财经研究 2013 年 第 39 卷第 03 期, 页码:113 - 123
[3]Arellano M,Bover O.Another look at the instrumental variables estimation of error-components models[J].Journal of Econometrics,1995,68(1):29-51.
[4]Blundell R,Bond S.Initial conditions and moment restrictions in dynamic panel datamodels[J].Journal of Econometrics,1998,87(1):115-143.
[5]Candelon B,Palm F.Banking and debt crises in Europe:The dangerous liaisons?[J].DeEconomist,2010,158(1):81-99.
[6]Codogno L,Favero C,Missale A.Yield spreads on EMU government bonds[J].Eco-nomic Policy,2003,18(37):503-532.
[7]Gapen M,Gray D,Lim C,et al.Measuring and analyzing sovereign risk with contingentclaims[R].IMF Working Paper,2008.
[8]Gros D,Mayer T.How to deal with sovereign default in Europe:Create the Europeanmonetary fund now[R].CEPS Working Paper,2010.
[9]Haque N,Mark N,Mathieson D.The relative importance of political and economic varia-bles in creditworthiness ratings[R].IMF Working Paper,1998.
[10]Heckman J J.Sample selection bias as a specification error[J].Econometrica,1979,47(1):153-161.
[11]Malone S W.Balance sheet effects,external volatility,and emerging market spreads[J].Journal of Applied Economics,2009,12(2):273-299.
[12]Maltritz D.Determinants of sovereign yield spreads in the Eurozone:A bayesian ap-proach[J].Journal of International Money and Finance,2012,31(3):657-672.
[13]Manasse P,Schimmelpfennig Roubini N.Predicting sovereign debt crises[R].IMFWorking Paper,2003.
[14]Reinhart C M,Rogoff K S.From financial crash to debt crisis[J].American EconomicReview,2011,101(5):1676-1706.
[15]Sussman N,Yafeh Y.Institutional reforms,financial development and sovereign debt:Britain 1690-1790[J].The Journal of Economic History,2006,66(4):906-935.
[16]Ullah A,Roy N.Nonparametric and semiparametric econometrics of panel data[M].New York:Marcel Dekker,1998.
[3]Arellano M,Bover O.Another look at the instrumental variables estimation of error-components models[J].Journal of Econometrics,1995,68(1):29-51.
[4]Blundell R,Bond S.Initial conditions and moment restrictions in dynamic panel datamodels[J].Journal of Econometrics,1998,87(1):115-143.
[5]Candelon B,Palm F.Banking and debt crises in Europe:The dangerous liaisons?[J].DeEconomist,2010,158(1):81-99.
[6]Codogno L,Favero C,Missale A.Yield spreads on EMU government bonds[J].Eco-nomic Policy,2003,18(37):503-532.
[7]Gapen M,Gray D,Lim C,et al.Measuring and analyzing sovereign risk with contingentclaims[R].IMF Working Paper,2008.
[8]Gros D,Mayer T.How to deal with sovereign default in Europe:Create the Europeanmonetary fund now[R].CEPS Working Paper,2010.
[9]Haque N,Mark N,Mathieson D.The relative importance of political and economic varia-bles in creditworthiness ratings[R].IMF Working Paper,1998.
[10]Heckman J J.Sample selection bias as a specification error[J].Econometrica,1979,47(1):153-161.
[11]Malone S W.Balance sheet effects,external volatility,and emerging market spreads[J].Journal of Applied Economics,2009,12(2):273-299.
[12]Maltritz D.Determinants of sovereign yield spreads in the Eurozone:A bayesian ap-proach[J].Journal of International Money and Finance,2012,31(3):657-672.
[13]Manasse P,Schimmelpfennig Roubini N.Predicting sovereign debt crises[R].IMFWorking Paper,2003.
[14]Reinhart C M,Rogoff K S.From financial crash to debt crisis[J].American EconomicReview,2011,101(5):1676-1706.
[15]Sussman N,Yafeh Y.Institutional reforms,financial development and sovereign debt:Britain 1690-1790[J].The Journal of Economic History,2006,66(4):906-935.
[16]Ullah A,Roy N.Nonparametric and semiparametric econometrics of panel data[M].New York:Marcel Dekker,1998.
范小云, 孙大超. 实体产业空心化导致发达国家的高主权杠杆?——基于发达国家主权债务危机的实证分析[J]. 财经研究, 2013, 39(3): 113–123.