外国经济与管理 2007 年 第 29 卷第 11 期, 页码:59 - 65
[1]Mitchell,Terence R,Holtom,Brooks C,Lee,Thomas W,et al.Why people stay:Using job embeddedneess to predict voluntaryturnover[J].Academy of Management Journal,2001,44(6):1 102-1 121.
[2]Richardson,G.The limit to a firm’s rate of growth[R].Oxford Economic Papers,1964.
[3]Childley,J,and Wahl,A.The new worker’s paradise[J].Canadian Business,1999,3(12):37-38.
[4]Mobley,W H.Intermediate linkages in the relationship between job satisfaction and employee turnover[J].Journal of Applied Psy-chology,1977,62(2):237-240.
[5]Griffeth,R W,Hom,P W,and Gaertner,S.A meta-analysis of antecedents and correlates of employee turnover:Update,modera-tor tests,and research implications for the millennium[J].Journal of Management,2000,26(3):463-488.
[6]Maertz,C P,and Campion,M A.25 years of voluntary turnover research:A review and critique[A].in C L Cooper,and I T Robert-son(Eds.).International review of industrial and organizational psychology[C].Chichester,UK:John Wiley,1998.
[7]Steel,R P,and Griffeth,R W.The elusive relationship between perceived employment opportunity and turnover behavior:A meth-odological or conceptual artifact[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,1989,74:846-854.
[8]Cohen,A.An examination of the relationships between work commitment and nonwork domains[J].Human Relations,1995,48(3):239-263.
[9]Lee,T W,and Maurer,S.The effects of family structure on organizational commitment,intention to leave and voluntary turnover[J].Journal of Managerial Issues,1999,11(4):493-513.
[10]Cohen,S,and Bailey,D E.What makes teams work:Group effectiveness research from the shop floor to the executive suite[J].Journal of Management,1997,23(3):239-290.
[11]Lee,T W,and Mitchell,T R.An alternative approach:The unfolding model of voluntary employee turnover[J].Academy of Man-agement Review,1994,19(1):51-89.
[12]Prestholdt,P H,Lane,I M,and Mathews,R C.Nurse turnover as reasoned action:Development of a process model[J].Journalof Applied Psychology,1987,72(2):221-227.
[13]Chan,D.Cognitive misfit of problem-solving style at word:A facet of person-organization fit[J].Organizational Behavior and Hu-man Decision Processes,1996,68(3):194-207.
[14]Villanova,P,Bernardin,H,Johnson,D,and Dahmus,S.The validity of a measure of job compatibility in the prediction of job per-formance and turnover of motion picture theater personnel[J].Personnel Psychology,1994,47:73-90.
[15]Shaw,J D,Delery,J E,Jenkins,G D,and Gupta,N.An organization-level analysis of voluntary and involuntary turnover[J].A-cademy of Management Journal,199,41(5):511-525.
[16]Lee,T W,Mitchell,T R,Sablynski,C J,Burton,J P,and Holtom,B C.The effects of job embeddedness on organizational citi-zenship,job performance,volitional absences,and voluntary turnover[J].Academy of Management Journal,2004,47(5):711-722.
[17]Blegen,M A,Mueller,C W,and Price,J L.Measurement of kinship responsibility for organizational research[J].Jorunal of Ap-plied Psychology,1988,73:402-409.
[18]Ajzen,I,and Fishbein,M.Attitude-behavior relations:A theoretical analysis and review of empirical research[J].PsychologicalBulletin,1977,84(5):888-918.
[19]Netemeyer,R G,Boles,J S,Mckee,D O,and Mcmurrian,R.An investigation into the antecedents of organizational citizenshipbehaviors in a personal selling context[J].Journal of Marketing,1997,61(3):85-98.
[20]Farrell,D,and Rusbult,C E.Exchange variables as predictors of job satisfaction,job commitment,and turnover:The impact ofrewards,costs,alternatives,and investments[J].Organizational Behavior and Human Performance,1981,28:78-95.
[2]Richardson,G.The limit to a firm’s rate of growth[R].Oxford Economic Papers,1964.
[3]Childley,J,and Wahl,A.The new worker’s paradise[J].Canadian Business,1999,3(12):37-38.
[4]Mobley,W H.Intermediate linkages in the relationship between job satisfaction and employee turnover[J].Journal of Applied Psy-chology,1977,62(2):237-240.
[5]Griffeth,R W,Hom,P W,and Gaertner,S.A meta-analysis of antecedents and correlates of employee turnover:Update,modera-tor tests,and research implications for the millennium[J].Journal of Management,2000,26(3):463-488.
[6]Maertz,C P,and Campion,M A.25 years of voluntary turnover research:A review and critique[A].in C L Cooper,and I T Robert-son(Eds.).International review of industrial and organizational psychology[C].Chichester,UK:John Wiley,1998.
[7]Steel,R P,and Griffeth,R W.The elusive relationship between perceived employment opportunity and turnover behavior:A meth-odological or conceptual artifact[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,1989,74:846-854.
[8]Cohen,A.An examination of the relationships between work commitment and nonwork domains[J].Human Relations,1995,48(3):239-263.
[9]Lee,T W,and Maurer,S.The effects of family structure on organizational commitment,intention to leave and voluntary turnover[J].Journal of Managerial Issues,1999,11(4):493-513.
[10]Cohen,S,and Bailey,D E.What makes teams work:Group effectiveness research from the shop floor to the executive suite[J].Journal of Management,1997,23(3):239-290.
[11]Lee,T W,and Mitchell,T R.An alternative approach:The unfolding model of voluntary employee turnover[J].Academy of Man-agement Review,1994,19(1):51-89.
[12]Prestholdt,P H,Lane,I M,and Mathews,R C.Nurse turnover as reasoned action:Development of a process model[J].Journalof Applied Psychology,1987,72(2):221-227.
[13]Chan,D.Cognitive misfit of problem-solving style at word:A facet of person-organization fit[J].Organizational Behavior and Hu-man Decision Processes,1996,68(3):194-207.
[14]Villanova,P,Bernardin,H,Johnson,D,and Dahmus,S.The validity of a measure of job compatibility in the prediction of job per-formance and turnover of motion picture theater personnel[J].Personnel Psychology,1994,47:73-90.
[15]Shaw,J D,Delery,J E,Jenkins,G D,and Gupta,N.An organization-level analysis of voluntary and involuntary turnover[J].A-cademy of Management Journal,199,41(5):511-525.
[16]Lee,T W,Mitchell,T R,Sablynski,C J,Burton,J P,and Holtom,B C.The effects of job embeddedness on organizational citi-zenship,job performance,volitional absences,and voluntary turnover[J].Academy of Management Journal,2004,47(5):711-722.
[17]Blegen,M A,Mueller,C W,and Price,J L.Measurement of kinship responsibility for organizational research[J].Jorunal of Ap-plied Psychology,1988,73:402-409.
[18]Ajzen,I,and Fishbein,M.Attitude-behavior relations:A theoretical analysis and review of empirical research[J].PsychologicalBulletin,1977,84(5):888-918.
[19]Netemeyer,R G,Boles,J S,Mckee,D O,and Mcmurrian,R.An investigation into the antecedents of organizational citizenshipbehaviors in a personal selling context[J].Journal of Marketing,1997,61(3):85-98.
[20]Farrell,D,and Rusbult,C E.Exchange variables as predictors of job satisfaction,job commitment,and turnover:The impact ofrewards,costs,alternatives,and investments[J].Organizational Behavior and Human Performance,1981,28:78-95.
徐尚昆. 工作嵌入性与员工自动离职研究进展探析[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2007, 29(11): 59–65.