外国经济与管理 2005 年 第 27 卷第 10 期, 页码:
①城市成长管理源于20世纪60年代的美国,并在70-80年代广泛流传开来。现今,成长管理采用土地利用规划、政策以 及“城市成长边界”(urban growth boundary)控制等管理工具来影响新开发项目的区位。
②区域主义最早是由Patrick Geddes(1915)提出的城市区域观。他认为“城市的形成有赖于整个区域”。区域主义试图突破 单个城市的范围来解决城市蔓延问题,如建立强有力的都市区政府(metropolitan governments),设立新的区域服务区和 专门的区域税收区等方式来解决城市空间发展的矛盾和冲突,以控制城市无序蔓延。
③新城市主义源于20世纪80年代后,建筑和规划师们开始倡导用紧凑发展模式来取代传统的蔓延式发展模式,并逐步形 成了新城市主义的社区规划设计思潮。新城市主义倡导土地的混合利用、紧凑发展模式以及步行、公交友好的交通方式。
④精明增长指既要支持增长,又要规避增长带来的负面影响。引自Gillham,Oliver.The Iimitless city:a primer on the urban sprawl debate[M].Washington.D.C.:Island Press,2002:156-160.
⑤Sierra Club是英裔美国博物学家John Muir(1838-1914)在1892年成立的俱乐部,他主张建立国家公园和自然保护区, 被尊为美国国家公园之父。
⑥转引自Owiafe,Patrice Kwame. City-region form and municipal property tax dependency: enhancing the prospects for more sustainable development of the manitoba capital Region[D]. A thesis for the Degree of Master of Arts, University of Manitoba,2001:56.
⑦转引自Berlin, C. Sprawl comes to the american reartland[J]. Focus, 2002,46(4):728-744.
⑧转引自John I Carruthers. Evaluating the effectiveness of regulatory growth management programs:an interregional analysis[D]. Thesis of the degree of Doctor of Philosopy,University of Washington,2001:33.
⑨分区制是一种对城市特定地块土地利用强度进行控制的手段,主要包括对地块的大小、建筑体量、建筑密度和土地利用性 质等的控制。这种土地利用控制手段在总体上就构成了一种分区制城市土地利用管理模式。
⑩Tingwei Zhang虽然是位城市规划学者,但由于其应用计量经济方法,本文将其研究纳入经济学研究范畴。
⑾唐斯(Downs)在他1957年出版的《民主的经济理论》中指出,如果在一个多数决策模型中,个人偏好都是单峰的,则反映 中位数投票人意愿的那种政策会最终获胜,因为选择该政策会使整个团体的福利损失最小。
⑿转引自Boyer Robert. The regulation school: a critical introduction[M]. New York:Columbia University Press. ,1989: 118.
⒀转引自2003年Jane Jensor对Lipietz的采访录:A rebel sons:the regulation school.An interview conducted by Jane Jen son.[DB].http://perso.club-internet.fr/lipietz/MET/MET_RebelSons.htm.2003:1.
[1]Gottman,Jean. Megalopolis: the urbanized northeastern seaboard of the United States[M]. New York: Twentieth Century Fund,1961:247.
[2]Mills, E S. Book review of urban sprawl causes,consequences and policy responses[J]. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2003,33:251-252.
[3]Harvey, Robert O and Clark,W A V. The nature and economics of urban sprawl[J]. A Quarterly Journal of Planning, Housing & Public Utilities,1965,7(1) :1-10.
[4]Dutton,John A. New american urbanism: reforming the suburban metropolis[M]. New York: Distributed in North A-merica and Latin America by Abbeville Pub. Group:London:Distributed elsewhere by Thames & Hudson,2000:17.
[5]Fulton,W,R Pendall,M Nguyen,and A Harrison. Who sprawls most? how growth patterns differ across the U S[M]. Washington,D C: Brookings Institution, 2001:5-11.
[6]Lopez, R, and H P Hynes. Sprawl in the 1990s: measurement, distribution and trends[J]. Urban Affairs Review,2003, 38:325-55.
[7]Kahn,M. Does sprawl reduce the black/white housing consumption gap? [J].Housing Policy Debate,2001,12(1):77-86.
[8]Kolankiewicz,L & Beck,R Weighing sprawl factors in large U S cities:analysis of U S bureau of the census data on the 100 largest urbanized areas of the United States[DB]. http://www. sprawlcity. org/studyUSA/,2001:1 -47.
