外国经济与管理 2013 年 第 35 卷第 05 期, 页码:23 - 30
[1]Avery D R and Quiones M A.Disentangling the effects of voice:The incremental roles of opportunity,behavior,and in-strumentality in predicting procedural fairness[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2002,87(1):81-86.
[2]Botero I C and Van Dyne L.Employee voice behavior interac-tive effects of LMX and power distance in the United States and Colombia[J].Management Communication Quarterly,2009,23(1):84-104.
[3]Burris E R,et al.Quitting before leaving:The mediating effects of psychological attachment and detachment on voice[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2008,93(4):912-922.
[4]Cropanzano R and Mitchell M S.Social exchange theory:An interdisciplinary review[J].Journal of Management,2005,31(6):874-900.
[5]Detert J R and Burris E R.Leadership behavior and employee voice:Is the door really open?[J].Academy of Management Journal,2007,50(4):869-884.
[6]Grant J M,et al.Dispositional antecedents of demonstration and usefulness of voice behavior[J].Journal of Business and Psychology,2011,26(3):285-297.
[7]Hirschman A O.Exit,voice,and loyalty:Responses to decline in firms,organizations,and states[M].Cambridge,MA:Har-vard University Press,1970.
[8]Hobfoll S E.Conservation of resources:A new attempt at conceptualizing stress[J].American Psychologist,1989,44(3):513-524.
[9]Hsiung H H.Authentic leadership and employee voice beha-vior:A multi-level psychological process[J].Journal of Busi-ness Ethics,2012,107(3):349-361.
[10]Hung H K,et al.Voice behavior and performance ratings:The role of political skill[J].International Journal of Hospi-tality Management,2012,31(2):442-450.
[11]LePine J A and Van Dyne L.Predicting voice behavior inworkgroups[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,1998,83(6):853-868.
[12]LePine J A and Van Dyne L.Voice and cooperative behavior as contrasting forms of contextual performance:Evidence of differential relationships with Big Five personality characteris-tics and cognitive ability[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2001,86(2):326-336.
[13]Liang J,et al.Psychological antecedents of promotive and prohibitive voice:A two-wave examination[J].Academy of Management Journal,2012,55(1):71-92.
[14]Liu W,et al.I warn you because I like you:Voice behavior,employee identifications,and transformational leadership[J].Leadership Quarterly,2010,21(1):189-202.
[15]Milliken F J,Morrison E W and Hewlin P F.An exploratory study of employee silence:Issues that employees don’t com-municate upward and why[J].Journal of Management Stu-dies,2003,40(6):1453-1476.
[16]Morrison E W and Milliken F J.Organizational silence:A barrier to change and development in a pluralistic world[J].Academy of Management Review,2000,25(4):706-725.
[17]Morrison E W,et al.Speaking up in groups:A cross-level study of group voice climate and voice[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2011,96(1):183-191.
[18]Ng T W H and Feldmn C D.Employee voice behavior:A meta-analytic test of the conservation of resources framework[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2012,33(2):216-234.
[19]Premeaux S F and Bedeian A G.Breaking the silence:The moderating effects of self-monitoring in predicting speaking up in the workplace[J].Journal of Management Studies,2003,40(6):1537-1561.
[20]Takeuchi R,Chen Z J and Cheung S Y.Applying uncertainty management theory to employee voice behavior:An integra-tive investigation[J].Personnel Psychology,2012,65(2):283-323.
[21]Travis D J,et al.Speaking up and stepping back:Examining the link between employee voice and job neglect[J].Children and Youth Services Review,2011,33(10):1831-1841.
[22]Van den Bos K and Lind E A.Uncertainty management by means of fairness judgments[A].Zanna MP(Ed.).Advances in experimental social psychology[C].New York,NY:Aca-demic Press,2002,77:324-336.
[23]Van Dyne L,et al.Conceptualizing employee silence and em-ployee voice as multidimensional constructs[J].Journal of Management Studies,2003,40(6):1359-1392.
[24]Venkataramani V and Tangirala S.When and why do central employees speak up?An examination of mediating and mode-rating variables[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2010,95(3):582-591.
[25]Vries G,et al.When employees stop talking and start figh-ting:The detrimental effects of pseudo voice in organizations[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2012,105(2):221-230.
[26]Walumbwa F O and Schaubroeck J.Leader personality traits and employee voice behavior:Mediating roles of ethical lea-dership and work group psychological safety[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2009,94(5):1275-1286.
