财经研究 2013 年 第 39 卷第 03 期, 页码:124 - 135
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[19]Tushman M L,Anderson P.Technological discontinuities and organizational environ-ments[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1986,31(3):439-465.
[7]Amsden A,Chu W.Beyond late development[M].Cambridge,MA:MIT Press,2003.
[8]Breschi S,Malerba F,Orsenigo L.Technological regimes and schumpeterian patterns of innovation[J].Economic Journal,2000,110(463):388-410.
[9]Duncan R B.Characteristics of organizational environments and perceived environment uncertainty[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1972,17(3):313-327.
[10]Fransman M.Japan’s computer and communication industry[M].Oxford:Oxford Uni-versity Press,1995.
[11]Freddi D.The integration of old and new technological paradigms in low and medium-tech sectors:The case of mechatronics[J].Research Policy,2009,38(3):548-558.
[12]Lee K,Lim C.Technological regimes,catching-up and leapfrogging:Findings from the Korean industries[J].Research Policy,2001,30(3):459-483.
[13]Malerba F.Sectoral systems of innovation:Concepts,issues and analyses of six major sectors in Europe[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2004.
[14]Park K,Lee K.Linking the technological regime to the technological catch-up:Analy-zing Korea and China’s Taiwan region using the US patent data[M].Beijing:Tsinghua University Press,2004.
[15]Saviotti P,Krafft J.Industrial dynamics,innovation and development[EB/OL].http://lib.jlu.edu.cn/database_ww.asp,2005.
[16]Tan J,Tan D.Environment-strategy co-evolution and co-alignment:A staged model of Chinese SOEs under transition[J].Strategic Management Journal,2005,26(2):141-157.
[17]Tan J,Litschert R J.Environment-strategy relationship and its performance implica-tions:An empirical study of the Chinese electronics industry[J].Strategic Management Journal,1994,15(1):1-20.
[18]Tseng F M,Chiu Y J,Chen J S.Measuring business performance in the high-tech ma-nufacturing industry:A case study of Taiwan’s large-sized TFT-LCD panel companies[J].International Journal of Management Science,2007,37(3):686-697.
[19]Tushman M L,Anderson P.Technological discontinuities and organizational environ-ments[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1986,31(3):439-465.
杨震宁, 李东红, 陈丽. 不确定技术变革条件下中国制造业的产业追赶机制研究[J]. 财经研究, 2013, 39(3): 124–135.