外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 12 期, 页码:12 - 19
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[7]Gibbs R W J.Embodiment and cognitive science[M].Cam-bridge,MA:Cambridge University Press,2006.
[8]Grégoire D,et al.The cognitive perspective in entrepreneur-ship:An agenda for future research[J].Journal of Manage-ment Studies,2011,48(6):1443-1477.
[9]Kahneman D,et al.Judgment under uncertainty:Heuristics and biases[M].New York:Cambridge University Press,1982.
[10]Kickul J,et al.Intuition versus analysis?testing differential models of cognitive style on entrepreneurial self-efficacy and the new venture creation process[J].Entrepreneurship Theo-ry and Practice,2009,33(2):439-453.
[11]Kirshner D and Whitson J A.Situated cognition:Social,se-miotic,and psychological perspectives[M].Mahwah,NJ:Erlbaum,1997.
[12]Knight F H.Risk,uncertainty,and profit[M].Boston:Houghton Mifflin,1921.
[13]Krueger N.What lies beneath?The experiential essence of entrepreneurial thinking[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2007,31(1):123-138.
[14]Krueger N F Jr and Day M.Looking forward,looking back-ward:From entrepreneurial cognition to neuro-entrepreneur-ship[A].Acs Z J and Audretsch D B(Eds.).Handbook of entrepreneurship research[C].New York:Springer,2010:321-357.
[15]Leonard N H,et al.A multi-level model of group cognitive style in strategic decision making[J].Journal of Managerial Issues,2005,17(1);119-138.
[16]Luthans F and Ibrayeva E.Entrepreneurial self-efficacy in central Asian transition economies:Quantitative and qualita-tive analyses[J].Journal of International Business Studies,2006,37(1):92-110.
[17]Mathews J.Entrepreneurial process:A personalistic-cogni-tive platform model[J].Journal for Decision Makers,2008,33(2):17-34.
[18]Mitchell R K,et al.The central question in entrepreneurial cogni-tion research[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2007,31(1):1-27.
[19]Mitchell R K,et al.Toward a theory of entrepreneurial cog-nition:Rethinking the people side of entrepreneurship re-search[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2002,27(2):93-104.
[20]Mitchell R K and Chesteen S A.Enhancing entrepreneurial expertise:Experiential pedagogy and the entrepreneurial ex-pert script[J].Simulation&Gaming,1995,26(3):288-306.
[21]Myers D G.Social psychology[M].(8th Ed.).New York:McGraw-Hill Companies,2008.
[22]Neisser U.Cognitive psychology[M].New York:Apple-ton-Century-Crafts,1967.
[23]Ng S H,et al.Communication,culture and identity:over-view and synthesis[A].Ng S H,et al(Eds.).Language matters:Communication,culture,and social identity[C].HongKong:City University of HongKong Press,2004.
[24]Olson P D.Entrepreneurship:Process and abilities[J].A-merican Journal of Small Business,1985,10(1):25-31.
[25]Sarasvathy S D.Effectuation:Elements of entrepreneurial expertise[M].Cheltenham:Edward Elgar,2008.
[26]Shane S and Venkataraman S.The promise of entrepreneur-ship as a field of research[J].Academy of Management Re-view,2000,25(1):217-226.
[27]Shaver K G.The social psychology of entrepreneurial behavior[A].Acs Z J and Audretsch D B(Eds.).Handbook of entre-preneurship research[C].New York:Springer,2010:321-357.
[28]Solso R L.Cognitive psychology[M].(6th Ed.).Boston:Allyn and Bacon,2001.
[29]Stevenson H H and Jarillo J C.A paradigm of entrepreneur-ship:Entrepreneurial management[J].Strategic Management Journal,1990,11(5):17-27.
[30]Weick K E.Sense making in organizations[M].Thousand Oaks,CA:Sage,1995.
[2]Baron R A and Markman G D.Cognitive mechanisms:Poten-tial differences between entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs[A].Reynolds P D,et al(Eds.).Frontiers of entrepreneur-ship research[C].Wellesley,MA:Babson College,1999.
[3]Bratman M E.Practical intention[M].Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1987.
[4]Corbett A C and Hmieleski K M.The conflicting cognitions of corporate entrepreneurs[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2007,31(1):103-122.
