collaboration[J].Supply Chain Management:An International Journal,2014,19(1):17-30.
[19]Krackhardt D.Assessing the political landscape:Structure,cognition,and power in organizations[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1990,(35):342-369.
[20]Limerick D.The shape of new organization:Implications for human resource management[J].Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources,1992,30(1):38-52.
[21]Ma D,et al.Power source mismatch and the effectiveness of interorganizational relations:The case of venture capital syndication[J].Academy of Management Journal,2013,56(3):711-734.
[22]Maloni M and Benton W C.Power influence in the supply chain[J].Journal of Business Logistics,2000,21(1):49-73.
[23]Markovsky B.Network exchange outcomes:Limits of predictability[J].Social Networks,1992,14(3-4).
[24]Martin R.Institutional approaches in economic geography[A].Sheppard E and Barnes T(eds.).A Companion to Economic Geography[C].Blackwell Publishing,2000:75-92.
[25]Parsons M D.Power and powerlessness in industry:An analysis of the social relations of production[J].Labor Studies Journal,1988,13(3):231-256.
[26]Smith A.Power relations,industrial clusters,and regional transformations:Pan-european integration and outward processing in the Slovak clothing industry[J].Economic Geography,2003,79(1):17-40.
[27]Sozen H C.Social networks and power in organizations:A research on the roles and positions of the junior level secretaries in an organizational network[J].Personnel Review,2012,41(4):487-512.
[28]Turker D.Analyzing relational sources of power at the interorganizational communication system[J].European ManagementJournal,2014,32(3):509-517.
[29]Yamagishi T,et al.Network connections and the distribution of power in exchange networks[J].American Journal of Sociology,1988,(93):2103-2127.
[2]Albino V,et al.Industrial districts as complex adaptive systems:Agent-based model of emergent phenomena[A].Industrial Clusters and Inter-firm Networks[C].Northampton:Edward Elgar Publishing,2005:73-82.
[3]Bonacich P B.Power and centrality:A family of measures[J].American Journal of Sociology,1987,(92):1170-1180.
[4]Brass D J and Burkhardt M E.Potential power and power use:An investigation of structure and behavior[J].Academy of Management Journal,1993,(36):465-490.
[5]Bridge G.Mapping the terrain of time-space compression:Power networks in everyday life[J].Environment and Planning,D:Society and Space,1997,15(5):92-112.
[6]Dicken P.Global shift:Mapping the changing contours of the word economy,5th ed.[M].New York:Guilford,2007.
[7]Emerson R M.Exchange theory:A psychological basis for sociological exchange[A].Berger J,et al(eds.).Sociological Theories in Progress[C].Houghton-Mifflin,1972:121-143.
[8]Foucault M.Power:The essential works of Michel Foucault 1954-1984[M].Volume Two.London:Allen lane,2000.
[9]Freeman L C,et al.On human social intelligence[J].Journal of Social and Biological Structures,1988,(11):950-979.
[10]Gereffi G.Global commodity chains:New forms of coordination and control among nations and firms in international industries[J].Competition and Change,1996,(1):427-439.
[11]Giddens A.The third way:The renewal of social democracy[M].Cambridge:Polity,1998.
[12]Granovetter M.Economic action and social structure:The problem of embeddedness[J].American Journal of Sociology,1985,(91):62-76.
[13]Granovetter M.The impact of social structure on economic outcomes[J].Journal of Economic Perspectives,2005,19:33-50.
[14]Hall S G and Petroulas P.Spatial interdependencies of FDI locations:A lessening of the tyranny of distance?[R].Discussion Papers in Economics,2008.
[15]Harrison B.Industrial districts:Old wine in new bottles[J].Regional Studies,1992,(26):469-483.
[16]Hayek F A.The use of knowledge in society[J].American Economic Review,ⅩⅩⅩⅤ,September,1945,4:519-530.
[17]Hingley M.Power imbalanced relationships:Cases from UK fresh food supply[J].International Journal of Retail&Distribution Management,2005,33(8):487-514.
[18]Kahkonen A.The influence of power position on the depth of collaboration[J].Supply Chain Management:An International Journal,2014,19(1):17-30.
[19]Krackhardt D.Assessing the political landscape:Structure,cognition,and power in organizations[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1990,(35):342-369.
[20]Limerick D.The shape of new organization:Implications for human resource management[J].Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources,1992,30(1):38-52.
[21]Ma D,et al.Power source mismatch and the effectiveness of interorganizational relations:The case of venture capital syndication[J].Academy of Management Journal,2013,56(3):711-734.
[22]Maloni M and Benton W C.Power influence in the supply chain[J].Journal of Business Logistics,2000,21(1):49-73.
[23]Markovsky B.Network exchange outcomes:Limits of predictability[J].Social Networks,1992,14(3-4).
[24]Martin R.Institutional approaches in economic geography[A].Sheppard E and Barnes T(eds.).A Companion to Economic Geography[C].Blackwell Publishing,2000:75-92.
[25]Parsons M D.Power and powerlessness in industry:An analysis of the social relations of production[J].Labor Studies Journal,1988,13(3):231-256.
[26]Smith A.Power relations,industrial clusters,and regional transformations:Pan-european integration and outward processing in the Slovak clothing industry[J].Economic Geography,2003,79(1):17-40.
[27]Sozen H C.Social networks and power in organizations:A research on the roles and positions of the junior level secretaries in an organizational network[J].Personnel Review,2012,41(4):487-512.
[28]Turker D.Analyzing relational sources of power at the interorganizational communication system[J].European ManagementJournal,2014,32(3):509-517.
[29]Yamagishi T,et al.Network connections and the distribution of power in exchange networks[J].American Journal of Sociology,1988,(93):2103-2127.
孙国强, 张宝建, 徐俪凤. 网络权力理论研究前沿综述及展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2014, 36(12): 47–55.