[27]Whiting S W,et al.Effects of message,source,and context on evaluations of employee voice behavior[J].Journal of Ap-plied Psychology,2012,97(1):159-182.
[2]Botero I C and Van Dyne L.Employee voice behavior interac-tive effects of LMX and power distance in the United States and Colombia[J].Management Communication Quarterly,2009,23(1):84-104.
[3]Burris E R,et al.Quitting before leaving:The mediating effects of psychological attachment and detachment on voice[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2008,93(4):912-922.
[4]Cropanzano R and Mitchell M S.Social exchange theory:An interdisciplinary review[J].Journal of Management,2005,31(6):874-900.
[5]Detert J R and Burris E R.Leadership behavior and employee voice:Is the door really open?[J].Academy of Management Journal,2007,50(4):869-884.
[6]Grant J M,et al.Dispositional antecedents of demonstration and usefulness of voice behavior[J].Journal of Business and Psychology,2011,26(3):285-297.
[7]Hirschman A O.Exit,voice,and loyalty:Responses to decline in firms,organizations,and states[M].Cambridge,MA:Har-vard University Press,1970.
[8]Hobfoll S E.Conservation of resources:A new attempt at conceptualizing stress[J].American Psychologist,1989,44(3):513-524.
[9]Hsiung H H.Authentic leadership and employee voice beha-vior:A multi-level psychological process[J].Journal of Busi-ness Ethics,2012,107(3):349-361.
[10]Hung H K,et al.Voice behavior and performance ratings:The role of political skill[J].International Journal of Hospi-tality Management,2012,31(2):442-450.
[11]LePine J A and Van Dyne L.Predicting voice behavior inworkgroups[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,1998,83(6):853-868.
[12]LePine J A and Van Dyne L.Voice and cooperative behavior as contrasting forms of contextual performance:Evidence of differential relationships with Big Five personality characteris-tics and cognitive ability[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2001,86(2):326-336.
[13]Liang J,et al.Psychological antecedents of promotive and prohibitive voice:A two-wave examination[J].Academy of Management Journal,2012,55(1):71-92.
[14]Liu W,et al.I warn you because I like you:Voice behavior,employee identifications,and transformational leadership[J].Leadership Quarterly,2010,21(1):189-202.
[15]Milliken F J,Morrison E W and Hewlin P F.An exploratory study of employee silence:Issues that employees don’t com-municate upward and why[J].Journal of Management Stu-dies,2003,40(6):1453-1476.
[16]Morrison E W and Milliken F J.Organizational silence:A barrier to change and development in a pluralistic world[J].Academy of Management Review,2000,25(4):706-725.
[17]Morrison E W,et al.Speaking up in groups:A cross-level study of group voice climate and voice[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2011,96(1):183-191.
[18]Ng T W H and Feldmn C D.Employee voice behavior:A meta-analytic test of the conservation of resources framework[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2012,33(2):216-234.
[19]Premeaux S F and Bedeian A G.Breaking the silence:The moderating effects of self-monitoring in predicting speaking up in the workplace[J].Journal of Management Studies,2003,40(6):1537-1561.
[20]Takeuchi R,Chen Z J and Cheung S Y.Applying uncertainty management theory to employee voice behavior:An integra-tive investigation[J].Personnel Psychology,2012,65(2):283-323.
[21]Travis D J,et al.Speaking up and stepping back:Examining the link between employee voice and job neglect[J].Children and Youth Services Review,2011,33(10):1831-1841.
[22]Van den Bos K and Lind E A.Uncertainty management by means of fairness judgments[A].Zanna MP(Ed.).Advances in experimental social psychology[C].New York,NY:Aca-demic Press,2002,77:324-336.
[23]Van Dyne L,et al.Conceptualizing employee silence and em-ployee voice as multidimensional constructs[J].Journal of Management Studies,2003,40(6):1359-1392.
[24]Venkataramani V and Tangirala S.When and why do central employees speak up?An examination of mediating and mode-rating variables[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2010,95(3):582-591.
[25]Vries G,et al.When employees stop talking and start figh-ting:The detrimental effects of pseudo voice in organizations[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2012,105(2):221-230.
[26]Walumbwa F O and Schaubroeck J.Leader personality traits and employee voice behavior:Mediating roles of ethical lea-dership and work group psychological safety[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2009,94(5):1275-1286.
[27]Whiting S W,et al.Effects of message,source,and context on evaluations of employee voice behavior[J].Journal of Ap-plied Psychology,2012,97(1):159-182.
于静静, 赵曙明. 员工建言行为研究前沿探析与未来展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2013, 35(5): 23–30.