外国经济与管理 2013 年 第 35 卷第 02 期, 页码:63 - 70
[1]Allen T D,et al.The relationship between formal mentoring program characteristics and perceived program effectiveness[J].Personnel Psychology,2006,59(1):125-153.
[2]Baugh S G and Scandura T A.The effect of multiple mentors on protégéattitudes toward the work setting[J].Journal of Social Behavior and Personality,1999,14(4):503-522.
[3]Bozionelos N.Intra-organizational network resources:Rela-tion to career success and personality[J].International Journal of Organizational Analysis,2003,11(1):41-66.
[4]Bulent M,et al.A test of a model of new salespeople’s so-cialization and adjustment in a collectivist culture[J].Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management,2007,27(2):149-167.
[5]Burke R J.Mentors in organizations[J].Group and Organiza-tion Studies,1984,9(3):353-372.
[6]Chandler D E,et al.A developmental network and relational savvy approach to talent development[J].Organizational Dy-namics,2010,39(1):48-56.
[7]Dansky K H.The effect of group mentoring on career out-comes[J].Group and Organization Management,1996,21(1):5-21.
[8]Dobrow S R and Higgins M C.Developmental networks and professional identity:A longitudinal study[J].Career Deve-lopment International,2005,10(6/7):567-583.
[9]Dobrow S R,et al.A Review of developmental networks:In-corporating a mutuality perspective[J].Journal of Manage-ment,2012,37(6):1-34.
[10]Ensher E A and Murphy S E.Power mentoring:How suc-cessful mentors and protégés get the most out of their rela-tionships[M].San Francisco:Jossey-Bass,2005:1-66.
[11]Feeney M K and Bozeman B.Toward a useful theory of mentoring:A conceptual analysis and critique[J].Administra-tion&Society,2007,39(6):719-739.
[12]Feeney M K and Bozeman B.Mentoring and network ties[J].Human Relations,2008,61(12):1651-1676.
[13]Haggard D L,et al.Who is a mentor?A review of evolving definitions and implications for research[J].Journal of Ma-nagement,2011,37(1):280-304.
[14]Higgins M C.The more,the merrier?Multiple developmen-tal relationships and work satisfaction[J].Journal of Manage-ment Development,2000,19(4):277-296.
[15]Higgins M C.Changing careers:The effect of social context[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2001,22(6):595-618.
[16]Higgins M C,et al.Constellations and careers:Toward un-derstanding the effects of multiple developmental relationships[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2001,22(3):223-247.
[17]Higgins M C,et al.Never quite good enough:The paradox of sticky developmental relationships for elite university gra-duates[J].Journal of Vocational Behavior,2008,72(2):207-224.
[18]Higgins M C,et al.Optimism and the boundaryless career:The role of developmental relationships[J].Journal of Orga-nizational Behavior,2010,31(5):749-769.
[19]Higgins E T,et al.Increasing or decreasing interest in acti-vities:The role of regulatory fit[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2010,98(4):559-572.
[20]Janasz S C D,et al.Mentor networks and career success:Lessons for turbulent times[J].Academy of Management Executive,2003,17(4):78-93.
[21]Kram K E.Mentoring at work:Development relationships in organizational life[M].Glenview,IL:Scott,Foresman,1985:22-101.
[22]Morrison E W.Newcomer information seeking:Exploring types,modes,sources,and outcomes[J].Academy of Ma-nagement Journal,1993,36(3):557-589.
[23]Murphy W M and Kram K E.Understanding non-work rela-tionships in developmental networks[J].Career Development International,2010,15(7):637-663.
[24]Nielson T R,et al.The supportive mentor as a means of re-ducing work-family conflict[J].Journal of Vocational Behav-ior,2001,59(3):364-381.
[25]Pellegrini E K and Scandura T A.Construct equivalence across groups:An unexplored issue in mentoring research[J].Educational and Psychological Measurement,2005,65(2):323-335.
[26]Seibert S E,et al.A social capital theory of career success[J].Academy of Management Journal,2001,44(2):219-237.
[27]Shen Y and Kram K E.Expatriates’developmental net-works:Network diversity,base,and support functions[J].Career Development International,2011,16(6):528-552.
[28]Sweitzer V.Towards a theory of doctoral student profes-sional identity development:A developmental networks ap-proach[J].Journal of Higher Education,2009,80(1):1-33.
[29]Yun S,et al.Employee self-enhancement motives and job performance behaviors:Investigating the moderating effects of employee role ambiguity and managerial perceptions of employee commitment[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2007,92(3):745-756.