[9]Galster,G,Hanson,R,Wolman,H,Coleman,S and Freihage.J Wrestling. Sprawl to the ground:defining and measuring an elusive concept[J]. Housing Policy Debate,2001,12(4).681-717.
[10]Hasse, J E. Geospatial indices of urban sprawl in New Jersey[D]. A dissertation submitted to the graduate school new brunswick rutgers, State University of New Jersey, 2002: 202-211.
[11]Hasse,John E,Lathrop,Richard G. Land resource impact indicators of urban sprawl[J]. Applied Geography,2003,23; 159-175.
[13]Carruthers,John I. The impacts of state growth management programmes:a comparative analysis[J]. Urban Studies, 2002,39(11):1959-1982.
[14]Carruthers, J I & Ulfarsson, G F. Fragmentation and sprawl: evidence from interregional analysis[J]. Growth and Change, 2002,33:312-340.
[15]LeRoy, G. Subsidizing sprawl: how economic development programs are going away[J]. Multinational Monitor, 2003, 10:9-12.
[16]Dutton,John A. New american urbanism: re-forming the suburban metropolis[M]. New York: Distributed in North A merica and Latin America by Abbeville Pub. Group;London:Distributed elsewhere by Thames & Hudson,2000:15-29.
[17]Brueckncr, J K & Fansler,D A. The economics of urban sprawl: theory and evidence on the spatial sizes of cities[J]. Review of Economics and Statistics, 1983,65: 479-482.
[18]Brueckner, J K. Urban sprawl:diagnosis and remedies[J]. International Regional Science Review, 2000,23, (2): 160- 171.
[19]Stigler,G J. The theory of economic regulation[J]. Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science,1971,2:3-21.
[20]Peltzman,S. Toward a more general theory of regulation[J]. Journal of Law and Economics, 1976,19:211-40.
[21]Fischel,W A. A property rights approach to municipal zoning[J]. Land Economics, 1978,54 :64 -81.
[22]Fischel, W A. Property taxation and the Tiebout model:evidence for the benefit view from zoning and voting[J]. Journal of Economic Literature,1992,30:163-169.
[23]Fischel,William A.The homevoter hypothesis:how home values influence local government taxation,school finance,and land-use policies[M]. Cambridge,Mass: Harvard University Press,2001:85-105.
②区域主义最早是由Patrick Geddes(1915)提出的城市区域观。他认为“城市的形成有赖于整个区域”。区域主义试图突破 单个城市的范围来解决城市蔓延问题,如建立强有力的都市区政府(metropolitan governments),设立新的区域服务区和 专门的区域税收区等方式来解决城市空间发展的矛盾和冲突,以控制城市无序蔓延。
③新城市主义源于20世纪80年代后,建筑和规划师们开始倡导用紧凑发展模式来取代传统的蔓延式发展模式,并逐步形 成了新城市主义的社区规划设计思潮。新城市主义倡导土地的混合利用、紧凑发展模式以及步行、公交友好的交通方式。
④精明增长指既要支持增长,又要规避增长带来的负面影响。引自Gillham,Oliver.The Iimitless city:a primer on the urban sprawl debate[M].Washington.D.C.:Island Press,2002:156-160.
⑤Sierra Club是英裔美国博物学家John Muir(1838-1914)在1892年成立的俱乐部,他主张建立国家公园和自然保护区, 被尊为美国国家公园之父。
⑥转引自Owiafe,Patrice Kwame. City-region form and municipal property tax dependency: enhancing the prospects for more sustainable development of the manitoba capital Region[D]. A thesis for the Degree of Master of Arts, University of Manitoba,2001:56.
⑦转引自Berlin, C. Sprawl comes to the american reartland[J]. Focus, 2002,46(4):728-744.
⑧转引自John I Carruthers. Evaluating the effectiveness of regulatory growth management programs:an interregional analysis[D]. Thesis of the degree of Doctor of Philosopy,University of Washington,2001:33.
⑨分区制是一种对城市特定地块土地利用强度进行控制的手段,主要包括对地块的大小、建筑体量、建筑密度和土地利用性 质等的控制。这种土地利用控制手段在总体上就构成了一种分区制城市土地利用管理模式。
⑩Tingwei Zhang虽然是位城市规划学者,但由于其应用计量经济方法,本文将其研究纳入经济学研究范畴。
⑾唐斯(Downs)在他1957年出版的《民主的经济理论》中指出,如果在一个多数决策模型中,个人偏好都是单峰的,则反映 中位数投票人意愿的那种政策会最终获胜,因为选择该政策会使整个团体的福利损失最小。
⑿转引自Boyer Robert. The regulation school: a critical introduction[M]. New York:Columbia University Press. ,1989: 118.
