财经研究 2015 年 第 41 卷第 10 期, 页码:
[1]陈瑞, 郑毓煌, 刘文静. 中介效应分析: 原理, 程序, Bootstrap 方法及其应用[J]. 营销科学学报, 2013, (4): 120-135.
[2]樊行健, 宋仕杰. 企业内部监督模式研究——基于风险导向和成本效益原则[J]. 会计研究, 2011, (3): 49-53.
[3]方军雄. 转型经济中声誉机制有效性研究——来自中国审计市场的证据[J]. 财经研究, 2011, (12): 16-26.
[4]李晓义, 李建标. 不完备市场的多层次治理——基于比较制度实验的研究[J]. 经济学(季刊), 2009, (4): 1407-1434.
[5]彭桃英, 李良师, 李岚. 审计判断中的时近效应和肯定性倾向——基于持续经营能力判断的实验研究[J]. 会计研究, 2009, (11): 66-72.
[6]王帆, 张龙平. 审计师声誉研究: 述评与展望[J]. 会计研究, 2012, (11): 74-78.
[7]王守海, 杨亚军. 内部审计质量与审计费用研究——基于中国上市公司的证据[J]. 审计研究, 2009, (5): 65-73.
[8]王霞, 王镇蒙. 关于均衡审计市场的研究——对一个无限重复博弈模型的分析[J]. 财经研究, 2005, (2): 88-97.
[9]郁玉环. 基于公司治理视角的信息披露影响因素分析[J]. 数量经济技术经济研究, 2012, (8): 64-78.
[10]张继勋, 刘成立, 杨明增. 中国审计判断质量的实验研究[J]. 南开管理评论, 2006, (6): 45-49.
[11]赵保卿, 朱蝉飞. 注册会计师审计质量控制的博弈分析[J]. 会计研究, 2009, (4): 87-93.
[12]Anastasopoulos N P, Anastasopoulos M P. The evolutionary dynamics of audit[J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2012, 216(2): 469-476.
[13]Baron R M, Kenny D A. The moderatormediator variable distinction in social psychological research: Conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations[J]. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1986, 51(6): 1173-1182.
[14]Bergh D D, Ketchen D J, Boyd B K, et al. New frontiers of the reputation—Performance relationship: Insights from multiple theories[J]. Journal of Management, 2010, 36(3): 620-632.
[15]Castro A C V, Machado A. The interaction of temporal generalization gradients predicts the context effect[J]. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 2012, 97(3): 263-279.
[16]DeAngelo L E. Auditor size and audit quality[J]. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 1981, 3(3): 183-199.
[17]Duflo E, Greenstone M, Pande R, et al. What does reputation buy?Differentiation in a market for thirdparty auditors[J]. American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings, 2013, 103(3): 314-319.
[18]Fairchild R. Auditor tenure, managerial fraud and report qualification: A behavioural gametheoretic approach[J]. International Journal of Behavioural Accounting and Finance, 2008, 1(1): 23-37.
[19]Fischbacher U. Ztree: Zurich toolbox for readymade economic experiments[J]. Experimental Economics, 2007, 10(2): 171-178.
[20]Goldman A, Barlev B. The auditorfirm conflict of interests: Its implications for independence[J].The Accounting Review, 1974, 49(4): 707-718.
[21]Goodwin J, Yeo T Y. Two factors affecting internal audit independence and objectivity:Evidence from Singapore[J]. International Journal of Auditing, 2001, 5(2): 107-125.
[22]Hay D, Knechel W R, Wong N. Audit fees: A metaanalysis of the effect of supply and demand attributes[J]. Contemporary Accounting Research, 2006, 23(1):141-191.
[23]Hayes A F, Preacher K J. Statistical mediation analysis with a multicategorical independent variable[J]. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 2014, 67(3): 451-470.
[24]Huberman B A, Loch C H, nüler A. Status as a valued resource[J]. Social Psychology Quarterly, 2004, 67(1): 103-114.
[25]Jin J Y, Kanagaretnam K, Lobo G J. Ability of accounting and audit quality variables to predict bank failure during the financial crisis[J]. Journal of Banking & Finance, 2011, 35(11): 2811-2819.
[26]King R R. An experimental investigation of selfserving biases in an auditing trust game: The effect of group affiliation[J]. The Accounting Review, 2002, 77(2): 265-284.
[27]Messier Jr W F, Reynolds J K, Simon C A, et al. The effect of using the internal audit function as a management training ground on the external auditor’s reliance decision[J]. The Accounting Review, 2011, 86(6): 2131-2154.
[28]Morton S. Strategic auditing for fraud[J]. The Accounting Review, 1993, 68(4): 825-839.
[29]Preacher K J, Hayes A F. Asymptotic and resampling strategies for assessing and comparing indirect effects in multiple mediator models[J]. Behavior Research Methods, 2008, 40(3): 879-891.
[30]Sinha P, Hunt H G. Auditor independence:A nonparametric test of differences across the Big5 public accounting firms[J]. Accounting Perspectives, 2013, 12(4): 301-320.
[31]Tepalagul N, Lin L. Auditor independence and audit quality: A literature review[J]. Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, 2015, 30(1): 101-121.
[32]Toth A. Reputation effects in the market of certifiers: Evidence from the audit industry[J]. Economic Inquiry, 2014, 52(2): 505-517.
[33]Zimbelman M F, Waller W S. An experimental investigation of auditorauditee interaction under ambiguity[J]. Journal of Accounting Research, 1999, 37(1): 135-155.
