外国经济与管理 2011 年 第 33 卷第 12 期, 页码:42 - 48
③有关不对称股权结构决定因素的文献不是本文探讨的重点,我们将简单做一介绍,有兴趣的读者可以参考Smart S B and Zutter C J.Control as a motivation for underpricing:A comparison of dual and single-class IPOs[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2003,69(1):85-110。
[1]Adams R and Ferreira D.One share,one vote:The empirical evidence[J].Review of Finance,2008,12(1):51-91.
[2]Burkart M,et al.Why higher takeover premia protect minority shareholders[J].Journal of Political Economy,1998,106(1):172-204.
[3]Burkart M and Lee S.The one share,one vote debate:A theoretical perspective[R].ECGI-Finance Working Paper No.176,2007.
[4]Burkart M and Panunzi F.Agency conflicts,ownership concentration,and legal shareholder protection[J].Journal of Financial Intermediation,2006,15(1):1-31.
[5]Claessens S,et al.Disentangling the incentive and entrenchment effects of large shareholdings[J].Journal of Finance,2002,57(6):2741-2771.
[6]Easterbrook F H and Fischel D R.The economic structure of corporate law[M].Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1991.
[7]Gompers P A,et al.Extreme governance:An analysis of dual class firms in the United States[J].Review of Financial Studies,2010,23(3):1051-1088.
[8]Holderness C G.The myth of diffuse ownership in the United States[J].Review of Financial Studies,2009,22(4):1377-1408.
[9]Kyle A S.Continuous auctions and insider trading[J].Econometrica,1985,53(6):1315-1335.
[10]La Porta R,et al.Corporate ownership around the world[J].Journal of Finance,1999,54(2):471-517.
[11]La Porta R,et al.Investor protection and corporate valuation[J].Journal of Finance,2002,58(3):1147-1170.
[12]Lins K V.Equity ownership and firm value in emerging markets[J].Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,2003,38(1):159-184.
[13]Marianne B and Sendhil M.Enjoying the quiet life?Corporate governance and managerial preferences[J].Journal of Political Economy,2003,111(5):1043-1075.
[14]McConnell J J and Servaes H.Equity ownership and the two faces of debt[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1995,9(1):131-157.
[15]Niclas H,et al.Family ownership,dual-class shares,and risk management[J].Global Finance Journal,2006,16(3):283-301.
[16]Shleifer A and Vishny R B.Large shareholders and corporate control[J].Journal of Political Economy,1986,94(3):461-488.
[17]Villalonga B and Amit R.Benefits and costs of control-enhancing mechanisms in U.S.family firms[R].Working paper,HBS and The Wharton School,2006.
[18]Yermack D.Flights of fancy:Corporate jets,CEO perquisites,and inferior shareholder returns[J].Journal of Financial Econom-ics,2006,80(1):211-242.
[1]Adams R and Ferreira D.One share,one vote:The empirical evidence[J].Review of Finance,2008,12(1):51-91.
[2]Burkart M,et al.Why higher takeover premia protect minority shareholders[J].Journal of Political Economy,1998,106(1):172-204.
[3]Burkart M and Lee S.The one share,one vote debate:A theoretical perspective[R].ECGI-Finance Working Paper No.176,2007.
[4]Burkart M and Panunzi F.Agency conflicts,ownership concentration,and legal shareholder protection[J].Journal of Financial Intermediation,2006,15(1):1-31.
[5]Claessens S,et al.Disentangling the incentive and entrenchment effects of large shareholdings[J].Journal of Finance,2002,57(6):2741-2771.
[6]Easterbrook F H and Fischel D R.The economic structure of corporate law[M].Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1991.
[7]Gompers P A,et al.Extreme governance:An analysis of dual class firms in the United States[J].Review of Financial Studies,2010,23(3):1051-1088.
[8]Holderness C G.The myth of diffuse ownership in the United States[J].Review of Financial Studies,2009,22(4):1377-1408.
[9]Kyle A S.Continuous auctions and insider trading[J].Econometrica,1985,53(6):1315-1335.
[10]La Porta R,et al.Corporate ownership around the world[J].Journal of Finance,1999,54(2):471-517.
[11]La Porta R,et al.Investor protection and corporate valuation[J].Journal of Finance,2002,58(3):1147-1170.
[12]Lins K V.Equity ownership and firm value in emerging markets[J].Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,2003,38(1):159-184.
[13]Marianne B and Sendhil M.Enjoying the quiet life?Corporate governance and managerial preferences[J].Journal of Political Economy,2003,111(5):1043-1075.
[14]McConnell J J and Servaes H.Equity ownership and the two faces of debt[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1995,9(1):131-157.
[15]Niclas H,et al.Family ownership,dual-class shares,and risk management[J].Global Finance Journal,2006,16(3):283-301.
[16]Shleifer A and Vishny R B.Large shareholders and corporate control[J].Journal of Political Economy,1986,94(3):461-488.
[17]Villalonga B and Amit R.Benefits and costs of control-enhancing mechanisms in U.S.family firms[R].Working paper,HBS and The Wharton School,2006.
[18]Yermack D.Flights of fancy:Corporate jets,CEO perquisites,and inferior shareholder returns[J].Journal of Financial Econom-ics,2006,80(1):211-242.
周方召, 潘鹏杰. 控股股东、投资者法律保护和公司价值研究综述:基于不对称股权结构视角[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2011, 33(12): 42–48.