财经研究 2014 年 第 40 卷第 06 期, 页码:48 - 59
[8]AndersonJ E,Wincoop van E.Gravity with gravitas:A solution to the border puzzle[J].American Economic Review,2003,93(1):170-192.
[9]Baldwin R,Taglioni D.Gravity for dummies and dummies for gravity equations[R].NBER Working Paper,No.12516,2006.
[10]Brandicourt V,Schwellnus C,Wrz J.Austria’s potential for trade in services[R].FIW Research Report,No.002,2008.
[11]Grünfeld L,Moxnes A.The intangible globalisation:Explaining patterns of international trade in services[R].Norwegian Institute of International Affairs Paper,No.657,2003.
[12]Head K.Gravity for beginners[EB/OL].2003.http://strategy.sauder.ubc.ca/head/gravity.pdf.
[13]Helpman E,Melitz M,Rubinstein Y.Estimating trade flows:Trading partners and trading volumes[J].The Quarterly Journal of Economics,2008,123(2):441-487.
[14]Kalbasi H.The gravity model and global trade flows[R].Paper Presented at the 75th International Conference on Policy Modeling for European and Global Issues,Brussels.2001,July 5-7.
[15]Kimura F,Lee H-H.The gravity equation in international trade in services[J].Review of World economics,2006,142(1):92-121.
[16]Kox H,Lejour A.Regulatory heterogeneity as obstacle for international services trade[R].CPB Discussion Paper,No.49,2005.
[17]McCallum J.National borders matter:Canada-U.S.regional trade patterns[J].American Economic Review,1995,85(3):615-623.
[18]Park S-C.Measuring tariff equivalents in cross-border trade in services[R].Korea Institute for International Economic Policy Working Paper,No.02-15,2002.
[19]Pyhnen P.A tentative model for the volume of trade between countries[J].Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv,1963,90(1):93-100.
[20]Tinbergen J.Shaping the world economy—Suggestions for an international economic policy[M].New York:The Twentieth Century Fund,1962.
[21]Walsh K.Trade in services:Does gravity hold?A gravity model approach to estimating barriers to services trade[R].IIIS Discussion Paper,No.183,2006.
[22]Westerlund J,Wilhelmsson F.Estimating the gravity model without gravity using panel data[J].Applied Economics,2011,43(6):641-649.
[8]AndersonJ E,Wincoop van E.Gravity with gravitas:A solution to the border puzzle[J].American Economic Review,2003,93(1):170-192.
[9]Baldwin R,Taglioni D.Gravity for dummies and dummies for gravity equations[R].NBER Working Paper,No.12516,2006.
[10]Brandicourt V,Schwellnus C,Wrz J.Austria’s potential for trade in services[R].FIW Research Report,No.002,2008.
[11]Grünfeld L,Moxnes A.The intangible globalisation:Explaining patterns of international trade in services[R].Norwegian Institute of International Affairs Paper,No.657,2003.
[12]Head K.Gravity for beginners[EB/OL].2003.http://strategy.sauder.ubc.ca/head/gravity.pdf.
[13]Helpman E,Melitz M,Rubinstein Y.Estimating trade flows:Trading partners and trading volumes[J].The Quarterly Journal of Economics,2008,123(2):441-487.
[14]Kalbasi H.The gravity model and global trade flows[R].Paper Presented at the 75th International Conference on Policy Modeling for European and Global Issues,Brussels.2001,July 5-7.
[15]Kimura F,Lee H-H.The gravity equation in international trade in services[J].Review of World economics,2006,142(1):92-121.
[16]Kox H,Lejour A.Regulatory heterogeneity as obstacle for international services trade[R].CPB Discussion Paper,No.49,2005.
[17]McCallum J.National borders matter:Canada-U.S.regional trade patterns[J].American Economic Review,1995,85(3):615-623.
[18]Park S-C.Measuring tariff equivalents in cross-border trade in services[R].Korea Institute for International Economic Policy Working Paper,No.02-15,2002.
[19]Pyhnen P.A tentative model for the volume of trade between countries[J].Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv,1963,90(1):93-100.
[20]Tinbergen J.Shaping the world economy—Suggestions for an international economic policy[M].New York:The Twentieth Century Fund,1962.
[21]Walsh K.Trade in services:Does gravity hold?A gravity model approach to estimating barriers to services trade[R].IIIS Discussion Paper,No.183,2006.
[22]Westerlund J,Wilhelmsson F.Estimating the gravity model without gravity using panel data[J].Applied Economics,2011,43(6):641-649.
邓晓虹, 黄满盈. 基于扩展引力模型的中国双边金融服务贸易出口潜力研究[J]. 财经研究, 2014, 40(6): 48–59.