财经研究 2014 年 第 40 卷第 11 期, 页码:44 - 60
[11]Asea P K,Lahiri A.The precious bane[J].Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,1999,23(5-6):823-849.
[12]Bravo-Ortega C,De Gregorio J.The relative richness of the poorNatural resources,human capital and economic growth[A].Lederman D,Maloney W.Natural Resources,Neither Curse nor Destiny[C].Washington DC:World Bank,2007.
[13]Chen H.A brain gain or a brain drain Migration,endogenous fertility,and human capital formation[J].Economic Inquiry,2009,47(4):766-782.
[14]Dahlman C J,Routti J,Yla-Anttila P.Finland as a knowledge economy:Elements of success and lessons learned[R].Washington DC:World Bank,2007.
[15]Dustmann C,Fadlon I,Weiss Y.Return migration,human capital accumulation and the brain drain[J].Journal of Development Economics,2011,95(1):58-67.
[16]Gylfason T.Natural resources,education,and economic development[J].European Economic Review,2001,45(4-6):847-859.
[17]Kurtz M J,Brooks S M.Conditioning the“resource curse”:Globalization,human capital,and growth in oil-rich nations[J].Comparative Political Studies,2011,44(d):747-770.
[18]Lafforgue G.Stochastic technical change,non-renewable resource and optimal sustainable growth[J].Resource and Energy Economics,2008,30(4):540-554.
[19]Lucas R E.On the mechanics of economic development[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,1988,22(1):3-42.
[20]Maria C D,Stryszowski P.Migration,human capital accumulation and economic development[J].Journal of Development Economics,2009,90(2):306-313.
[21]Mountford A.Can a brain drain be good for growth in the source economy[J].Journal of Development Economics,1997,53(2):287-303.
[22]Papyrakis E,Gerlagh R.The resource curse hypothesis and its transmission channels[J].Journal of Comparative Economics,2004,32(1):181-193.
[23]Sachs J D,Warner A M.Natural resource abundance and economic growth[R].NBER Working Paper No.5398,1995.
[24]Sachs J D,Warner A M.Natural resources and economic development:The curse of natural resources[J].European Economic Review,2001,45(4-6):827-838.
[25]Shao S,Yang L.Natural resource dependence,human capital accumulation,and Economic growth:a combined explanation for the resource curse and the resource blessing[J].Energy Policy,2014,in press,DOI:10.1016/j.enpol.2014.07.007.
[26]Stiglitz J.Growth with exhaustible natural resources:efficient and optimal growth Paths[J].Review of Economic Studies,1974,41:123-137.
[27]van der Ploeg F,Poelhekke S.The pungent smell of“red herrings”:Subsoil assets,rents,volatility and the resource curse[J].Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,2010,60(1):44-55.
[28]van Zon A,Yetkiner I H.An endogenous growth model with embodied energy-saving technical change[J].Resource and Energy Economics,2003,25(1):81-103.
[11]Asea P K,Lahiri A.The precious bane[J].Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,1999,23(5-6):823-849.
[12]Bravo-Ortega C,De Gregorio J.The relative richness of the poorNatural resources,human capital and economic growth[A].Lederman D,Maloney W.Natural Resources,Neither Curse nor Destiny[C].Washington DC:World Bank,2007.
[13]Chen H.A brain gain or a brain drain Migration,endogenous fertility,and human capital formation[J].Economic Inquiry,2009,47(4):766-782.
[14]Dahlman C J,Routti J,Yla-Anttila P.Finland as a knowledge economy:Elements of success and lessons learned[R].Washington DC:World Bank,2007.
[15]Dustmann C,Fadlon I,Weiss Y.Return migration,human capital accumulation and the brain drain[J].Journal of Development Economics,2011,95(1):58-67.
[16]Gylfason T.Natural resources,education,and economic development[J].European Economic Review,2001,45(4-6):847-859.
[17]Kurtz M J,Brooks S M.Conditioning the“resource curse”:Globalization,human capital,and growth in oil-rich nations[J].Comparative Political Studies,2011,44(d):747-770.
[18]Lafforgue G.Stochastic technical change,non-renewable resource and optimal sustainable growth[J].Resource and Energy Economics,2008,30(4):540-554.
[19]Lucas R E.On the mechanics of economic development[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,1988,22(1):3-42.
[20]Maria C D,Stryszowski P.Migration,human capital accumulation and economic development[J].Journal of Development Economics,2009,90(2):306-313.
[21]Mountford A.Can a brain drain be good for growth in the source economy[J].Journal of Development Economics,1997,53(2):287-303.
[22]Papyrakis E,Gerlagh R.The resource curse hypothesis and its transmission channels[J].Journal of Comparative Economics,2004,32(1):181-193.
[23]Sachs J D,Warner A M.Natural resource abundance and economic growth[R].NBER Working Paper No.5398,1995.
[24]Sachs J D,Warner A M.Natural resources and economic development:The curse of natural resources[J].European Economic Review,2001,45(4-6):827-838.
[25]Shao S,Yang L.Natural resource dependence,human capital accumulation,and Economic growth:a combined explanation for the resource curse and the resource blessing[J].Energy Policy,2014,in press,DOI:10.1016/j.enpol.2014.07.007.
[26]Stiglitz J.Growth with exhaustible natural resources:efficient and optimal growth Paths[J].Review of Economic Studies,1974,41:123-137.
[27]van der Ploeg F,Poelhekke S.The pungent smell of“red herrings”:Subsoil assets,rents,volatility and the resource curse[J].Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,2010,60(1):44-55.
[28]van Zon A,Yetkiner I H.An endogenous growth model with embodied energy-saving technical change[J].Resource and Energy Economics,2003,25(1):81-103.
杨莉莉, 邵帅. 人力资本流动与资源诅咒效应:如何实现资源型区域的可持续增长[J]. 财经研究, 2014, 40(11): 44–60.