财经研究 2012 年 第 38 卷第 08 期, 页码:39 - 49
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[7]Adams D W.Rural migration and agricultural development in Colombia[J].Economic Development and Cultural Change,1969,17(4):527-539.
[8]Brueckner J K,Zenou Y.Harris-todaro models with a land market[J].Regional Science and Urban Economics,1999,29:317-339.
[9]Cain M.On the relationship between land holding and fertility[J].Population Studies,1985,39(1):5-15.
[10]Dixon G I J.Land and human migrations[J].American Journal of Economics and Sociology,1950,9(2):223-234.
[11]Masson P R.Migration,human capital,and poverty in a dual-economy model of a developing country[R].IMF Working Paper,2001.
[12]Mazumdar D.The rural-urban wage gap,migration,and the shadow wage[J].OxfordEconomic Papers,1976,28(3):406-425.
[13]Potts D,Mutambirwa C.Rural-urban linkages in contemporary Harare:Why migrants need their land[J].Journal of Southern African Studies,1990,16(4):677-698.
[14]Todaro M P.A model for labor migration and urban unemployment in less development countries[J].American Economic Review,1969,59(1):138-148.
[15]Wei G,Yabuuchi S.Imperfect labor mobility and unemployment in a dual economy[J].Review of International Economics,2006,14(4):698-708.
[16]Zhao Yaohui.Leaving the countryside:Rural-to-urban migration decisions in China[J].American Economic Review,1999,89(2):281-286.
王学龙, 于潇, 白雪秋. 破解城乡差距之困:基于劳动力流转模型的实证分析[J]. 财经研究, 2012, 38(8): 39–49.