财经研究 2015 年 第 41 卷第 08 期, 页码:
[1]陈华帅,曾毅. “新农保”使谁受益:老人还是子女?[J]. 经济研究,2013,(8):55-67.
[2]程令国,张晔,刘志彪. “新农保”改变了中国农村居民的养老模式吗?[J]. 经济研究,2013,(8):42-54.
[3]黄宏伟,展进涛,陈超. “新农保”养老金收入对农村老年人劳动供给的影响[J]. 中国人口科学,2014,(2):106-115.
[4]张川川,陈斌开. “社会养老”能否替代“家庭养老”?——来自中国新型农村社会养老保险的证据[J].经济研究,2014,(11):102-115.
[5]Borrella M,Sartarelli M. Does a cash transfer affect elderly labour supply? Evidence from age discontinuities in Bolivia[R]. Working Paper, 2013.
[6]Bosch M,Guajardo J. Labor market impacts of noncontributory pensions:The case of Argentina’s moratorium [R]. Working Paper,2012.
[7]de Carvalho F. Oldage benefits and retirement decisions of rural elderly in Brazil[J]. Journal of Development Economics, 2008, 86(1): 129-146.
[8]de Oliveira P,Kassouf A. Impact evaluation of the Brazilian noncontributory pension program Benefício de Prestao Continuada (BPC) on family welfare[R].Working Paper, 2012.
[9]Dorfman M C,Wang D, O’Keefe P,et al. China’s pension schemes for rural and urban residents[R]. Working Paper, 2013.
[10]Fan E. Who benefits from public old age pensions? Evidence from a targeted program[J].Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2010,58(2):297-322.
[11]Galiani S,Gertler P,Bando R. Noncontributory pensions[R]. Working Paper,2014.
[12]Grembi V, Nannicini T, Troiano U. Do fiscal rules matter? A differenceindiscontinuities design[R].Working Paper,2011.
[13]Imbens G, Kalyanaraman K. Optimal bandwidth choice for the regression discontinuity estimator[R]. Working Paper,2009.
[14]Juarez L. The effect of an oldage demogrant on the labor supply and time use of the elderly and nonelderly in Mexico[J].The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 2010,10(1):1-27.
[15]Kaushal N. How public pension affects elderly labor supply and wellbeing: Evidence from India[J]. World Development , 2014,56: 214-225.
[16]Knabe A, Rtzel S, Schb R,et al. Dissatisfied with life but having a good day: Timeuse and wellbeing of the unemployed[J].The Economic Journal, 2010, 120(547): 867-889.
[17]Krueger A, Mueller A. The lot of the unemployed: A time use perspective[J]. Journal of the European Economic Association, 2012,10(4):765-794.
[2]程令国,张晔,刘志彪. “新农保”改变了中国农村居民的养老模式吗?[J]. 经济研究,2013,(8):42-54.
[3]黄宏伟,展进涛,陈超. “新农保”养老金收入对农村老年人劳动供给的影响[J]. 中国人口科学,2014,(2):106-115.
[4]张川川,陈斌开. “社会养老”能否替代“家庭养老”?——来自中国新型农村社会养老保险的证据[J].经济研究,2014,(11):102-115.
[5]Borrella M,Sartarelli M. Does a cash transfer affect elderly labour supply? Evidence from age discontinuities in Bolivia[R]. Working Paper, 2013.
[6]Bosch M,Guajardo J. Labor market impacts of noncontributory pensions:The case of Argentina’s moratorium [R]. Working Paper,2012.
[7]de Carvalho F. Oldage benefits and retirement decisions of rural elderly in Brazil[J]. Journal of Development Economics, 2008, 86(1): 129-146.
[8]de Oliveira P,Kassouf A. Impact evaluation of the Brazilian noncontributory pension program Benefício de Prestao Continuada (BPC) on family welfare[R].Working Paper, 2012.
[9]Dorfman M C,Wang D, O’Keefe P,et al. China’s pension schemes for rural and urban residents[R]. Working Paper, 2013.
[10]Fan E. Who benefits from public old age pensions? Evidence from a targeted program[J].Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2010,58(2):297-322.
[11]Galiani S,Gertler P,Bando R. Noncontributory pensions[R]. Working Paper,2014.
[12]Grembi V, Nannicini T, Troiano U. Do fiscal rules matter? A differenceindiscontinuities design[R].Working Paper,2011.
[13]Imbens G, Kalyanaraman K. Optimal bandwidth choice for the regression discontinuity estimator[R]. Working Paper,2009.
[14]Juarez L. The effect of an oldage demogrant on the labor supply and time use of the elderly and nonelderly in Mexico[J].The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 2010,10(1):1-27.
[15]Kaushal N. How public pension affects elderly labor supply and wellbeing: Evidence from India[J]. World Development , 2014,56: 214-225.
[16]Knabe A, Rtzel S, Schb R,et al. Dissatisfied with life but having a good day: Timeuse and wellbeing of the unemployed[J].The Economic Journal, 2010, 120(547): 867-889.
[17]Krueger A, Mueller A. The lot of the unemployed: A time use perspective[J]. Journal of the European Economic Association, 2012,10(4):765-794.
解 垩. “新农保”对农村老年人劳动供给及福利的影响[J]. 财经研究, 2015, 41(8): 0.