财经研究 2011 年 第 37 卷第 11 期, 页码:51 - 61
[9]Allen F,Gale D.Diversity of opinion and financing of new technologies[J].Journal ofFinancial Intermediation,1999,8:68-89.
[10]Beck T,Levine R.Stock markets,banks and growth:Panel evidence[J].Journal ofBanking and Finance,2004,28:423-442.
[11]Chakraborty S,Ray T.Bank based versus market based financial system:A growththeoretic analysis[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,2006,53:329-350.
[12]Goldsmith R.Financial structure and development[M].New Haven:Yale UniversityPress,1969.
[13]King R G,Levine R.Finance,entrepreneurship,and grwoth:Theory and evidence[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,1993,32:513-542.
[14]La Porta R,Lopez-de-Silanse F,Shleifer A.Government ownership of banks[J].Jour-nal of Finance,2002,57:265-301.
[15]La Porta R,Lopez-de-Silanse F,Shleifer A,Vishny R W.Law and finance[J].Journalof Political Economy,1998,106:1113-1155.
[16]Levine R.The legal environment,banks and long-run economic growth[J].Journal ofMoney,Credit and Banking,1998,30:596-620.
[17]Levine R.Law,finance and economic growth[J].Journal of Financial Intermediation,1999,8:8-35.
[18]Levine R,Loayza N,Beck T.Financial intermediation and growth:Causality and causes[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,2000,46:31-77.
[19]Levine R,Zervos S.Stock markets,banks and economic growth[J].American EconomicReview,1998,88:537-558.
[20]Mackinnon R I.The order of economic liberalization:Financial control in the transitionto a market economy[M].Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press,1973.
[21]Rajan R G,Zingales L.Which capitalism?Lessons from the East Asian crisis[J].Jour-nal of Applied Corporate Finance,1998,11:40-48.
[22]Robinson J.The generalization of the general theory and other essays[M].The 2ndEdition.London:Macmillan,1979.
[23]Schumpter J A.A theory of economic development[M].Cambridge,MA:Harvard Uni-versity Press,1911.
[24]Shaw A S.Financial deepening in economic development[M].New York:Oxford Uni-versity Press,1973.
[25]Shleifer A,Vishny R W.A survey of corporate government[J].Journal of Finance,1997,52:737-783.
[26]Tadesse S.Financial architecture and economic performance:International evidence[J].Journal of Financial Intermediation,2002,11:429-454.
[9]Allen F,Gale D.Diversity of opinion and financing of new technologies[J].Journal ofFinancial Intermediation,1999,8:68-89.
[10]Beck T,Levine R.Stock markets,banks and growth:Panel evidence[J].Journal ofBanking and Finance,2004,28:423-442.
[11]Chakraborty S,Ray T.Bank based versus market based financial system:A growththeoretic analysis[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,2006,53:329-350.
[12]Goldsmith R.Financial structure and development[M].New Haven:Yale UniversityPress,1969.
[13]King R G,Levine R.Finance,entrepreneurship,and grwoth:Theory and evidence[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,1993,32:513-542.
[14]La Porta R,Lopez-de-Silanse F,Shleifer A.Government ownership of banks[J].Jour-nal of Finance,2002,57:265-301.
[15]La Porta R,Lopez-de-Silanse F,Shleifer A,Vishny R W.Law and finance[J].Journalof Political Economy,1998,106:1113-1155.
[16]Levine R.The legal environment,banks and long-run economic growth[J].Journal ofMoney,Credit and Banking,1998,30:596-620.
[17]Levine R.Law,finance and economic growth[J].Journal of Financial Intermediation,1999,8:8-35.
[18]Levine R,Loayza N,Beck T.Financial intermediation and growth:Causality and causes[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,2000,46:31-77.
[19]Levine R,Zervos S.Stock markets,banks and economic growth[J].American EconomicReview,1998,88:537-558.
[20]Mackinnon R I.The order of economic liberalization:Financial control in the transitionto a market economy[M].Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press,1973.
[21]Rajan R G,Zingales L.Which capitalism?Lessons from the East Asian crisis[J].Jour-nal of Applied Corporate Finance,1998,11:40-48.
[22]Robinson J.The generalization of the general theory and other essays[M].The 2ndEdition.London:Macmillan,1979.
[23]Schumpter J A.A theory of economic development[M].Cambridge,MA:Harvard Uni-versity Press,1911.
[24]Shaw A S.Financial deepening in economic development[M].New York:Oxford Uni-versity Press,1973.
[25]Shleifer A,Vishny R W.A survey of corporate government[J].Journal of Finance,1997,52:737-783.
[26]Tadesse S.Financial architecture and economic performance:International evidence[J].Journal of Financial Intermediation,2002,11:429-454.
王勋, 赵珍. 中国金融规模、金融结构与经济增长——基于省区面板数据的实证研究[J]. 财经研究, 2011, 37(11): 51–61.