财经研究 2012 年 第 38 卷第 04 期, 页码:70 - 80
[10]Ang A,Bekaert G,Wei M.The term structure of real rates and expected inflation[J].Journal of Finance,2008,63(2):797-849.
[11]Ang A,Piazzesi M.A non-arbitrage vector autoregression of term structure dynamicswith macroeconomic and latent variables[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,2003,50(4):745-787.
[12]Bernanke B.The economic outlook and monetary policy[Z].Speech at the Bond Mar-ket Association Annual Meeting,New York,2004.
[13]Dai Q,Singleton K.Specification analysis of affine term structure models[J].Journal ofFinance,2000,55(5):1943-1978.
[14]Forsells M,Kenny G.The rationality of consumers’inflation expectations:Survey-based evidence for the Euro area[R].Working Paper 163,European Central Bank,2002.
[15]Friedman M.The role of monetary policy[J].American Economic Review,1968,58(1):1-17.
[16]Fuhrer J,Moore G.Inflation persistence[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1995,110(1):127-159.
[17]GalíJ,Gertler M.Inflation dynamics:A structural econometric analysis[J].Journal ofMonetary Economics,1999,44(2):195-222.
[18]Kozicki S,Tinsley P.Survey-based estimates of the term structure of expected U.S.inflation[R].Working Paper 46,Bank of Canada,2006.
[19]Mishkin F.What does the term structure tell us about future inflation?[J].Journal ofMonetary Economics,1990,25(1):77-95...
[20]Pennacchi G.Identifying the dynamics of real interest rates and inflation:Evidenceusing survey data[J].Review of Financial Studies,1991,4(1):53-86.
[21]Phelps E.Phillips curves,expectations of inflation and optimal unemployment overtime[J].Economica,1967,34:254-281.
[22]Roberts J M.New Keynesian economics and the Phillips curve[J].Journal of Money,Credit and Banking,1995,27(4):975-984.
[23]Stock J,Watson M.Forecasting output and inflation:The role of asset prices[J].Journal of Economic Literature,2003,41(3):788-829.
[10]Ang A,Bekaert G,Wei M.The term structure of real rates and expected inflation[J].Journal of Finance,2008,63(2):797-849.
[11]Ang A,Piazzesi M.A non-arbitrage vector autoregression of term structure dynamicswith macroeconomic and latent variables[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,2003,50(4):745-787.
[12]Bernanke B.The economic outlook and monetary policy[Z].Speech at the Bond Mar-ket Association Annual Meeting,New York,2004.
[13]Dai Q,Singleton K.Specification analysis of affine term structure models[J].Journal ofFinance,2000,55(5):1943-1978.
[14]Forsells M,Kenny G.The rationality of consumers’inflation expectations:Survey-based evidence for the Euro area[R].Working Paper 163,European Central Bank,2002.
[15]Friedman M.The role of monetary policy[J].American Economic Review,1968,58(1):1-17.
[16]Fuhrer J,Moore G.Inflation persistence[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1995,110(1):127-159.
[17]GalíJ,Gertler M.Inflation dynamics:A structural econometric analysis[J].Journal ofMonetary Economics,1999,44(2):195-222.
[18]Kozicki S,Tinsley P.Survey-based estimates of the term structure of expected U.S.inflation[R].Working Paper 46,Bank of Canada,2006.
[19]Mishkin F.What does the term structure tell us about future inflation?[J].Journal ofMonetary Economics,1990,25(1):77-95...
[20]Pennacchi G.Identifying the dynamics of real interest rates and inflation:Evidenceusing survey data[J].Review of Financial Studies,1991,4(1):53-86.
[21]Phelps E.Phillips curves,expectations of inflation and optimal unemployment overtime[J].Economica,1967,34:254-281.
[22]Roberts J M.New Keynesian economics and the Phillips curve[J].Journal of Money,Credit and Banking,1995,27(4):975-984.
[23]Stock J,Watson M.Forecasting output and inflation:The role of asset prices[J].Journal of Economic Literature,2003,41(3):788-829.
李春琦, 翁毅. 我国居民通胀预期的测度:基于银行间债券市场数据的方法[J]. 财经研究, 2012, 38(4): 70–80.