外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 01 期, 页码:57 - 64
[1]Ali H and Birley S.The role of trust in the marketing activi-ties of entrepreneurs establishing new ventures[J].Journal ofMarketing Management,1998,14(7):749-763.
[2]Aune R K,et al.Managing the outcomes of discovered decep-tion[J].Journal of Social Psychology,1998,138(6):677-689.
[3]Dirks K T,et al.Repairing relationships within and betweenorganizations:Building a conceptual foundation[J].Academyof Management Review,2009,34(1):68-84.
[4]East R.Complaining as planned behavior[J].Psychology andMarketing,2000,17(12):1077-1095.
[5]Gillespie N and Dietz G.Trust repair after an organization-level failure[J].Academy of Management Review,2009,34(1):127-145.
[6]Kim P H,et al.The repair of trust:A dynamic bilateral per-spective and multilevel conceptualization[J].Academy ofManagement Review,2009,34(3):401-422.
[7]Kim P H,et al.Removing the shadow of suspicion:Theeffects of apology versus denial for repairing competence-ver-sus integrity-based trust violations[J].Journal of AppliedPsychology,2004,89(1):104-118.
[8]Lewicki R J and Bunker B B.Developing and maintainingtrust in work relationships[A].Kramer R M and Tylers T R(Eds.).Trust in organizations:Frontiers of theory and re-search[C].CA:Sage,1996:114-139.
[9]Mayer R C,et al.An integrative model of organizational trust[J].Academy of Management Review,1995,20(3):709-734.
[10]McCullough M,et al.Interpersonal forgiving in close rela-tionships[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,1997,73(2):321-336.
[11]McKnight D,et al.Initial trust formation in new organiza-tional relationships[J].Academy of Management Review,1998,23(3):473-490.
[12]Morrison E W and Robinson S L.When employees feel be-trayed:A model of how psychological contract violation de-velops[J].Academy of Management Review,1997,22(1):226-256.
[13]Schmitt M,et al.Effects of objective and subjective accountcomponents on forgiving[J].Journal of Social Psychology,2004,144(5):465-485.
[14]Schoorman F D,et al.An integrative model of organizationaltrust:Past,present,and future[J].Academy of ManagementReview,2007,32(2):344-354.
[15]Schweitzer M E,et al.Promises and lies:Restoring violatedtrust[J].Organizational Behavior&Human DecisionProcesses,2006,101(1):1-19.
[16]Smith A,et al.A model of customer satisfaction with serviceencounters involving failure and recovery[J].Journal of Mar-keting Research,1999,36(3):356-372.
[17]Tomlinson E C,et al.The road to reconciliation:Anteced-ents of victim willingness to reconcile following a brokenpromise[J].Journal of Management,2004,30(2):165-187.
[18]Tomlinson E C and Mayer R C.The role of causal attribu-tion dimensions in trust repair[J].Academy of ManagementReview,2009,34(1):85-104.
[19]Wang S J and Huff L C.Explaining buyers responses to sell-ers violation of trust[J].European Journal of Marketing,2007,41(9-10):1033-1052.
[20]Xie Y and Peng S.How to repair customer trust after nega-tive publicity:The roles of competence,integrity,benevo-lence,and forgiveness[J].Psychology&Marketing,2009,26(7):572-589.
[2]Aune R K,et al.Managing the outcomes of discovered decep-tion[J].Journal of Social Psychology,1998,138(6):677-689.
[3]Dirks K T,et al.Repairing relationships within and betweenorganizations:Building a conceptual foundation[J].Academyof Management Review,2009,34(1):68-84.
[4]East R.Complaining as planned behavior[J].Psychology andMarketing,2000,17(12):1077-1095.
[5]Gillespie N and Dietz G.Trust repair after an organization-level failure[J].Academy of Management Review,2009,34(1):127-145.
[6]Kim P H,et al.The repair of trust:A dynamic bilateral per-spective and multilevel conceptualization[J].Academy ofManagement Review,2009,34(3):401-422.
[7]Kim P H,et al.Removing the shadow of suspicion:Theeffects of apology versus denial for repairing competence-ver-sus integrity-based trust violations[J].Journal of AppliedPsychology,2004,89(1):104-118.
[8]Lewicki R J and Bunker B B.Developing and maintainingtrust in work relationships[A].Kramer R M and Tylers T R(Eds.).Trust in organizations:Frontiers of theory and re-search[C].CA:Sage,1996:114-139.
[9]Mayer R C,et al.An integrative model of organizational trust[J].Academy of Management Review,1995,20(3):709-734.
[10]McCullough M,et al.Interpersonal forgiving in close rela-tionships[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,1997,73(2):321-336.
[11]McKnight D,et al.Initial trust formation in new organiza-tional relationships[J].Academy of Management Review,1998,23(3):473-490.
[12]Morrison E W and Robinson S L.When employees feel be-trayed:A model of how psychological contract violation de-velops[J].Academy of Management Review,1997,22(1):226-256.
[13]Schmitt M,et al.Effects of objective and subjective accountcomponents on forgiving[J].Journal of Social Psychology,2004,144(5):465-485.
[14]Schoorman F D,et al.An integrative model of organizationaltrust:Past,present,and future[J].Academy of ManagementReview,2007,32(2):344-354.
[15]Schweitzer M E,et al.Promises and lies:Restoring violatedtrust[J].Organizational Behavior&Human DecisionProcesses,2006,101(1):1-19.
[16]Smith A,et al.A model of customer satisfaction with serviceencounters involving failure and recovery[J].Journal of Mar-keting Research,1999,36(3):356-372.
[17]Tomlinson E C,et al.The road to reconciliation:Anteced-ents of victim willingness to reconcile following a brokenpromise[J].Journal of Management,2004,30(2):165-187.
[18]Tomlinson E C and Mayer R C.The role of causal attribu-tion dimensions in trust repair[J].Academy of ManagementReview,2009,34(1):85-104.
[19]Wang S J and Huff L C.Explaining buyers responses to sell-ers violation of trust[J].European Journal of Marketing,2007,41(9-10):1033-1052.
[20]Xie Y and Peng S.How to repair customer trust after nega-tive publicity:The roles of competence,integrity,benevo-lence,and forgiveness[J].Psychology&Marketing,2009,26(7):572-589.
贾雷, 涂红伟, 周星. 消费者信任修复研究评介及展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(1): 57–64.