[5]Fiske S T and Taylor S E.Social cognition[M].(2nd Ed.).New York:McGraw-Hill,1991.
[6]Gatewood E J,et al.A longitudinal study of cognitive factors influencing start-up behaviors and success at venture creation[J].Journal of Business Venturing,1995,10(5):371-391.
[7]Gibbs R W J.Embodiment and cognitive science[M].Cam-bridge,MA:Cambridge University Press,2006.
[8]Grégoire D,et al.The cognitive perspective in entrepreneur-ship:An agenda for future research[J].Journal of Manage-ment Studies,2011,48(6):1443-1477.
[9]Kahneman D,et al.Judgment under uncertainty:Heuristics and biases[M].New York:Cambridge University Press,1982.
[10]Kickul J,et al.Intuition versus analysis?testing differential models of cognitive style on entrepreneurial self-efficacy and the new venture creation process[J].Entrepreneurship Theo-ry and Practice,2009,33(2):439-453.
[11]Kirshner D and Whitson J A.Situated cognition:Social,se-miotic,and psychological perspectives[M].Mahwah,NJ:Erlbaum,1997.
[12]Knight F H.Risk,uncertainty,and profit[M].Boston:Houghton Mifflin,1921.
[13]Krueger N.What lies beneath?The experiential essence of entrepreneurial thinking[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2007,31(1):123-138.
[14]Krueger N F Jr and Day M.Looking forward,looking back-ward:From entrepreneurial cognition to neuro-entrepreneur-ship[A].Acs Z J and Audretsch D B(Eds.).Handbook of entrepreneurship research[C].New York:Springer,2010:321-357.
[15]Leonard N H,et al.A multi-level model of group cognitive style in strategic decision making[J].Journal of Managerial Issues,2005,17(1);119-138.
[16]Luthans F and Ibrayeva E.Entrepreneurial self-efficacy in central Asian transition economies:Quantitative and qualita-tive analyses[J].Journal of International Business Studies,2006,37(1):92-110.
[17]Mathews J.Entrepreneurial process:A personalistic-cogni-tive platform model[J].Journal for Decision Makers,2008,33(2):17-34.
[18]Mitchell R K,et al.The central question in entrepreneurial cogni-tion research[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2007,31(1):1-27.
[19]Mitchell R K,et al.Toward a theory of entrepreneurial cog-nition:Rethinking the people side of entrepreneurship re-search[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2002,27(2):93-104.
[20]Mitchell R K and Chesteen S A.Enhancing entrepreneurial expertise:Experiential pedagogy and the entrepreneurial ex-pert script[J].Simulation&Gaming,1995,26(3):288-306.
[21]Myers D G.Social psychology[M].(8th Ed.).New York:McGraw-Hill Companies,2008.
[22]Neisser U.Cognitive psychology[M].New York:Apple-ton-Century-Crafts,1967.
[23]Ng S H,et al.Communication,culture and identity:over-view and synthesis[A].Ng S H,et al(Eds.).Language matters:Communication,culture,and social identity[C].HongKong:City University of HongKong Press,2004.
[24]Olson P D.Entrepreneurship:Process and abilities[J].A-merican Journal of Small Business,1985,10(1):25-31.
[25]Sarasvathy S D.Effectuation:Elements of entrepreneurial expertise[M].Cheltenham:Edward Elgar,2008.
[26]Shane S and Venkataraman S.The promise of entrepreneur-ship as a field of research[J].Academy of Management Re-view,2000,25(1):217-226.
[27]Shaver K G.The social psychology of entrepreneurial behavior[A].Acs Z J and Audretsch D B(Eds.).Handbook of entre-preneurship research[C].New York:Springer,2010:321-357.
[28]Solso R L.Cognitive psychology[M].(6th Ed.).Boston:Allyn and Bacon,2001.
[29]Stevenson H H and Jarillo J C.A paradigm of entrepreneur-ship:Entrepreneurial management[J].Strategic Management Journal,1990,11(5):17-27.
[30]Weick K E.Sense making in organizations[M].Thousand Oaks,CA:Sage,1995.
陈昀, 贺远琼. 创业认知研究现状探析与未来展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(12): 12–19.