财经研究 2007 年 第 33 卷第 06 期, 页码:112 - 123
[6]Calvo Guillermo,Carmen Reinhart.Fear of floating[J].Quarterly Journal of Econom-ics,2002,177:379~408.
[7]Cowan,Erwin Hansen,Luis Oscar Herrera.Currency mismatches,balance-sheeteffects and hedging in chilean non-financial corporations[R].Research Depart mentWorking Papers 521,2005(1).
[8]Eichengreen B,R Hausmann.Exchange rate and financial fragility[R].NBER WorkingPaper 7418,1999.
[9]Eichengreen B,R Hausmann,U Panizza.Currency mismatches,debt intolerance andoriginal sin:Why they are not the same and why it matters[R].NBER Working Paper10036,2003b.
[10]Eichengreen B,Hausmann R,U Panizza.Currency mismatches,exchange rate policy[J].American Economic Review2003a,94(4):1183~1193.
[11]Giancarlo Corsetti,Bartosz Mac′kowiak.Afiscal perspective on currency crises and“o-riginal sin”[A].Currency and maturity mismatching:Redeeming debt fromoriginal sin[C].Organized by the Inter-American Development Bank and Harvard University withthe support of the University of California,Berkeley,held in Washington DC on No-vember 21~22,2002.
[12]Goldstein MP.Turner:Controlling currency mismatches in emerging economies[M/CD].Institute for International Economics,Washington DC,ISBN Paper 0-88132-360-8.
[13]Jeanne O,J Zettel meyer,Original Sin.Balance sheet crises,and the roles of interna-tional lending[R].I MF Working Paper,2002.
[14]John D Burger,Francis E Warnock.Diversification,original sin,and internationalbond portfolios[R].FRBInternational Finance Discussion Paper No.755,2003.
[15]Kahn B.“Original Sin”and bond market development in Sub-Saharan Africa[R].Afri-ca in the World Economy.The National,Regional and International ChallengesFondad,The Hague,,2005.
[16]Philip Turner.The currency denomination of debt and mismatches in emerging econo-mies[R].A note prepared for the World Bank’s 2004 Government Borrowers Forum.
[17]Reinhart Carmen,Kenneth Rogoff,Miguel Savastano.Debt intolerance[R].BrookingsPapers on Economic Activity 2003(1):1~62.Washington DC:Brookings Institution.Landreau.
[6]Calvo Guillermo,Carmen Reinhart.Fear of floating[J].Quarterly Journal of Econom-ics,2002,177:379~408.
[7]Cowan,Erwin Hansen,Luis Oscar Herrera.Currency mismatches,balance-sheeteffects and hedging in chilean non-financial corporations[R].Research Depart mentWorking Papers 521,2005(1).
[8]Eichengreen B,R Hausmann.Exchange rate and financial fragility[R].NBER WorkingPaper 7418,1999.
[9]Eichengreen B,R Hausmann,U Panizza.Currency mismatches,debt intolerance andoriginal sin:Why they are not the same and why it matters[R].NBER Working Paper10036,2003b.
[10]Eichengreen B,Hausmann R,U Panizza.Currency mismatches,exchange rate policy[J].American Economic Review2003a,94(4):1183~1193.
[11]Giancarlo Corsetti,Bartosz Mac′kowiak.Afiscal perspective on currency crises and“o-riginal sin”[A].Currency and maturity mismatching:Redeeming debt fromoriginal sin[C].Organized by the Inter-American Development Bank and Harvard University withthe support of the University of California,Berkeley,held in Washington DC on No-vember 21~22,2002.
[12]Goldstein MP.Turner:Controlling currency mismatches in emerging economies[M/CD].Institute for International Economics,Washington DC,ISBN Paper 0-88132-360-8.
[13]Jeanne O,J Zettel meyer,Original Sin.Balance sheet crises,and the roles of interna-tional lending[R].I MF Working Paper,2002.
[14]John D Burger,Francis E Warnock.Diversification,original sin,and internationalbond portfolios[R].FRBInternational Finance Discussion Paper No.755,2003.
[15]Kahn B.“Original Sin”and bond market development in Sub-Saharan Africa[R].Afri-ca in the World Economy.The National,Regional and International ChallengesFondad,The Hague,,2005.
[16]Philip Turner.The currency denomination of debt and mismatches in emerging econo-mies[R].A note prepared for the World Bank’s 2004 Government Borrowers Forum.
[17]Reinhart Carmen,Kenneth Rogoff,Miguel Savastano.Debt intolerance[R].BrookingsPapers on Economic Activity 2003(1):1~62.Washington DC:Brookings Institution.Landreau.
刘少波, 贺庆春. 中国货币错配引致原因的实证分析:1986~2005[J]. 财经研究, 2007, 33(6): 112–123.