⒀转引自2003年Jane Jensor对Lipietz的采访录:A rebel sons:the regulation school.An interview conducted by Jane Jen son.[DB].http://perso.club-internet.fr/lipietz/MET/MET_RebelSons.htm.2003:1.
[1]Gottman,Jean. Megalopolis: the urbanized northeastern seaboard of the United States[M]. New York: Twentieth Century Fund,1961:247.
[2]Mills, E S. Book review of urban sprawl causes,consequences and policy responses[J]. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2003,33:251-252.
[3]Harvey, Robert O and Clark,W A V. The nature and economics of urban sprawl[J]. A Quarterly Journal of Planning, Housing & Public Utilities,1965,7(1) :1-10.
[4]Dutton,John A. New american urbanism: reforming the suburban metropolis[M]. New York: Distributed in North A-merica and Latin America by Abbeville Pub. Group:London:Distributed elsewhere by Thames & Hudson,2000:17.
[5]Fulton,W,R Pendall,M Nguyen,and A Harrison. Who sprawls most? how growth patterns differ across the U S[M]. Washington,D C: Brookings Institution, 2001:5-11.
[6]Lopez, R, and H P Hynes. Sprawl in the 1990s: measurement, distribution and trends[J]. Urban Affairs Review,2003, 38:325-55.
[7]Kahn,M. Does sprawl reduce the black/white housing consumption gap? [J].Housing Policy Debate,2001,12(1):77-86.
[8]Kolankiewicz,L & Beck,R Weighing sprawl factors in large U S cities:analysis of U S bureau of the census data on the 100 largest urbanized areas of the United States[DB]. http://www. sprawlcity. org/studyUSA/,2001:1 -47.
[9]Galster,G,Hanson,R,Wolman,H,Coleman,S and Freihage.J Wrestling. Sprawl to the ground:defining and measuring an elusive concept[J]. Housing Policy Debate,2001,12(4).681-717.
[10]Hasse, J E. Geospatial indices of urban sprawl in New Jersey[D]. A dissertation submitted to the graduate school new brunswick rutgers, State University of New Jersey, 2002: 202-211.
[11]Hasse,John E,Lathrop,Richard G. Land resource impact indicators of urban sprawl[J]. Applied Geography,2003,23; 159-175.
[13]Carruthers,John I. The impacts of state growth management programmes:a comparative analysis[J]. Urban Studies, 2002,39(11):1959-1982.
[14]Carruthers, J I & Ulfarsson, G F. Fragmentation and sprawl: evidence from interregional analysis[J]. Growth and Change, 2002,33:312-340.
[15]LeRoy, G. Subsidizing sprawl: how economic development programs are going away[J]. Multinational Monitor, 2003, 10:9-12.
[16]Dutton,John A. New american urbanism: re-forming the suburban metropolis[M]. New York: Distributed in North A merica and Latin America by Abbeville Pub. Group;London:Distributed elsewhere by Thames & Hudson,2000:15-29.
[17]Brueckncr, J K & Fansler,D A. The economics of urban sprawl: theory and evidence on the spatial sizes of cities[J]. Review of Economics and Statistics, 1983,65: 479-482.
[18]Brueckner, J K. Urban sprawl:diagnosis and remedies[J]. International Regional Science Review, 2000,23, (2): 160- 171.
[19]Stigler,G J. The theory of economic regulation[J]. Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science,1971,2:3-21.
[20]Peltzman,S. Toward a more general theory of regulation[J]. Journal of Law and Economics, 1976,19:211-40.
[21]Fischel,W A. A property rights approach to municipal zoning[J]. Land Economics, 1978,54 :64 -81.
[22]Fischel, W A. Property taxation and the Tiebout model:evidence for the benefit view from zoning and voting[J]. Journal of Economic Literature,1992,30:163-169.
[23]Fischel,William A.The homevoter hypothesis:how home values influence local government taxation,school finance,and land-use policies[M]. Cambridge,Mass: Harvard University Press,2001:85-105.
李强, 刘安国, 朱华晟. 西方城市蔓延研究综述[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2005, 27(10): 0.