财经研究 2014 年 第 40 卷第 11 期, 页码:82 - 96
[7]Aboody D,Lehavy R,Trueman B.Limited attention and the earnings announcement returns of past stock market winners[J].Review of Accounting Studies,2010,15(2):317-344.
[8]Amihud Y.Illiquidity and stock returns:Cross section and time series effects[J].Journal of Financial Markets,2002,5(1):31-56.
[9]Ball R,Brown P.An empirical evaluation of accounting income numbers[J].Journal of Accounting Research,1968,6(2):159-177.
[10]Barber B M,Odean T.All that glitters:The effect of attention and news on the buying behavior of individual and institutional investors[J].Review of Financial Studies,2008,21(2):785-818.
[11]Barclay M,Warner J.Stealth trading and volatility:Which trades move prices[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1993,34(3):281-305.
[12]Black F.Noise[J].Journal of Finance,1986,41(3):529-543.
[13]Da Z,Engleberg J,Gao P.In search of attention[J].Journal of Finance,2011,66(5):1461-1499.
[14]DellaVigna S,Pollet J M.Investor inattention and Friday earnings announcements[J].Journal of Finance,2009,64(2):709-749.
[15]Drake M S,Roulstone D T,Thornock J.Investor information demand:Evidence from google searches around earnings announcements[J].Journal of Accounting Research,2012,50(4):1001-1040.
[16]Fama E,French K.Common risk factors in the returns on stocks and bonds[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1993,33(1):3-56.
[17]Frazzini A,Lamont O.The earnings announcement premium and trading volume[R].Working Paper,University of Chicago and Yale University,2006.
[18]Hirshleifer D,Lim S,Teoh S.Driven to distraction:Extraneous events and underreaction to earnings news[J].Journal of Finance,2009,64(5):2289-2325.
[19]Hirshleifer D,Myers J,Myers L,et al.Do individual investors cause post-earnings announcement driftDirect evidence from personal trades[J].The Accounting Review,2008,83(6):1521-1550.
[20]Hirshleifer D,Teoh S H.Limited attention,information disclosure,and financial reporting[J].Journal of Accounting and Economics,2003,36(1-3):337-386.
[21]Holtz-Eakin D,Newey W,Rosen H S.Estimating vector autoregressions with panel data[J].Econome-trica,1988,56(6):1371-1395.
[22]Im K S,Pesaran M H,Shin Y.Testing for unit roots in heterogeneous panels[J].Journal of Econome-trics,2003,115(1):53-74.
[23]Lee C,Ready M.Inferring trade direction from intraday data[J].Journal of Finance,1991,46(2):733-746.
[24]Odean T.Do investors trade too much[J].American Economic Review,1999,89(5):1279-1298.
[25]Peng L,Xiong W.Investor attention,overconfidence and category learning[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2006,80(3):563-602.
[26]Seasholes M,Wu G.Predictable behavior,profits and attention[J].Journal of Empirical Finance,2007,14(5):590-610.
[27]Trueman B,Wong M H F,Zhang X.Anomalous stock returns around internet firms'earnings announcements[J].Journal of Accounting and Economics,2003,34(1-3):249-271.
[28]Wang M,Qiu C,Kong D.Corporate social responsibility,investor behaviors,and stock market returns:Evidence from a natural experiment in China[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2011,101(1):127-141.
1估计方法详见Holtz-Eakin等(1988)。如果截面单元个数有限或较小,变量的非平稳性会造成估计效率的损失。出于稳健性考虑,我们采用Im等(2003)提出的方法对变量进行了单位根检验,Im-Pesaran-Shin W统计值拒绝存在单位根的原假设,因此相应的时间序列是平稳的。
[7]Aboody D,Lehavy R,Trueman B.Limited attention and the earnings announcement returns of past stock market winners[J].Review of Accounting Studies,2010,15(2):317-344.
[8]Amihud Y.Illiquidity and stock returns:Cross section and time series effects[J].Journal of Financial Markets,2002,5(1):31-56.
[9]Ball R,Brown P.An empirical evaluation of accounting income numbers[J].Journal of Accounting Research,1968,6(2):159-177.
[10]Barber B M,Odean T.All that glitters:The effect of attention and news on the buying behavior of individual and institutional investors[J].Review of Financial Studies,2008,21(2):785-818.
[11]Barclay M,Warner J.Stealth trading and volatility:Which trades move prices[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1993,34(3):281-305.
[12]Black F.Noise[J].Journal of Finance,1986,41(3):529-543.
[13]Da Z,Engleberg J,Gao P.In search of attention[J].Journal of Finance,2011,66(5):1461-1499.
[14]DellaVigna S,Pollet J M.Investor inattention and Friday earnings announcements[J].Journal of Finance,2009,64(2):709-749.
[15]Drake M S,Roulstone D T,Thornock J.Investor information demand:Evidence from google searches around earnings announcements[J].Journal of Accounting Research,2012,50(4):1001-1040.
[16]Fama E,French K.Common risk factors in the returns on stocks and bonds[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1993,33(1):3-56.
[17]Frazzini A,Lamont O.The earnings announcement premium and trading volume[R].Working Paper,University of Chicago and Yale University,2006.
[18]Hirshleifer D,Lim S,Teoh S.Driven to distraction:Extraneous events and underreaction to earnings news[J].Journal of Finance,2009,64(5):2289-2325.
[19]Hirshleifer D,Myers J,Myers L,et al.Do individual investors cause post-earnings announcement driftDirect evidence from personal trades[J].The Accounting Review,2008,83(6):1521-1550.
[20]Hirshleifer D,Teoh S H.Limited attention,information disclosure,and financial reporting[J].Journal of Accounting and Economics,2003,36(1-3):337-386.
[21]Holtz-Eakin D,Newey W,Rosen H S.Estimating vector autoregressions with panel data[J].Econome-trica,1988,56(6):1371-1395.
[22]Im K S,Pesaran M H,Shin Y.Testing for unit roots in heterogeneous panels[J].Journal of Econome-trics,2003,115(1):53-74.
[23]Lee C,Ready M.Inferring trade direction from intraday data[J].Journal of Finance,1991,46(2):733-746.
[24]Odean T.Do investors trade too much[J].American Economic Review,1999,89(5):1279-1298.
[25]Peng L,Xiong W.Investor attention,overconfidence and category learning[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2006,80(3):563-602.
[26]Seasholes M,Wu G.Predictable behavior,profits and attention[J].Journal of Empirical Finance,2007,14(5):590-610.
[27]Trueman B,Wong M H F,Zhang X.Anomalous stock returns around internet firms'earnings announcements[J].Journal of Accounting and Economics,2003,34(1-3):249-271.
[28]Wang M,Qiu C,Kong D.Corporate social responsibility,investor behaviors,and stock market returns:Evidence from a natural experiment in China[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2011,101(1):127-141.
1估计方法详见Holtz-Eakin等(1988)。如果截面单元个数有限或较小,变量的非平稳性会造成估计效率的损失。出于稳健性考虑,我们采用Im等(2003)提出的方法对变量进行了单位根检验,Im-Pesaran-Shin W统计值拒绝存在单位根的原假设,因此相应的时间序列是平稳的。
王磊, 孔东民. 盈余信息、个人投资者关注与股票价格[J]. 财经研究, 2014, 40(11): 82–96.