外国经济与管理 2008 年 第 30 卷第 01 期, 页码:46 - 51
[1]Muniz,A M Jr,and O’Guinn,T C.Brand community[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2001,27(Mar.):412-432.
[2]Bagozzi,R P,and Dholakia,U M.Antecedents and purchase consequences of customer participation in small group brand communities[J].International Journal of Research in Marketing,2006,23(1):45-61.
[3]McAlexander,J H,Schouten,J W,and Koeing,H F.Building brand community[J].Journal of Marketing,2002,66(Jan.):38-54.
[4]Upshaw,L,and Taylor,E.Building business by building a master brand[J].Brand Management,2001,8(6):417-426.
[5]Andersen,P H.Relationship marketing and brand involvement of professionals through web-enhanced brand communities:The case ofColoplast[J].Industrial Marketing Management,2005,34:285-297.
[6]Shang,R A,Chen,Y C,and Liao,H J.The value of participation in virtual consumer communities on brand loyalty[J].Internet Re-search,2006,16(4):398-418.
[7]Hollenbeck,C R,and Zinkhan,G M.Consumer activism on the internet:The role of anti-brand communities[J].Advances in ConsumerResearch,2006,33:479-485.
[8]Cova,B,and Pace,S.Brand community of convenience products:New forms of customer empowerment-the case“my Nutella the com-munity”[J].European Journal of Marketing,2006,40(9/10):1 087-1 105.
[9]Kates,S M.The dynamics of brand legitimacy:An interpretive study in the gay men’s community[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2004,31(2):455-464.
[10]Schau,H J,and Muniz,A M Jr.Brand communities and personal identities:Negotiations in cyberspace[J].Advances in Consumer Re-search,2002,29:344-349.
[11]Hickman,T M.Intergroup rivalry in brand communities:A social identity theory perspective[D].Arizona State University,2005:1-164.
[12]Luedicke,M K.Brand community under fire:The role of social environments for the Hummer brand community[J].Advances in Con-sumer Research,2006,33:486-493.
[13]Schouten,J W,McAlexander,J H,and Koeing,H F.Transcendent customer experience and brand community[J].Journal of the A-cademy of Marketing Science,2007,35(3):357-368.
[14]Muniz,A M Jr,and Schau,H J.Religiosity in the abandoned Apple Newton brand community[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2005,31:737-747.
[15]Carlson,B D.Brand-based community:The role of identification in developing a sense of community among brand users[D].Disserta-tion Abstracts International from Oklahoma State University,2005.
[16]Quinn,M,and Devasagayam,R.Building brand community among ethnic diaspora in the USA:Strategic implications for marketers[J].Brand Management,2005,13(2):101-114.
[17]Cova,B,Pace,S,and Park,D J.Global brand communities across borders:The Warhammer case[J].International Marketing Review,2007,24(3):313-329.
[18]McAlexander,J H,Stenhen,K K,and Scott,D R.Loyalty:The influences of satisfaction and brand community integration[J].Journalof Marketing Theory and Practice,2003,(Fall):1-11.
[19]Algesheimer,R,Dholakia,U M,and Herrmann,A.The social influence of brand community:Evidence from European car clubs[J].Journal of Marketing,2005,69(Jul.):19-34.
[20]McAlexander,J H,Koeing,H F,and Schouten,J W.Building a university brand community:The long-term impact of shared experi-ences[J].Journal of Marketing for Higher Education,2004,14(2):67-79.
[2]Bagozzi,R P,and Dholakia,U M.Antecedents and purchase consequences of customer participation in small group brand communities[J].International Journal of Research in Marketing,2006,23(1):45-61.
[3]McAlexander,J H,Schouten,J W,and Koeing,H F.Building brand community[J].Journal of Marketing,2002,66(Jan.):38-54.
[4]Upshaw,L,and Taylor,E.Building business by building a master brand[J].Brand Management,2001,8(6):417-426.
[5]Andersen,P H.Relationship marketing and brand involvement of professionals through web-enhanced brand communities:The case ofColoplast[J].Industrial Marketing Management,2005,34:285-297.
[6]Shang,R A,Chen,Y C,and Liao,H J.The value of participation in virtual consumer communities on brand loyalty[J].Internet Re-search,2006,16(4):398-418.
[7]Hollenbeck,C R,and Zinkhan,G M.Consumer activism on the internet:The role of anti-brand communities[J].Advances in ConsumerResearch,2006,33:479-485.
[8]Cova,B,and Pace,S.Brand community of convenience products:New forms of customer empowerment-the case“my Nutella the com-munity”[J].European Journal of Marketing,2006,40(9/10):1 087-1 105.
[9]Kates,S M.The dynamics of brand legitimacy:An interpretive study in the gay men’s community[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2004,31(2):455-464.
[10]Schau,H J,and Muniz,A M Jr.Brand communities and personal identities:Negotiations in cyberspace[J].Advances in Consumer Re-search,2002,29:344-349.
[11]Hickman,T M.Intergroup rivalry in brand communities:A social identity theory perspective[D].Arizona State University,2005:1-164.
[12]Luedicke,M K.Brand community under fire:The role of social environments for the Hummer brand community[J].Advances in Con-sumer Research,2006,33:486-493.
[13]Schouten,J W,McAlexander,J H,and Koeing,H F.Transcendent customer experience and brand community[J].Journal of the A-cademy of Marketing Science,2007,35(3):357-368.
[14]Muniz,A M Jr,and Schau,H J.Religiosity in the abandoned Apple Newton brand community[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2005,31:737-747.
[15]Carlson,B D.Brand-based community:The role of identification in developing a sense of community among brand users[D].Disserta-tion Abstracts International from Oklahoma State University,2005.
[16]Quinn,M,and Devasagayam,R.Building brand community among ethnic diaspora in the USA:Strategic implications for marketers[J].Brand Management,2005,13(2):101-114.
[17]Cova,B,Pace,S,and Park,D J.Global brand communities across borders:The Warhammer case[J].International Marketing Review,2007,24(3):313-329.
[18]McAlexander,J H,Stenhen,K K,and Scott,D R.Loyalty:The influences of satisfaction and brand community integration[J].Journalof Marketing Theory and Practice,2003,(Fall):1-11.
[19]Algesheimer,R,Dholakia,U M,and Herrmann,A.The social influence of brand community:Evidence from European car clubs[J].Journal of Marketing,2005,69(Jul.):19-34.
[20]McAlexander,J H,Koeing,H F,and Schouten,J W.Building a university brand community:The long-term impact of shared experi-ences[J].Journal of Marketing for Higher Education,2004,14(2):67-79.
周志民, 李蜜. 西方品牌社群研究述评[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2008, 30(1): 46–51.