财经研究 2010 年 第 36 卷第 11 期, 页码:40 - 51
[8]Busemeyer,Marius R.The impact of fiscal decentralization on education and other typesof spending[J].Swiss Political Science Review,2008,14:451-81.
[9]Cai Hongbin,Daniel Treisman.Does competition for capital discipline governments?De-centralization,globalization,and public policy[J].The American Economic Review,2005,95:817-830.
[10]Lin Justin Z Liu.Fiscal decentralization and economic growth in China[J].EconomicDevelopment and Culture Change,2003,49:1-23.
[11]Oates,Wallace E.Toward a second-generation theory of fiscal federalism[J].Interna-tional Tax and Public Finance,2005,12:349-373.
[12]Qian Y,Barry R Weingast.Federalism as a commitment to preserving market incen-tives[J].Journal of Economic Perspectives,1997,11:183-92.
[13]Qian Y,Gerald Roland.Federalism and the soft budget constraint[J].The AmericanEconomic Review,1998,88:1143-1162.
[14]Tiebout,Charles M.A pure theory of local expenditure[J].The Journal of PoliticalEconomy,1956,64:416-424.
[15]Zhang T,H Zou.Fiscal decentralization,public spending,and economic growth in China[J].Journal of Public Economics,1998,67:221-240.
[8]Busemeyer,Marius R.The impact of fiscal decentralization on education and other typesof spending[J].Swiss Political Science Review,2008,14:451-81.
[9]Cai Hongbin,Daniel Treisman.Does competition for capital discipline governments?De-centralization,globalization,and public policy[J].The American Economic Review,2005,95:817-830.
[10]Lin Justin Z Liu.Fiscal decentralization and economic growth in China[J].EconomicDevelopment and Culture Change,2003,49:1-23.
[11]Oates,Wallace E.Toward a second-generation theory of fiscal federalism[J].Interna-tional Tax and Public Finance,2005,12:349-373.
[12]Qian Y,Barry R Weingast.Federalism as a commitment to preserving market incen-tives[J].Journal of Economic Perspectives,1997,11:183-92.
[13]Qian Y,Gerald Roland.Federalism and the soft budget constraint[J].The AmericanEconomic Review,1998,88:1143-1162.
[14]Tiebout,Charles M.A pure theory of local expenditure[J].The Journal of PoliticalEconomy,1956,64:416-424.
[15]Zhang T,H Zou.Fiscal decentralization,public spending,and economic growth in China[J].Journal of Public Economics,1998,67:221-240.
罗伟卿. 财政分权是否影响了公共教育供给——基于理论模型与地级面板数据的研究[J]. 财经研究, 2010, 36(11): 40–51.