外国经济与管理 2005 年 第 27 卷第 10 期, 页码:
[1]Ardishvili A.Towards a theory of new venture growth[R]. Paper presented at the 1998 Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Ghent, Belgium, 1998, May: 21-23.
[2]Penrose E. The Theory of the growth of the firm[M]. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1959: 253-264.
[3]Davidsson P and Wiklund J. Levels of analysis in entrepreneurship research: current research practices and suggestions for the future[J]. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 2001, 25(Sum. ): 81-99.
[4]Weinzimmer LG. Nystrom P C, and Freeman S J. Measuring organizational growth: issues, consequences and guidelines [J]. Journal of Management, 1998, 24(2). 235-262.
[5]Churchill C, and Lewis V L. The five stages of small business growth[J]. Harvard Business Review, 1983, 61(3): 30-
[6]Grant R G. The resource-based theory of competitive advantage: implications for strategy formulation[J]. California Management Review, 1991,33(3):114-135.
[7]Best M. The new competition [M]. Massachusetts: Harvard University Press , 1990: 158-162.
[8]Peng, M W, and Heath P. The growth of the firm in planned economies in transition: institutions,organizations, and strategic choice[J].Academy of Management Review,1996,21 (2): 492-528.
[9]Page A S and Jones R C. Business growth [J]. Fast Growth Management Decision, 1990,28(1):10-47.
[10]Johanisson B. Business formation-a network approach [J]. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 1988,4: 83-99.
[11]Todeva. Chinese business networks:state, economy and culture[J].International Sociology, 2001,16(1): 128-134.
[12]Foss N, Networks, capabilities, and competitive advantage[J]. Scand. Journal Management, 1999, 15: 1-15.
[13]Gulati R. Network location and learning: the influences of network resources and firm capabilities on alliance formation [J]. Strategic Management Journal, 1999, 20:397-420.
[14]Bourdieu, P. The forms of capital in Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education[M]. New York: Greenwood, 1986:241-258.
[15]Porter M. Clusters and the new economics of competition[J]. Harvard Business Review, 1998 ,(Nov. /Dec. ): 77-90.
[16]Mazzonis, D. Networking cooperation and innovation among small firms in Italy: the view from an agency engaged in actions for stimulating the technological upgrading of industry[J]. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 1989,1 (1): 61-74.
[17]Biggart and Hamilton. On the limits of a firm-based theory to explain business networks: the western bias of neoclassi cal economics[M]. Harvard Business School Press, 1992: 348-355.
[18]Peng M W, and Heath P. The growth of the firm in planned economies in transition:institutions, organizations, and strategic choice[J]. Academy of Management Review, 1996, 21(2): 492-528.
[2]Penrose E. The Theory of the growth of the firm[M]. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1959: 253-264.
[3]Davidsson P and Wiklund J. Levels of analysis in entrepreneurship research: current research practices and suggestions for the future[J]. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 2001, 25(Sum. ): 81-99.
[4]Weinzimmer LG. Nystrom P C, and Freeman S J. Measuring organizational growth: issues, consequences and guidelines [J]. Journal of Management, 1998, 24(2). 235-262.
[5]Churchill C, and Lewis V L. The five stages of small business growth[J]. Harvard Business Review, 1983, 61(3): 30-
[6]Grant R G. The resource-based theory of competitive advantage: implications for strategy formulation[J]. California Management Review, 1991,33(3):114-135.
[7]Best M. The new competition [M]. Massachusetts: Harvard University Press , 1990: 158-162.
[8]Peng, M W, and Heath P. The growth of the firm in planned economies in transition: institutions,organizations, and strategic choice[J].Academy of Management Review,1996,21 (2): 492-528.
[9]Page A S and Jones R C. Business growth [J]. Fast Growth Management Decision, 1990,28(1):10-47.
[10]Johanisson B. Business formation-a network approach [J]. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 1988,4: 83-99.
[11]Todeva. Chinese business networks:state, economy and culture[J].International Sociology, 2001,16(1): 128-134.
[12]Foss N, Networks, capabilities, and competitive advantage[J]. Scand. Journal Management, 1999, 15: 1-15.
[13]Gulati R. Network location and learning: the influences of network resources and firm capabilities on alliance formation [J]. Strategic Management Journal, 1999, 20:397-420.
[14]Bourdieu, P. The forms of capital in Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education[M]. New York: Greenwood, 1986:241-258.
[15]Porter M. Clusters and the new economics of competition[J]. Harvard Business Review, 1998 ,(Nov. /Dec. ): 77-90.
[16]Mazzonis, D. Networking cooperation and innovation among small firms in Italy: the view from an agency engaged in actions for stimulating the technological upgrading of industry[J]. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 1989,1 (1): 61-74.
[17]Biggart and Hamilton. On the limits of a firm-based theory to explain business networks: the western bias of neoclassi cal economics[M]. Harvard Business School Press, 1992: 348-355.
[18]Peng M W, and Heath P. The growth of the firm in planned economies in transition:institutions, organizations, and strategic choice[J]. Academy of Management Review, 1996, 21(2): 492-528.
邬爱其. 企业网络化成长——国外企业成长研究新领域[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2005, 27(10): 0.