外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 03 期, 页码:31 - 39
[1]Angeles P A.Dictionary of philosophy[M].New York:Barnes&Noble,1981.
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[3]Bateman T S and Organ D W.Job satisfaction and the good soldier:The relationship between affect and employee citizen-ship[J].Academy of Management Journal,1983,26(4):587-595.
[4]Bolino M C.Citizenship and impression management:Good soldiers or good actors?[J].Academy of Management Re-view,1999,24(1):82-98.
[5]Borman W C and Motowidlo S J.Expanding the criterion do-main to include elements of contextual performance[A].Schmitt N and Borman W C(Eds.).Personnel selection in or-ganizations[C].San Francisco:Jossey-Bass,1993:71-98.
[6]Brayfield A H and Crockett W H.Employee attitudes and em-ployee performance[J].Psychological Bulletin,1955,52(5):396-424.
[7]Brief A P and Motowidlo S J.Prosocial organizational beha-viors[J].Academy of Management Review,1986,11(4):710-725.
[8]Collier D and James E M Jr.Conceptual“stretching”revisi-ted:Adapting categories in comparative analysis[J].American Political Science Review,1993,87(4):845-855.
[9]Conway J M.Analysis and design of multitrait-multirater per-formance appraisal studies[J].Journal of Management,1996,22(1):139-162.
[10]Deci E L and Ryan R M.Intrinsic motivation and self-deter-mination in human behavior[M].New York:Plenum,1985.
[11]George J M and Brief A P.Feeling good-doing good:A con-ceptual analysis of the mood at work-organization spontaneity relationship[J].Psychological Bulletin,1992,112(2):310-329.
[12]Graham J W.Principled organizational dissent:A theoretical essay[A].Staw B M and Cummings L L(Eds.).Research in organizational behavior[C].Greenwich,CT:JAI Press,1986:1-52.
[13]Judge T A,et al.The job satisfaction-job performance rela-tionship:A qualitative and quantitative review[J].Psycholo-gical Bulletin,2001,127(3):376-407.
[14]Katz D and Kahn R L.The social psychology of organizations(2nd ed.)[M].New York:Wiley,1978.
[15]Lawler E E and Porter L W.The effect of performance on job satisfaction[J].Industrial Relations,1967,7(1):20-28.
[16]Locke E A.Job satisfaction and job performance:A theoreti-cal analysis[J].Organizational Behavior and Human Per-formance,1970,5(5):484-500.
[17]Motowidlo S J.Some basic issues related to contextual per-formance and organizational citizenship behavior in human resource management[J].Human Resource Management Review,2000,10(1):115-126.
[18]Motowidlo S J and van Scotter J R.Evidence that task per-formance should be distinguished from contextual perform-ance[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,1994,79(4):475-480.
[19]MacKenzie S B,et al.The impact of organizational citizenship behavior on evaluations of salesperson performance[J].Jour-nal of Marketing,1993,57(1):70-80.
[20]Near J P and Miceli M P.Whistle-blowers in organizations:Dissidents or reformers?[A].Staw B M and Cummings L L(Eds.).Research in organizational behavior[C].Greenwich,CT:JAI Press,1987,9:321-368.
[21]Organ D W.A reappraisal and reinterpretation of the satis-faction-causes-performance hypothesis[J].Academy of Ma-nagement Review,1977,2(1):46-53.
[22]Organ D W.Organizational citizenship behavior:The good soldier syndrome[M].Lexington,MA:Lexington,1988.
[23]Organ D W.Organizational citizenship behavior:It’s construct clean-up[J].Human Performance,1997,10(2):85-97.
[24]Organ D W and Ryan K A.Meta-analytic review of attitudi-nal and dispositional predictors of organizational citizenship behavior[J].Personnel Psychology,1995,48(4):775-880.
[25]Petty M M,et al.A meta-analysis of the relationships be-tween individual job satisfaction and individual performance[J].Academy of Management Review,1984,9(4):712-721.
[26]Podsakoff P M,et al.Organizational citizenship behaviors:A critical review of the theoretical and empirical literature and suggestions for future research[J].Journal of Management,2000,26(3):513-563.
[27]van Dyne L,et al.Organizational citizenship behavior:Con-struct redefinition,measurement,and validation[J].Academy of Management Journal,1994,37(4):765-802.
[28]Wanous J P.A causal-correlational analysis of the job satis-faction and performance relationship[J].Jouranl of Applied Psychology,1974,59(2):139-144.
