财经研究 2015 年 第 41 卷第 11 期, 页码:44 - 57
[1] 毕晓方, 张俊民, 李海英.产业政策、管理者过度自信与企业流动性风险[J].会计研究, 2015, (3):57-63.
[2] 郝颖, 刘星, 林朝南.我国上市公司高管人员过度自信与投资决策的实证研究[J].中国管理科学, 2005, (5):144-150.
[3] 贾俊雪, 郭庆旺.财政支出类型、财政政策作用机理与最优财政货币政策规则[J].世界经济, 2012, (11):3-30.
[4] 陆正飞, 韩非池.宏观经济政策如何影响公司现金持有的经济效应?——基于产品市场和资本市场两重角度的研究[J].管理世界, 2013, (6):43-60.
[5] 马健, 刘志新, 张力健.异质信念、融资决策与投资收益[J].管理科学学报, 2013, (1):59-73.
[6] 张其仔, 郭朝先, 白玫.协调保增长与转变经济增长方式关系的产业政策研究[J].中国工业经济, 2009, (3):29-39.
[7] Bayar O, Chemmanur T J, Liu M H. A theory of equity carve-outs and negative stub values under heterogeneous beliefs[J]. Journal of Financial Economics, 2011, 100(3): 616-638.
[8] Biddle G C, Hilary G, Verdi R S. How does financial reporting quality relate to investment efficiency?[J]. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2009, 48(2-3): 112-131.
[9] Bloom N, Bond S, Van R J. Uncertainty and investment dynamics[J]. Review of Economic Studies, 2007, 74(2): 391-415.
[10] Camerer C, Lovallo D. Overconfidence and excess entry: An experimental approach[J]. American Economic Review, 1999, 89(1): 306-318.
[11] Chen H, Joslin S, Tran N K. Rare disasters and risk sharing with heterogeneous beliefs[J]. Review of Financial Studies, 2012, 25(7): 2189-2224.
[12] Cova P, Pisani M, Rebucci A. Macroeconomic effects of China's fiscal stimulus[R]. IDB Working Paper No. 72, 2010.
[13] Dittmar A, Thakor A. Why do firms issue equity?[J]. Journal of Finance, 2007, 62(1): 1-54.
[14] Hong H, Stein J C. Disagreement and the stock market[J]. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2007, 21(2): 109-128.
[15] Johansson A C, Feng X. The state advance, the private sector retreats: Firm effects of China's great stimulus program[R]. Working Paper, 2013.
[16] Malmendier U, Tate G. CEO overconfidence and corporate investment[J]. Journal of Finance, 2005, 60(6): 2661-2700.
[17] Richardson S. Over-investment of free cash flow[J]. Review of Accounting Studies, 2006, 11(2-3): 159-189.
[2] 郝颖, 刘星, 林朝南.我国上市公司高管人员过度自信与投资决策的实证研究[J].中国管理科学, 2005, (5):144-150.
[3] 贾俊雪, 郭庆旺.财政支出类型、财政政策作用机理与最优财政货币政策规则[J].世界经济, 2012, (11):3-30.
[4] 陆正飞, 韩非池.宏观经济政策如何影响公司现金持有的经济效应?——基于产品市场和资本市场两重角度的研究[J].管理世界, 2013, (6):43-60.
[5] 马健, 刘志新, 张力健.异质信念、融资决策与投资收益[J].管理科学学报, 2013, (1):59-73.
[6] 张其仔, 郭朝先, 白玫.协调保增长与转变经济增长方式关系的产业政策研究[J].中国工业经济, 2009, (3):29-39.
[7] Bayar O, Chemmanur T J, Liu M H. A theory of equity carve-outs and negative stub values under heterogeneous beliefs[J]. Journal of Financial Economics, 2011, 100(3): 616-638.
[8] Biddle G C, Hilary G, Verdi R S. How does financial reporting quality relate to investment efficiency?[J]. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2009, 48(2-3): 112-131.
[9] Bloom N, Bond S, Van R J. Uncertainty and investment dynamics[J]. Review of Economic Studies, 2007, 74(2): 391-415.
[10] Camerer C, Lovallo D. Overconfidence and excess entry: An experimental approach[J]. American Economic Review, 1999, 89(1): 306-318.
[11] Chen H, Joslin S, Tran N K. Rare disasters and risk sharing with heterogeneous beliefs[J]. Review of Financial Studies, 2012, 25(7): 2189-2224.
[12] Cova P, Pisani M, Rebucci A. Macroeconomic effects of China's fiscal stimulus[R]. IDB Working Paper No. 72, 2010.
[13] Dittmar A, Thakor A. Why do firms issue equity?[J]. Journal of Finance, 2007, 62(1): 1-54.
[14] Hong H, Stein J C. Disagreement and the stock market[J]. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2007, 21(2): 109-128.
[15] Johansson A C, Feng X. The state advance, the private sector retreats: Firm effects of China's great stimulus program[R]. Working Paper, 2013.
[16] Malmendier U, Tate G. CEO overconfidence and corporate investment[J]. Journal of Finance, 2005, 60(6): 2661-2700.
[17] Richardson S. Over-investment of free cash flow[J]. Review of Accounting Studies, 2006, 11(2-3): 159-189.
张超, 刘星, 田梦可. 财政刺激、信念波动与企业过度投资——基于管理者视角的经验研究[J]. 财经研究, 2015, 41(11): 44–57.