外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 09 期, 页码:15 - 25
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[7]Creed W E D,et al.Clothes make the person?The tailoring of legitimating accounts and the social construction of identity[J].Organization Science,2002,13(5):475-496.
[8]DiMaggio P J and Powell W W.The iron cage revisited:Insti-tutional isomorphism and collective rationality in organization-al fields[J].American Sociological Review,1983,48(2):147-160.
[9]DiMaggio P J.Interest and agency in institutional theory[A].Zucker L G.Institutional patterns and organizations:Culture and environment[C].Cambridge,MA:Ballinger,1988:3-22.
[10]Dorado S.Institutional entrepreneurship,partaking,and con-vening[J].Organization Studies,2005,26(3):385-414.
[11]Eisenstadt S N.Cultural orientations,institutional entrepre-neurs,and social change:Comparative analysis of traditional civilizations[J].American Journal of Sociology,1980,85(4):840-869.
[12]Emirbayer M and Mische A.What is agency?[J].American Journal of Sociology,1998,103(4):962-1023.
[13]Fligstein N.Social skill and institutional theory[J].Ameri-can Behavioral Scientist,1997,40(4):397-405.
[14]Garud R,et al.Institutional entrepreneurship as embedded agency:An introduction to the special issue[J].Organization Studies,2007,28(7):957-969.
[15]Giddens A.The constitution of society[M].Berkeley:Uni-versity of California Press,1984.
[16]Greenwood R,et al.Theorizing change:The role of profes-sional associations in institutional change[J].Academy of Management Journal,2002,45(1):58-80.
[17]Greenwood R and Suddaby R.Institutional entrepreneurship in mature fields:The big five accounting firms[J].Academy of Management Journal,2006,49(1):27-48.
[18]Lévi-Strauss C.The savage mind[M].Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1962.
[19]Levy D and Scully M.The institutional entrepreneur as modern prince:The strategic face of power in contested fields[J].Organization Studies,2007,28(4):971-991.
[20]Maguire S,et al.Institutional entrepreneurship in emerging fields:HIV/AIDS treatment advocacy in Canada[J].Acade-my of Management Journal,2004,47(5):657-679.
[21]Malerba F and Orsenigo L.The dynamics and evolution of industries[J].Industrial and Corporate Change,1996,5(1):51-88.
[22]Misangyi V F,et al.Ending corruption:The interplay among institutional logics,resources,and institutional entrepreneurs[J].Academy of Management Review,2008,33(3):750-770.
[23]North D C and Thomas R P.An economic theory of the growth of the Western world[J].Economic History Review,1970,23(1):1-17.
[24]Pacheco D F,et al.The coevolution of institutional entrepre-neurship:A tale of two theories[J].Journal of Management,2010,36(4):974-1010.
[25]Ruttan V W.Social science knowledge and economic deve-lopment:An institutional design perspective[J].Journal of Institutional Economics,2006,2(3):249-272.
[26]Sarasvathy S D.How do firms come to be?Towards a theo-ry of the prefirm[D].Carnegie Mellon University,1998.
[27]Sarasvathy S D,et al.Three views of entrepreneurial oppor-tunity[A].Acs Z and Audretsch D(Eds.).Handbook of en-trepreneurial research[C].Dordrecht:Kluwer,2003:1411-1460.
[28]Sarasvathy S D and Venkataraman S.The economic implica-tions of exaptation[J].Journal of Evolutionary Economics,2004,14(1):69-84.
[29]Sarasvathy S D.Effectuation:Elements of entrepreneurial expertise[M].Cheltenham,UK:Edward Elgar,2008.
[30]Scott W R.Institutions and organizations:Ideas and inter-ests[M].(3rd Ed.).Los Angeles,Calif:Sage Publications,2008.
[31]Scott D and Matthew R M.Process mechanisms of institu-tional entrepreneurship[J].Journal of Developmental Entre-preneurship,2009,15(2):205-230.