[2]Barnard C.The functions of the executive chester[M].Cam-bridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1938.
[3]Bateman T S and Organ D W.Job satisfaction and the good soldier:The relationship between affect and employee citizen-ship[J].Academy of Management Journal,1983,26(4):587-595.
[4]Bolino M C.Citizenship and impression management:Good soldiers or good actors?[J].Academy of Management Re-view,1999,24(1):82-98.
[5]Borman W C and Motowidlo S J.Expanding the criterion do-main to include elements of contextual performance[A].Schmitt N and Borman W C(Eds.).Personnel selection in or-ganizations[C].San Francisco:Jossey-Bass,1993:71-98.
[6]Brayfield A H and Crockett W H.Employee attitudes and em-ployee performance[J].Psychological Bulletin,1955,52(5):396-424.
[7]Brief A P and Motowidlo S J.Prosocial organizational beha-viors[J].Academy of Management Review,1986,11(4):710-725.
[8]Collier D and James E M Jr.Conceptual“stretching”revisi-ted:Adapting categories in comparative analysis[J].American Political Science Review,1993,87(4):845-855.
[9]Conway J M.Analysis and design of multitrait-multirater per-formance appraisal studies[J].Journal of Management,1996,22(1):139-162.
[10]Deci E L and Ryan R M.Intrinsic motivation and self-deter-mination in human behavior[M].New York:Plenum,1985.
[11]George J M and Brief A P.Feeling good-doing good:A con-ceptual analysis of the mood at work-organization spontaneity relationship[J].Psychological Bulletin,1992,112(2):310-329.
[12]Graham J W.Principled organizational dissent:A theoretical essay[A].Staw B M and Cummings L L(Eds.).Research in organizational behavior[C].Greenwich,CT:JAI Press,1986:1-52.
[13]Judge T A,et al.The job satisfaction-job performance rela-tionship:A qualitative and quantitative review[J].Psycholo-gical Bulletin,2001,127(3):376-407.
[14]Katz D and Kahn R L.The social psychology of organizations(2nd ed.)[M].New York:Wiley,1978.
[15]Lawler E E and Porter L W.The effect of performance on job satisfaction[J].Industrial Relations,1967,7(1):20-28.
[16]Locke E A.Job satisfaction and job performance:A theoreti-cal analysis[J].Organizational Behavior and Human Per-formance,1970,5(5):484-500.
[17]Motowidlo S J.Some basic issues related to contextual per-formance and organizational citizenship behavior in human resource management[J].Human Resource Management Review,2000,10(1):115-126.
[18]Motowidlo S J and van Scotter J R.Evidence that task per-formance should be distinguished from contextual perform-ance[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,1994,79(4):475-480.
[19]MacKenzie S B,et al.The impact of organizational citizenship behavior on evaluations of salesperson performance[J].Jour-nal of Marketing,1993,57(1):70-80.
[20]Near J P and Miceli M P.Whistle-blowers in organizations:Dissidents or reformers?[A].Staw B M and Cummings L L(Eds.).Research in organizational behavior[C].Greenwich,CT:JAI Press,1987,9:321-368.
[21]Organ D W.A reappraisal and reinterpretation of the satis-faction-causes-performance hypothesis[J].Academy of Ma-nagement Review,1977,2(1):46-53.
[22]Organ D W.Organizational citizenship behavior:The good soldier syndrome[M].Lexington,MA:Lexington,1988.
[23]Organ D W.Organizational citizenship behavior:It’s construct clean-up[J].Human Performance,1997,10(2):85-97.
[24]Organ D W and Ryan K A.Meta-analytic review of attitudi-nal and dispositional predictors of organizational citizenship behavior[J].Personnel Psychology,1995,48(4):775-880.
[25]Petty M M,et al.A meta-analysis of the relationships be-tween individual job satisfaction and individual performance[J].Academy of Management Review,1984,9(4):712-721.
[26]Podsakoff P M,et al.Organizational citizenship behaviors:A critical review of the theoretical and empirical literature and suggestions for future research[J].Journal of Management,2000,26(3):513-563.
[27]van Dyne L,et al.Organizational citizenship behavior:Con-struct redefinition,measurement,and validation[J].Academy of Management Journal,1994,37(4):765-802.
[28]Wanous J P.A causal-correlational analysis of the job satis-faction and performance relationship[J].Jouranl of Applied Psychology,1974,59(2):139-144.
杨斌, 陈坤. 组织公民行为概念的发展困境及其突破线索探讨[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(3): 31–39.