外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 09 期, 页码:1 - 6
①根据德国社会学家沃尔夫冈.查普夫的总结,20世纪80年代,西方学术界几乎在同一时期把“社会创新”概念引入不同领域(如从企业内部组织形态、新的服务行业、社会技术、政治、新的生活方式等)的研究,并探讨社会创新问题。参阅沃尔夫冈.查普夫:《现代化与社会转型》,社会科学文献出版社,第19-21页。国内学者多以德鲁克在1985年出版的《创新与创业精神》一书中的阐述为提出“社会创新”概念的开端。但在1973年首版的《管理:使命、责任、实践》中,德鲁克就已经提出并阐述了“社会创新”概念。西方学术界更早的有关社会创新研究的文献还有待发现。2003年,第一本社会创新学术期刊《Stanford Social Innovation Review》创刊。社会创新作为一个新的理论和实践领域,正在引起国内学者的重视。
[1]Burke L and Logsdon J M.How corporate social responsibility pays off[J].Long Range Planning.1996,29(4):495-502.
[2]Drucker P.Converting social problems into business opportu-nities:The new meaning of corporate social responsibility[J].California Management Review,1984,26(2):53-63.
[3]Drucker P.Management:Tasks,responsibilities,practices[M].New York:Harper Business,1993.
[4]Drucker P.The frontiers of management:Where tomorrow’s decisions are being shaped today[M].New York:Truman Talley Booka/Plume,1999.
[5]Drucker P.Innovation and entrepreneurship[M].New York:Harper Business,2006.
[6]Drucker P.The changing world of the executive[M].Boston:Harvard Business Review Press,2010.
[7]Drucker P.A functioning society:Community,society,and polity in the twentieth century[M].Piscataway:Transaction Publishers,2011.
[8]Gerometta J,et al.Social innovation and civil society in urban governance:Strategies for an inclusive city[J].Urban Studies,2005,42(11):2007-2021.
[9]Husted B W and Allen D B.Strategic corporate social respon-sibility and value creation among large firms[J].Long Range Planning,2007,40(7):594-610.
[10]Mulgan G.Social innovation:What it is,why it matters and how it can be accelerated[M].London:The Basingstoke Press,2007.
[11]Mulgan G.Social silicon valleys:What social innovation is why it matters and how it can be accelerated[J/O].Journal of Socio-Economics,2009,38(4):878-885.
[12]Pol E and Ville S.Social innovation:Buzz word or enduring term?[J].Journal of Socio-Economics,2009,38(4):878-885.
[1]Burke L and Logsdon J M.How corporate social responsibility pays off[J].Long Range Planning.1996,29(4):495-502.
[2]Drucker P.Converting social problems into business opportu-nities:The new meaning of corporate social responsibility[J].California Management Review,1984,26(2):53-63.
[3]Drucker P.Management:Tasks,responsibilities,practices[M].New York:Harper Business,1993.
[4]Drucker P.The frontiers of management:Where tomorrow’s decisions are being shaped today[M].New York:Truman Talley Booka/Plume,1999.
[5]Drucker P.Innovation and entrepreneurship[M].New York:Harper Business,2006.
[6]Drucker P.The changing world of the executive[M].Boston:Harvard Business Review Press,2010.
[7]Drucker P.A functioning society:Community,society,and polity in the twentieth century[M].Piscataway:Transaction Publishers,2011.
[8]Gerometta J,et al.Social innovation and civil society in urban governance:Strategies for an inclusive city[J].Urban Studies,2005,42(11):2007-2021.
[9]Husted B W and Allen D B.Strategic corporate social respon-sibility and value creation among large firms[J].Long Range Planning,2007,40(7):594-610.
[10]Mulgan G.Social innovation:What it is,why it matters and how it can be accelerated[M].London:The Basingstoke Press,2007.
[11]Mulgan G.Social silicon valleys:What social innovation is why it matters and how it can be accelerated[J/O].Journal of Socio-Economics,2009,38(4):878-885.
[12]Pol E and Ville S.Social innovation:Buzz word or enduring term?[J].Journal of Socio-Economics,2009,38(4):878-885.
纪光欣, 岳琳琳. 德鲁克社会创新思想及其价值探析[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(9): 1–6.