[32]Seo M and Creed W E.Institutional contradictions,praxis and institutional change:A dialectical perspective[J].Acade-my of Management Review,2002,27(2):222-247.
[33]Shane S and Venkataraman S.The promise of entrepreneur-ship as a field of research[J].Academy of Management Re-view,2000,25(1):217-226.
[34]Sherer P D and Lee K.Institutional change in large law firms:A resource dependency and institutional perspective[J].Academy of Management Journal,2002,45(1):102-119.
[35]Simon H A.The science of the artificial[M].(3rd Ed.).Cambridge,MA:MIT Press,1996.
[36]Strang D and Meyer J W.Institutional conditions for diffu-sion[J].Theory and Society,1993,22(4):487-511.
[37]Stuart T E.Network positions and propensities to collabo-rate:An investigation of strategic alliance formation in a high-technology industry[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1988,43(3):668-698.
[38]Suchman M.Managing legitimacy:Strategic and institutional approaches[J].Academy of Management Review,1995,20(3):571-611.
[39]Tolbert P S and Zucker L G.Institutionalization of institu-tional theory[M].Thousand Oaks,C A:Sage,1996:175-190.
[40]Weick K.What theory is not,theorizing is[J].Administra-tive Science Quarterly,1995,40(3):371-390.
[41]Welter F and Smallbone D.Institutional perspectives on en-trepreneurial behavior in challenging environments[J].Jour-nal of Small Business Management,2011,49(1):107-125.
[42]Williamson O E.The new institutional economics:Taking stock,looking ahead[J].Journal of Economic Literature,2000,38(3):595-613.
[2]Baker T and Nelson R.Creating something from nothing:Re-source construction through entrepreneurial bricolage[J].Ad-ministrative Science Quarterly,2005,50(3):329-366.
[3]Benson J K.Organizations:A dialectic view.Administrative[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1977,22(1):1-21.
[4]Berger P L and Luckmann T.The social construction of reality[M].New York:Anchor Press,1967.
[5]Bourdieu P.Outline of a theory of practice[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1977.
[6]Bruton G D,et al.Institutional theory and entrepreneurship:Where are we now and where do we need to move in the fu-ture?[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2010,34(3):421-440.
[7]Creed W E D,et al.Clothes make the person?The tailoring of legitimating accounts and the social construction of identity[J].Organization Science,2002,13(5):475-496.
[8]DiMaggio P J and Powell W W.The iron cage revisited:Insti-tutional isomorphism and collective rationality in organization-al fields[J].American Sociological Review,1983,48(2):147-160.
[9]DiMaggio P J.Interest and agency in institutional theory[A].Zucker L G.Institutional patterns and organizations:Culture and environment[C].Cambridge,MA:Ballinger,1988:3-22.
[10]Dorado S.Institutional entrepreneurship,partaking,and con-vening[J].Organization Studies,2005,26(3):385-414.
[11]Eisenstadt S N.Cultural orientations,institutional entrepre-neurs,and social change:Comparative analysis of traditional civilizations[J].American Journal of Sociology,1980,85(4):840-869.
[12]Emirbayer M and Mische A.What is agency?[J].American Journal of Sociology,1998,103(4):962-1023.
[13]Fligstein N.Social skill and institutional theory[J].Ameri-can Behavioral Scientist,1997,40(4):397-405.
[14]Garud R,et al.Institutional entrepreneurship as embedded agency:An introduction to the special issue[J].Organization Studies,2007,28(7):957-969.
[15]Giddens A.The constitution of society[M].Berkeley:Uni-versity of California Press,1984.
[16]Greenwood R,et al.Theorizing change:The role of profes-sional associations in institutional change[J].Academy of Management Journal,2002,45(1):58-80.
[17]Greenwood R and Suddaby R.Institutional entrepreneurship in mature fields:The big five accounting firms[J].Academy of Management Journal,2006,49(1):27-48.
