财经研究 2012 年 第 38 卷第 01 期, 页码:125 - 135
[9]Altman E I.Financial ratios,discriminant analysis and the prediction of corporate bank-ruptcy[J].Journal of Finance,1968,23(4):589-609.
[10]Altman E I.Predicting financial distress of companies[EB/OL].http://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~ealtman/Zscores.pdf,2000.
[11]Andrade G,Kaplan S N.How costly is financial(not economic)distress?Evidencefrom highly leveraged transactions that became distressed[J].Journal of Finance,1998,53(5):1443-1493.
[12]Ashbaugh-Skaife H,Collins D W,Kinney W,et al.The effect of SOX internal controldeficiencies and their remediation on accrual quality[J].The Accounting Review,2008,83(1):217-250.
[13]Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission(COSO).Inter-nal control-integrated framework[M].New York:COSO,1992.
[14]Dahiya S,Saunders A,Srinivasan A.Financial distress and bank lending relationships[J].Journal of Finance,2003,58(1):375-399.
[15]Doyle J,Ge W,McVay S.Accruals quality and internal control over financial reporting[J].The Accounting Review,2007a,82(5):1141-1170...
[16]Doyle J,Ge W,McVay S.Determinants of weaknesses in internal control over financialreporting[J].Journal of Accounting and Economics,2007b,44:193-223.
[17]Gao F,Wu J S,Zimmerman J.Unintended consequences of granting small firms exemp-tions from securities regulation:Evidence from the Sarbanes-Oxley Act[J].Journal ofAccounting Research,2009,47(2):459-506.
[18]Heckman J.Sample selection bias as a specification error[J].Econometrica,1979,47(1):153-161.
[19]Modigliani F,Miller M.The cost of capital,corporation finance and the theory of in-vestment[J].American Economic Review,1958,48(1):261-297.
[20]Patterson E R,Smith J R.The effects of Sarbanes-Oxley on auditing and internal con-trol strength[J].The Accounting Review,2007,82(2):427-455.
[21]Petersen M A.Estimating standard errors in financing panel data sets:Comparing ap-proaches[J].Review of Financial Studies,2009,22(1):435-480.
[22]Wittenbery-Moerman R.The role of information asymmetry and financial reportingquality in debt trading:Evidence from the secondary loan market[J].Journal of Ac-counting and Economics,2008,46(2):240-260.
[9]Altman E I.Financial ratios,discriminant analysis and the prediction of corporate bank-ruptcy[J].Journal of Finance,1968,23(4):589-609.
[10]Altman E I.Predicting financial distress of companies[EB/OL].http://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~ealtman/Zscores.pdf,2000.
[11]Andrade G,Kaplan S N.How costly is financial(not economic)distress?Evidencefrom highly leveraged transactions that became distressed[J].Journal of Finance,1998,53(5):1443-1493.
[12]Ashbaugh-Skaife H,Collins D W,Kinney W,et al.The effect of SOX internal controldeficiencies and their remediation on accrual quality[J].The Accounting Review,2008,83(1):217-250.
[13]Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission(COSO).Inter-nal control-integrated framework[M].New York:COSO,1992.
[14]Dahiya S,Saunders A,Srinivasan A.Financial distress and bank lending relationships[J].Journal of Finance,2003,58(1):375-399.
[15]Doyle J,Ge W,McVay S.Accruals quality and internal control over financial reporting[J].The Accounting Review,2007a,82(5):1141-1170...
[16]Doyle J,Ge W,McVay S.Determinants of weaknesses in internal control over financialreporting[J].Journal of Accounting and Economics,2007b,44:193-223.
[17]Gao F,Wu J S,Zimmerman J.Unintended consequences of granting small firms exemp-tions from securities regulation:Evidence from the Sarbanes-Oxley Act[J].Journal ofAccounting Research,2009,47(2):459-506.
[18]Heckman J.Sample selection bias as a specification error[J].Econometrica,1979,47(1):153-161.
[19]Modigliani F,Miller M.The cost of capital,corporation finance and the theory of in-vestment[J].American Economic Review,1958,48(1):261-297.
[20]Patterson E R,Smith J R.The effects of Sarbanes-Oxley on auditing and internal con-trol strength[J].The Accounting Review,2007,82(2):427-455.
[21]Petersen M A.Estimating standard errors in financing panel data sets:Comparing ap-proaches[J].Review of Financial Studies,2009,22(1):435-480.
[22]Wittenbery-Moerman R.The role of information asymmetry and financial reportingquality in debt trading:Evidence from the secondary loan market[J].Journal of Ac-counting and Economics,2008,46(2):240-260.
李万福, 林斌, 林东杰. 内部控制能有效规避财务困境吗?[J]. 财经研究, 2012, 38(1): 125–135.