财经研究 2006 年 第 32 卷第 01 期, 页码:22 - 37
[3]黄海洲,Priyanka Malhotra.汇率制度与经济增长:来自亚洲发展中国家和欧洲发达国家的经验研究[J].经济学(季刊),2005,(4):971~990.
[10]Artus J R,Rhomberg.A multilateral exchange rate model[R].IMF Staff Paper,1973,20:591~611.
[11]Flanders M J,E Helpman.An optimal exchange rate peg in a world of general floating[J].Review of Economic Studies,1979,46:533~542.
[12]Flanders M June,Tishler,Asher.The role of elasticity optimism in choosing an optimalcurrency basket with application to israel[J].Journal of International Economics,1981,11:395~406.
[13]Frankel J A,Wei S.Yen bloc or dollar bloc?Exchange rate policies of the East Asianeconomies,in“Macroeconomic linkages:Savings,exchange rates,and capital flows”(T.Ito and A.Krueger eds.)[M].NBER-East Asia Seminar on Economics,1994,vol.3,University of Chicago Press.
[14]Goldstein,Morris.China’s exchange rate regime testimony before the subcommittee ondomestic and International monetary policy,trade,and technology,committee on finan-cial services[M].US House of Representatives,Washington,2003,October 1,www.iie.com.
[15]Goldstein,Morris,Nicholas Lardy Forthcoming.The future of China’s exchange rateregime[R].Institute for International Economics,Washington.
[16]Hsiang-Ling Han.Choice of currency basket weights and its implications on trade bal-ance[J].International Review of Economics&Finance,2000,(4):323~350.
[17]Ito,Takatoshi,Ogawa,Eiji,Sasaki,Yuri Nagataki.How did the Do llar Peg Fail in Asia[J].Journal of the Japanese and International Economies,1998,12:256~304.
[18]Ogawa,Eiji,Ito,Takato shi.On the desirabilility of a regional basket currency a rrang-ment[J].Journal of the Japanese and International Economies,2002,16:317~334.
[19]Ramkishen S Rajan.Examining the case for currency basket regimes for Southeast Asia[R].ISEAS Visiting Research Paper,2000.
[20]Stephen J Turnovsky.A determination of the optimal currency basket[J].Journal ofInternational Economics,1982,12:333~354.
[3]黄海洲,Priyanka Malhotra.汇率制度与经济增长:来自亚洲发展中国家和欧洲发达国家的经验研究[J].经济学(季刊),2005,(4):971~990.
[10]Artus J R,Rhomberg.A multilateral exchange rate model[R].IMF Staff Paper,1973,20:591~611.
[11]Flanders M J,E Helpman.An optimal exchange rate peg in a world of general floating[J].Review of Economic Studies,1979,46:533~542.
[12]Flanders M June,Tishler,Asher.The role of elasticity optimism in choosing an optimalcurrency basket with application to israel[J].Journal of International Economics,1981,11:395~406.
[13]Frankel J A,Wei S.Yen bloc or dollar bloc?Exchange rate policies of the East Asianeconomies,in“Macroeconomic linkages:Savings,exchange rates,and capital flows”(T.Ito and A.Krueger eds.)[M].NBER-East Asia Seminar on Economics,1994,vol.3,University of Chicago Press.
[14]Goldstein,Morris.China’s exchange rate regime testimony before the subcommittee ondomestic and International monetary policy,trade,and technology,committee on finan-cial services[M].US House of Representatives,Washington,2003,October 1,www.iie.com.
[15]Goldstein,Morris,Nicholas Lardy Forthcoming.The future of China’s exchange rateregime[R].Institute for International Economics,Washington.
[16]Hsiang-Ling Han.Choice of currency basket weights and its implications on trade bal-ance[J].International Review of Economics&Finance,2000,(4):323~350.
[17]Ito,Takatoshi,Ogawa,Eiji,Sasaki,Yuri Nagataki.How did the Do llar Peg Fail in Asia[J].Journal of the Japanese and International Economies,1998,12:256~304.
[18]Ogawa,Eiji,Ito,Takato shi.On the desirabilility of a regional basket currency a rrang-ment[J].Journal of the Japanese and International Economies,2002,16:317~334.
[19]Ramkishen S Rajan.Examining the case for currency basket regimes for Southeast Asia[R].ISEAS Visiting Research Paper,2000.
[20]Stephen J Turnovsky.A determination of the optimal currency basket[J].Journal ofInternational Economics,1982,12:333~354.
赵进文, 高辉, 禇云皓. 人民币参考篮子货币的测定与实证分析[J]. 财经研究, 2006, 32(1): 22–37.