财经研究 2014 年 第 40 卷第 10 期, 页码:4 - 17
[10]Christiano L,Eichenbaum M,Evans C.Nominal rigidities and the dynamic effects of a shock to monetary policy[J].Journal of Political Economy,2005,113(1):1-45.
[11]Dennis R,Sderstrm U.How important is precommitment for monetary policy?[J].Journal of Money,Credit and Banking,2006,38(4):847-872.
[12]Dennis R.The policy preferences of the US Federal Reserve[J].Journal of Applied Econometrics,2006,21(1):55-77.
[13]Fuhrer J C.Habit formation in consumption and its implications for monetary?policy models[J].American Economic Review,2000,90(3):367-390.
[14]Gali J,Gertler M.Inflation dynamics:A structural econometric analysis[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,1999,44(2):195-222.
[15]Hamilton J D.Time series analysis[M].Princeton,NJ:Princeton University Press,1994.
[16]Ilbas P.Revealing the preferences of the US Federal Reserve[J].Journal of Applied Econometrics,2012,27(3):440-473.
[17]Rogoff K.The optimal degree of commitment to an intermediate monetary target[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1985,100(4):1169-1189.
[18]Rudebusch G D,Svensson L E O.Policy rules for inflation targeting[A].Taylor J B.Monetary policy rules[C].Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1999.
[19]Sderlind P.Solution and estimation of RE macro models with optimal policy[J].European Economic Review,1999,43(4-6):813-823.
[20]Svensson L E O.Inflation forecast targeting:Implementing and monitoring inflation targets[J].European Economic Review,1997,41(6):1111-1146.
[21]Walsh C E.Optimal contracts for central bankers[J].American Economic Review,1995,85(1):150-167.
[22]Woodford M.Interest and prices:Foundations of a theory of monetary policy[M].Princeton,NJ:Princeton University Press,2003.
[23]Woodford M.Optimal monetary policy inertia[J].Manchester School,1999,67(Supplement):1-35.
②胜算比率的优点是其唯一地取决于模型的拟合能力,而不受模型和参数的任何先验信息影响。该比率越高表明模型对数据的拟合越好。它的计算公式为:p(i)=exp(BIC(i))/∑m j=1exp(BIC(j))。
[10]Christiano L,Eichenbaum M,Evans C.Nominal rigidities and the dynamic effects of a shock to monetary policy[J].Journal of Political Economy,2005,113(1):1-45.
[11]Dennis R,Sderstrm U.How important is precommitment for monetary policy?[J].Journal of Money,Credit and Banking,2006,38(4):847-872.
[12]Dennis R.The policy preferences of the US Federal Reserve[J].Journal of Applied Econometrics,2006,21(1):55-77.
[13]Fuhrer J C.Habit formation in consumption and its implications for monetary?policy models[J].American Economic Review,2000,90(3):367-390.
[14]Gali J,Gertler M.Inflation dynamics:A structural econometric analysis[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,1999,44(2):195-222.
[15]Hamilton J D.Time series analysis[M].Princeton,NJ:Princeton University Press,1994.
[16]Ilbas P.Revealing the preferences of the US Federal Reserve[J].Journal of Applied Econometrics,2012,27(3):440-473.
[17]Rogoff K.The optimal degree of commitment to an intermediate monetary target[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1985,100(4):1169-1189.
[18]Rudebusch G D,Svensson L E O.Policy rules for inflation targeting[A].Taylor J B.Monetary policy rules[C].Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1999.
[19]Sderlind P.Solution and estimation of RE macro models with optimal policy[J].European Economic Review,1999,43(4-6):813-823.
[20]Svensson L E O.Inflation forecast targeting:Implementing and monitoring inflation targets[J].European Economic Review,1997,41(6):1111-1146.
[21]Walsh C E.Optimal contracts for central bankers[J].American Economic Review,1995,85(1):150-167.
[22]Woodford M.Interest and prices:Foundations of a theory of monetary policy[M].Princeton,NJ:Princeton University Press,2003.
[23]Woodford M.Optimal monetary policy inertia[J].Manchester School,1999,67(Supplement):1-35.
②胜算比率的优点是其唯一地取决于模型的拟合能力,而不受模型和参数的任何先验信息影响。该比率越高表明模型对数据的拟合越好。它的计算公式为:p(i)=exp(BIC(i))/∑m j=1exp(BIC(j))。
余建干, 吴冲锋. 中国最优货币政策的选择、比较和影响——基于混合型新凯恩斯模型的实证研究[J]. 财经研究, 2014, 40(10): 4–17.