[2]樊行健, 宋仕杰. 企业内部监督模式研究——基于风险导向和成本效益原则[J]. 会计研究, 2011, (3): 49-53.
[3]方军雄. 转型经济中声誉机制有效性研究——来自中国审计市场的证据[J]. 财经研究, 2011, (12): 16-26.
[4]李晓义, 李建标. 不完备市场的多层次治理——基于比较制度实验的研究[J]. 经济学(季刊), 2009, (4): 1407-1434.
[5]彭桃英, 李良师, 李岚. 审计判断中的时近效应和肯定性倾向——基于持续经营能力判断的实验研究[J]. 会计研究, 2009, (11): 66-72.
[6]王帆, 张龙平. 审计师声誉研究: 述评与展望[J]. 会计研究, 2012, (11): 74-78.
[7]王守海, 杨亚军. 内部审计质量与审计费用研究——基于中国上市公司的证据[J]. 审计研究, 2009, (5): 65-73.
[8]王霞, 王镇蒙. 关于均衡审计市场的研究——对一个无限重复博弈模型的分析[J]. 财经研究, 2005, (2): 88-97.
[9]郁玉环. 基于公司治理视角的信息披露影响因素分析[J]. 数量经济技术经济研究, 2012, (8): 64-78.
[10]张继勋, 刘成立, 杨明增. 中国审计判断质量的实验研究[J]. 南开管理评论, 2006, (6): 45-49.
[11]赵保卿, 朱蝉飞. 注册会计师审计质量控制的博弈分析[J]. 会计研究, 2009, (4): 87-93.
[12]Anastasopoulos N P, Anastasopoulos M P. The evolutionary dynamics of audit[J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2012, 216(2): 469-476.
[13]Baron R M, Kenny D A. The moderatormediator variable distinction in social psychological research: Conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations[J]. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1986, 51(6): 1173-1182.
[14]Bergh D D, Ketchen D J, Boyd B K, et al. New frontiers of the reputation—Performance relationship: Insights from multiple theories[J]. Journal of Management, 2010, 36(3): 620-632.
[15]Castro A C V, Machado A. The interaction of temporal generalization gradients predicts the context effect[J]. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 2012, 97(3): 263-279.
[16]DeAngelo L E. Auditor size and audit quality[J]. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 1981, 3(3): 183-199.
[17]Duflo E, Greenstone M, Pande R, et al. What does reputation buy?Differentiation in a market for thirdparty auditors[J]. American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings, 2013, 103(3): 314-319.
[18]Fairchild R. Auditor tenure, managerial fraud and report qualification: A behavioural gametheoretic approach[J]. International Journal of Behavioural Accounting and Finance, 2008, 1(1): 23-37.
[19]Fischbacher U. Ztree: Zurich toolbox for readymade economic experiments[J]. Experimental Economics, 2007, 10(2): 171-178.
[20]Goldman A, Barlev B. The auditorfirm conflict of interests: Its implications for independence[J].The Accounting Review, 1974, 49(4): 707-718.
[21]Goodwin J, Yeo T Y. Two factors affecting internal audit independence and objectivity:Evidence from Singapore[J]. International Journal of Auditing, 2001, 5(2): 107-125.
[22]Hay D, Knechel W R, Wong N. Audit fees: A metaanalysis of the effect of supply and demand attributes[J]. Contemporary Accounting Research, 2006, 23(1):141-191.
[23]Hayes A F, Preacher K J. Statistical mediation analysis with a multicategorical independent variable[J]. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 2014, 67(3): 451-470.
[24]Huberman B A, Loch C H, nüler A. Status as a valued resource[J]. Social Psychology Quarterly, 2004, 67(1): 103-114.
[25]Jin J Y, Kanagaretnam K, Lobo G J. Ability of accounting and audit quality variables to predict bank failure during the financial crisis[J]. Journal of Banking & Finance, 2011, 35(11): 2811-2819.
[26]King R R. An experimental investigation of selfserving biases in an auditing trust game: The effect of group affiliation[J]. The Accounting Review, 2002, 77(2): 265-284.
[27]Messier Jr W F, Reynolds J K, Simon C A, et al. The effect of using the internal audit function as a management training ground on the external auditor’s reliance decision[J]. The Accounting Review, 2011, 86(6): 2131-2154.
[28]Morton S. Strategic auditing for fraud[J]. The Accounting Review, 1993, 68(4): 825-839.
[29]Preacher K J, Hayes A F. Asymptotic and resampling strategies for assessing and comparing indirect effects in multiple mediator models[J]. Behavior Research Methods, 2008, 40(3): 879-891.
[30]Sinha P, Hunt H G. Auditor independence:A nonparametric test of differences across the Big5 public accounting firms[J]. Accounting Perspectives, 2013, 12(4): 301-320.
[31]Tepalagul N, Lin L. Auditor independence and audit quality: A literature review[J]. Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, 2015, 30(1): 101-121.
[32]Toth A. Reputation effects in the market of certifiers: Evidence from the audit industry[J]. Economic Inquiry, 2014, 52(2): 505-517.
[33]Zimbelman M F, Waller W S. An experimental investigation of auditorauditee interaction under ambiguity[J]. Journal of Accounting Research, 1999, 37(1): 135-155.
李建标, 殷西乐, 任 雪. 实验市场中的审计博弈与审计质量——审计师声誉和企业内部监督的比较制度实验研究[J]. 财经研究, 2015, 41(10): 0.