财经研究 2012 年 第 38 卷第 04 期, 页码:135 - 145
[5]Allen F,Michaely R.Payout policy[EB/OL].http://fic.wharton.upenn.edu/fic/pa-pers/01/0121.pdf,2002.
[6]Barclay M J,Holderness C G,Sheehan D P.Dividends and corporate shareholders[J].Review of Financial Studies,2009,22(6):2423-2455.
[7]Desai M A,Dyck A,Zingales L.Theft and taxes[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2007,84:591-623.
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[9]Donghua Chen,Ming Jian,Ming Xu.Dividends for tunneling in a regulated economy:The case of China[J].Pacific-Basin Finance Journal,2009,17:209-223.
[10]Grullon G,Michaely R.Dividends,share repurchases,and the substitution hypothesis[J].Journal of Finance,2002,57(4):1649-1684.
[11]Graham J R.Tax and corporate finance:A review[J].Review of Financial Studies,2003,16(4):1075-1129.
[12]Jensen M.Agency costs of free cash flows,corporate finance and takeovers[J].Ameri-..can Economic Review,1986,76:323-339.
[13]La Porta R,Lopez-de-Silanes F,Shleifer A,et al.Agency problems and dividend poli-cies around the world[J].Journal of Finance,2000,55:1-33.
[14]Morck R,Yeung B.Dividend taxation and corporate governance[J].Journal of Eco-nomic Perspectives,2005,19(3):163-180.
[15]Miller M,Modigliani F.Dividend policy,growth and the valuation of shares[J].Jour-nal of Business,1961,34:411-433.
[16]Miller M,Scholes M.Dividends and taxes[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1978,6:333-364.
[17]Perez-Gonzalez F.Large shareholders and dividends:Evidence from U.S.tax reform[R].Working Paper,Columbia University,2003.
[5]Allen F,Michaely R.Payout policy[EB/OL].http://fic.wharton.upenn.edu/fic/pa-pers/01/0121.pdf,2002.
[6]Barclay M J,Holderness C G,Sheehan D P.Dividends and corporate shareholders[J].Review of Financial Studies,2009,22(6):2423-2455.
[7]Desai M A,Dyck A,Zingales L.Theft and taxes[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2007,84:591-623.
[8]Dittmar A,Dittmar R.Stock repurchase waves:An explanation of the trends in aggre-gate corporate payout policy[R].Working Paper,University of Michigan,2002.
[9]Donghua Chen,Ming Jian,Ming Xu.Dividends for tunneling in a regulated economy:The case of China[J].Pacific-Basin Finance Journal,2009,17:209-223.
[10]Grullon G,Michaely R.Dividends,share repurchases,and the substitution hypothesis[J].Journal of Finance,2002,57(4):1649-1684.
[11]Graham J R.Tax and corporate finance:A review[J].Review of Financial Studies,2003,16(4):1075-1129.
[12]Jensen M.Agency costs of free cash flows,corporate finance and takeovers[J].Ameri-..can Economic Review,1986,76:323-339.
[13]La Porta R,Lopez-de-Silanes F,Shleifer A,et al.Agency problems and dividend poli-cies around the world[J].Journal of Finance,2000,55:1-33.
[14]Morck R,Yeung B.Dividend taxation and corporate governance[J].Journal of Eco-nomic Perspectives,2005,19(3):163-180.
[15]Miller M,Modigliani F.Dividend policy,growth and the valuation of shares[J].Jour-nal of Business,1961,34:411-433.
[16]Miller M,Scholes M.Dividends and taxes[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1978,6:333-364.
[17]Perez-Gonzalez F.Large shareholders and dividends:Evidence from U.S.tax reform[R].Working Paper,Columbia University,2003.
孙刚, 朱凯, 陶李. 产权性质、税收成本与上市公司股利政策[J]. 财经研究, 2012, 38(4): 135–145.