财经研究 2007 年 第 33 卷第 04 期, 页码:97 - 107
[1]Oosterloo S,Hann J.Central banks and financial stability:A survey[J].Journal of Fi-nancial Stabiltiy,2004,(1):257~273.
[2]Schinasi G J.Responsibility of central banks for stability in financial market[R].IMFWorking Paper,2003,(3):121~132.
[3]Schioppa T.Central banks and financial stability:Exploring a land in between[R].Policy PanelIntroductory Paper,Second ECB Central Banking Conference,2002,(10):87~96.
[4]Blinder A.General discussion:Monetary policy and asset price volatility[J].FederalReserve Bank of Kansas City Economic Review,1999,(4):139~140.
[5]Crockett A.In search of anchors for financial and monetary stability[J].SUERF Collo-quium,Vienna,2000,(4):231~253.
[6]Vinals J.Monetary policy issues in a low inflation environment in“Why price stability”[J].European Central Bank,2001,(6):43~65.
[7]Issuing O.Monetary and financial stability:Is there a trade-off[J].2003,(4):142~163.
[8]Ferguson R.Should financial stability be an explicit central bank objective?[R].Con-ference at the IMF in Washington,D.C.,2002,(9):67~84.
[9]Kent C,Lowe P.Asset-price bubbles and monetary policy[J].Research Discussion Pa-per of Reserve Bank of Australia,1997,(12):218~234.
[10]Barro R,Gordon D.A positive theory of monetary policy in a natural rate model[J].Journal of Political Economy,1983,(8):589~610.
[11]Ball L.Efficient rules for monetary policy[J].Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discus-sion Paper Series,1997,(3):122~131.
[12]Persson T,Guido T.Political economics and macroeconomic policy[J].IIES Stock-holm University,Seminar Paper,1997:641~657.
[13]鲍达民.Minefield of Global Financial Crises[EB].http://finance.163.com/06/0208/14/29ERFT8G00251K7 B.html.
[2]Schinasi G J.Responsibility of central banks for stability in financial market[R].IMFWorking Paper,2003,(3):121~132.
[3]Schioppa T.Central banks and financial stability:Exploring a land in between[R].Policy PanelIntroductory Paper,Second ECB Central Banking Conference,2002,(10):87~96.
[4]Blinder A.General discussion:Monetary policy and asset price volatility[J].FederalReserve Bank of Kansas City Economic Review,1999,(4):139~140.
[5]Crockett A.In search of anchors for financial and monetary stability[J].SUERF Collo-quium,Vienna,2000,(4):231~253.
[6]Vinals J.Monetary policy issues in a low inflation environment in“Why price stability”[J].European Central Bank,2001,(6):43~65.
[7]Issuing O.Monetary and financial stability:Is there a trade-off[J].2003,(4):142~163.
[8]Ferguson R.Should financial stability be an explicit central bank objective?[R].Con-ference at the IMF in Washington,D.C.,2002,(9):67~84.
[9]Kent C,Lowe P.Asset-price bubbles and monetary policy[J].Research Discussion Pa-per of Reserve Bank of Australia,1997,(12):218~234.
[10]Barro R,Gordon D.A positive theory of monetary policy in a natural rate model[J].Journal of Political Economy,1983,(8):589~610.
[11]Ball L.Efficient rules for monetary policy[J].Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discus-sion Paper Series,1997,(3):122~131.
[12]Persson T,Guido T.Political economics and macroeconomic policy[J].IIES Stock-holm University,Seminar Paper,1997:641~657.
[13]鲍达民.Minefield of Global Financial Crises[EB].http://finance.163.com/06/0208/14/29ERFT8G00251K7 B.html.
黄佳, 朱建武. 基于金融稳定的货币政策框架修正研究[J]. 财经研究, 2007, 33(4): 97–107.