财经研究 2010 年 第 36 卷第 11 期, 页码:5 - 16
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[2]Cai Yuezhou,Raymond Riezman,John Whalley.International trade and the negotiabilityof global climate change agreement[R].NBER Working paper No.14711,2009.
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[8]Walsh S,J Whalley.Bringing the copenhagen global climate change negotiations to con-clusion[R].CESifo Working Paper No.2458,2008.
[2]Cai Yuezhou,Raymond Riezman,John Whalley.International trade and the negotiabilityof global climate change agreement[R].NBER Working paper No.14711,2009.
[3]Chen Zhiqi.Negotiation an agreement on global warming:A theoretical analysis[J].Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,1997,32:170-188.
[4]Mendelsohn,Robert O.A critique of the stern report[R].Regulation,(Winter 2006-2007),2006:42-46.
[5]Stern,Nicholas.Stern review on the economics of climate change[M].London:Her Maj-esty’s Treasury,2006.
[6]Uzawa H.Global warming as a cooperative game[J].Environmental Economics and Pol-icy Studies,1999(2):1-37.
[7]Uzawa H.Economic theory and global warming[M].New York:Cambridge UniversityPress,2003.
[8]Walsh S,J Whalley.Bringing the copenhagen global climate change negotiations to con-clusion[R].CESifo Working Paper No.2458,2008.
蔡跃洲, John Whalley. 国际贸易对碳减排协议的促进作用——理论框架及减排意愿的数值一般均衡情景模拟[J]. 财经研究, 2010, 36(11): 5–16.