[18]Lévi-Strauss C.The savage mind[M].Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1962.
[19]Levy D and Scully M.The institutional entrepreneur as modern prince:The strategic face of power in contested fields[J].Organization Studies,2007,28(4):971-991.
[20]Maguire S,et al.Institutional entrepreneurship in emerging fields:HIV/AIDS treatment advocacy in Canada[J].Acade-my of Management Journal,2004,47(5):657-679.
[21]Malerba F and Orsenigo L.The dynamics and evolution of industries[J].Industrial and Corporate Change,1996,5(1):51-88.
[22]Misangyi V F,et al.Ending corruption:The interplay among institutional logics,resources,and institutional entrepreneurs[J].Academy of Management Review,2008,33(3):750-770.
[23]North D C and Thomas R P.An economic theory of the growth of the Western world[J].Economic History Review,1970,23(1):1-17.
[24]Pacheco D F,et al.The coevolution of institutional entrepre-neurship:A tale of two theories[J].Journal of Management,2010,36(4):974-1010.
[25]Ruttan V W.Social science knowledge and economic deve-lopment:An institutional design perspective[J].Journal of Institutional Economics,2006,2(3):249-272.
[26]Sarasvathy S D.How do firms come to be?Towards a theo-ry of the prefirm[D].Carnegie Mellon University,1998.
[27]Sarasvathy S D,et al.Three views of entrepreneurial oppor-tunity[A].Acs Z and Audretsch D(Eds.).Handbook of en-trepreneurial research[C].Dordrecht:Kluwer,2003:1411-1460.
[28]Sarasvathy S D and Venkataraman S.The economic implica-tions of exaptation[J].Journal of Evolutionary Economics,2004,14(1):69-84.
[29]Sarasvathy S D.Effectuation:Elements of entrepreneurial expertise[M].Cheltenham,UK:Edward Elgar,2008.
[30]Scott W R.Institutions and organizations:Ideas and inter-ests[M].(3rd Ed.).Los Angeles,Calif:Sage Publications,2008.
[31]Scott D and Matthew R M.Process mechanisms of institu-tional entrepreneurship[J].Journal of Developmental Entre-preneurship,2009,15(2):205-230.
[32]Seo M and Creed W E.Institutional contradictions,praxis and institutional change:A dialectical perspective[J].Acade-my of Management Review,2002,27(2):222-247.
[33]Shane S and Venkataraman S.The promise of entrepreneur-ship as a field of research[J].Academy of Management Re-view,2000,25(1):217-226.
[34]Sherer P D and Lee K.Institutional change in large law firms:A resource dependency and institutional perspective[J].Academy of Management Journal,2002,45(1):102-119.
[35]Simon H A.The science of the artificial[M].(3rd Ed.).Cambridge,MA:MIT Press,1996.
[36]Strang D and Meyer J W.Institutional conditions for diffu-sion[J].Theory and Society,1993,22(4):487-511.
[37]Stuart T E.Network positions and propensities to collabo-rate:An investigation of strategic alliance formation in a high-technology industry[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1988,43(3):668-698.
[38]Suchman M.Managing legitimacy:Strategic and institutional approaches[J].Academy of Management Review,1995,20(3):571-611.
[39]Tolbert P S and Zucker L G.Institutionalization of institu-tional theory[M].Thousand Oaks,C A:Sage,1996:175-190.
[40]Weick K.What theory is not,theorizing is[J].Administra-tive Science Quarterly,1995,40(3):371-390.
[41]Welter F and Smallbone D.Institutional perspectives on en-trepreneurial behavior in challenging environments[J].Jour-nal of Small Business Management,2011,49(1):107-125.
[42]Williamson O E.The new institutional economics:Taking stock,looking ahead[J].Journal of Economic Literature,2000,38(3):595-613.
方世建, 孙薇. 制度创业:经典模型回顾、理论综合与研究展望(续)[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(9): 15–25.