[2]Baugh S G and Scandura T A.The effect of multiple mentors on protégéattitudes toward the work setting[J].Journal of Social Behavior and Personality,1999,14(4):503-522.
[3]Bozionelos N.Intra-organizational network resources:Rela-tion to career success and personality[J].International Journal of Organizational Analysis,2003,11(1):41-66.
[4]Bulent M,et al.A test of a model of new salespeople’s so-cialization and adjustment in a collectivist culture[J].Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management,2007,27(2):149-167.
[5]Burke R J.Mentors in organizations[J].Group and Organiza-tion Studies,1984,9(3):353-372.
[6]Chandler D E,et al.A developmental network and relational savvy approach to talent development[J].Organizational Dy-namics,2010,39(1):48-56.
[7]Dansky K H.The effect of group mentoring on career out-comes[J].Group and Organization Management,1996,21(1):5-21.
[8]Dobrow S R and Higgins M C.Developmental networks and professional identity:A longitudinal study[J].Career Deve-lopment International,2005,10(6/7):567-583.
[9]Dobrow S R,et al.A Review of developmental networks:In-corporating a mutuality perspective[J].Journal of Manage-ment,2012,37(6):1-34.
[10]Ensher E A and Murphy S E.Power mentoring:How suc-cessful mentors and protégés get the most out of their rela-tionships[M].San Francisco:Jossey-Bass,2005:1-66.
[11]Feeney M K and Bozeman B.Toward a useful theory of mentoring:A conceptual analysis and critique[J].Administra-tion&Society,2007,39(6):719-739.
[12]Feeney M K and Bozeman B.Mentoring and network ties[J].Human Relations,2008,61(12):1651-1676.
[13]Haggard D L,et al.Who is a mentor?A review of evolving definitions and implications for research[J].Journal of Ma-nagement,2011,37(1):280-304.
[14]Higgins M C.The more,the merrier?Multiple developmen-tal relationships and work satisfaction[J].Journal of Manage-ment Development,2000,19(4):277-296.
[15]Higgins M C.Changing careers:The effect of social context[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2001,22(6):595-618.
[16]Higgins M C,et al.Constellations and careers:Toward un-derstanding the effects of multiple developmental relationships[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2001,22(3):223-247.
[17]Higgins M C,et al.Never quite good enough:The paradox of sticky developmental relationships for elite university gra-duates[J].Journal of Vocational Behavior,2008,72(2):207-224.
[18]Higgins M C,et al.Optimism and the boundaryless career:The role of developmental relationships[J].Journal of Orga-nizational Behavior,2010,31(5):749-769.
[19]Higgins E T,et al.Increasing or decreasing interest in acti-vities:The role of regulatory fit[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2010,98(4):559-572.
[20]Janasz S C D,et al.Mentor networks and career success:Lessons for turbulent times[J].Academy of Management Executive,2003,17(4):78-93.
[21]Kram K E.Mentoring at work:Development relationships in organizational life[M].Glenview,IL:Scott,Foresman,1985:22-101.
[22]Morrison E W.Newcomer information seeking:Exploring types,modes,sources,and outcomes[J].Academy of Ma-nagement Journal,1993,36(3):557-589.
[23]Murphy W M and Kram K E.Understanding non-work rela-tionships in developmental networks[J].Career Development International,2010,15(7):637-663.
[24]Nielson T R,et al.The supportive mentor as a means of re-ducing work-family conflict[J].Journal of Vocational Behav-ior,2001,59(3):364-381.
[25]Pellegrini E K and Scandura T A.Construct equivalence across groups:An unexplored issue in mentoring research[J].Educational and Psychological Measurement,2005,65(2):323-335.
[26]Seibert S E,et al.A social capital theory of career success[J].Academy of Management Journal,2001,44(2):219-237.
[27]Shen Y and Kram K E.Expatriates’developmental net-works:Network diversity,base,and support functions[J].Career Development International,2011,16(6):528-552.
[28]Sweitzer V.Towards a theory of doctoral student profes-sional identity development:A developmental networks ap-proach[J].Journal of Higher Education,2009,80(1):1-33.
[29]Yun S,et al.Employee self-enhancement motives and job performance behaviors:Investigating the moderating effects of employee role ambiguity and managerial perceptions of employee commitment[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2007,92(3):745-756.
魏钧, 李淼淼. 导师网络研究综述[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2013, 35(2): 63–70.