外国经济与管理 2015 年 第 37 卷第 06 期, 页码:
[1]Armeli S,et al. Perceived organizational support and police performance: The moderating influence of socioemotional needs[J]. Journal of Applied Psychology,1998,83(2):288-297.
[2]Cohen J C,West P and Aiken S G. LS applied multiple regression/correlation analysis for the behavioral sciences (3rd ed.)[M]. Mahwah,NJ:Erlbaum,2003.
[3]Drory A and Romm T. The definition of organizational politics:A review[J]. Human Relations,1990,43(11):1133-1154.
[4]Drory A. Perceived political climate and job attitudes[J]. Organization Studies,1993,14(1):59-71.
[5]Fagenson E A. Mentoring—Who needs it? A comparison of protégés' and nonprotégés’ needs for power,achievement,affiliation,and autonomy[J]. Journal of Vocational Behavior,1992,41(1):48-60.
[6]Ferris G R and Kacmar K M. Perceptions of organizational politics[J]. Journal of Management,1992,18(1):93-116.
[7]Ferris G R,HarrellCook G and Dulebohn J H. Organizational politics:The nature of the relationship between politics perceptions and political behavior[A]. in Bacharach S B and Lawler E J(Eds.). Research in the sociology of organizations,Vol.17[C]. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited,2000:89-130.
[8]Forret M L and Dougherty T W. Correlates of networking behavior for managerial and professional employees[J]. Group & Organization Management,2001,26(3):283-311.
[9]Forret M L and Dougherty T W. Networking behaviors and career outcomes:Differences for men and women?[J]. Journal of Organizational Behavior,2004,25(3):419-437.
[10]Heider F. Social perception and phenomenal causality[J]. Psychological Review,1944,51(6):358-374.
[11]Kacmar K M and Baron R A. Organizational politics:The state of the field,links to related processes,and an agenda for future research[A]. in Ferris G R(Ed.). Research in personnel and human resources management[C]. Stamford,CT:JAI Press,1999:1-39.
[12]Lewin K,Heider F T and Heider G M. Principles of topological psychology[M]. New York:McGraw Hill Book Co.,Inc.,1936.
[13]Lin N. Social resources and social mobility:A structural theory of status attainment[A]. in Breiger R(Ed.). Social mobility and social structure[C]. Cambridge,UK: Cambridge University Press,1990: 120-146.
[14]Liu Y,Liu J and Wu L. Are you willing and able? Roles of motivation,power,and politics in career growth[J]. Journal of Management,2010,36(6):1432-1460.
[15]Luthans F,Rosenkrantz S A and Hennessey H W.What do successful managers really do?An observation study of managerial activities[J]. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science,1985,21(3):255-270.
[16]McAdams D P and Vaillant G E. Intimacy motivation and psychosocial adjustment: A longitudinal study[J]. Journal of Personality Assessment,1982,46(6):586-593.
[17]McAdams D P. The person: An introduction to personality psychology[M]. Fort Worth,TX: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,1990.
[18]McCallum S Y. An examination of internal and external networking behaviors and their relationship to career success and work attitudes[D]. Unpublished Doctorial dissertation,St. Ambrose University,2008.
[19]McClelland D C. Business drive and national achievement[J]. Harvard Business Review,1962,40(4):99-112.
[20]McClelland D C,et al. The achievement motive[M]. New York:AppletonCenturyCrofts,1976.
[21]McClelland D C. Human motivation[M]. Glenview,IL: Scott,Foresma,1987.
[22]McClelland D C and Burnham D H. Power is the great motivator[J]. Harvard Business Review,2003,81(1):117-126.
[23]Schachter S. The psychology of affiliation:Experimental studies of the sources of gregariousness[M]. Stanford,CA:Stanford University Press,1959.
[24]Tett R P and Guterman H A. Situation trait relevance,trait expression,and crosssituational consistency:Testing a principle of trait activation[J]. Journal of Research in Personality,2000,34(4):397-423.
[25]Tett R P and Burnett D D. A personality traitbased interactionist model of job performance[J]. Journal of Applied Psychology,2003,88(3):500-517.
[26]Thompson J A. Proactive personality and job performance:A social capital perspective[J]. Journal of Applied Psychology,2005,90(5):1011-1017.
[27]Treadway D C,et al. Political will,political skill,and political behavior[J]. Journal of Organizational Behavior,2005,26(3):229-245.
[28]Wanberg C R,Kanfer R and Banas J T. Predictors and outcomes of networking intensity among unemployed job seekers[J]. Journal of Applied Psychology,2000,85(4):491-503.
[29]Winter D G. The power motive[M]. New York:Free Press,1973.
[30]Wolff H G and Moser K. Entwicklung und validierung einer networkingskala[J]. Diagnostica,2006,52(4):161-180.
[31]Wolff H G,Moser K and Grau A. Networking: Theoretical foundations and construct validity[A]. in Deller J(Ed.). Readings in applied organizational behavior from the Lüneburg Symposium[C]. Mehring: Hampp,2008: 101-118.
[32]Wolff H G and Klaus M. Effects of networking on career success:A longitudinal study[J]. Journal of Applied Psychology,2009,94(1):196-206.
[33]Wolff H G and Kim S. The relationship between networking behaviors and the big five personality dimensions[J]. Career Development International,2012,17(1):43-66.
[34]Yang M M. Gifts,favors,and banquets:The art of social relationships in China[M]. Ithaca,NY:Cornell University Press,1994.
[35]费孝通.乡土中国[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2012.
[36]黄光国,胡先缙. 人情与面子:中国人的权力游戏[M]. 北京:中国人民大学出版社,2010.
[37]刘军,宋继文,吴隆增. 政治与关系视角的员工职业发展影响因素探讨[J]. 心理学报,2008,(2):201-209.
[38]马超,凌文辁,方俐洛. 企业员工组织政治认知量表的构建[J]. 心理学报,2006,38(1):107-115.
[39]谭乐,宋合义,毛娜. 规则导向型组织文化下领导者动机组合对绩效的影响研究[J]. 软科学,2008,106(10):100-105.
[40]吴静珊,王才康. 网络构建行为的研究现状与展望[J]. 心理科学进展,2010,18(6):1011-1017.
[2]Cohen J C,West P and Aiken S G. LS applied multiple regression/correlation analysis for the behavioral sciences (3rd ed.)[M]. Mahwah,NJ:Erlbaum,2003.
[3]Drory A and Romm T. The definition of organizational politics:A review[J]. Human Relations,1990,43(11):1133-1154.
[4]Drory A. Perceived political climate and job attitudes[J]. Organization Studies,1993,14(1):59-71.
[5]Fagenson E A. Mentoring—Who needs it? A comparison of protégés' and nonprotégés’ needs for power,achievement,affiliation,and autonomy[J]. Journal of Vocational Behavior,1992,41(1):48-60.
[6]Ferris G R and Kacmar K M. Perceptions of organizational politics[J]. Journal of Management,1992,18(1):93-116.
[7]Ferris G R,HarrellCook G and Dulebohn J H. Organizational politics:The nature of the relationship between politics perceptions and political behavior[A]. in Bacharach S B and Lawler E J(Eds.). Research in the sociology of organizations,Vol.17[C]. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited,2000:89-130.
[8]Forret M L and Dougherty T W. Correlates of networking behavior for managerial and professional employees[J]. Group & Organization Management,2001,26(3):283-311.
[9]Forret M L and Dougherty T W. Networking behaviors and career outcomes:Differences for men and women?[J]. Journal of Organizational Behavior,2004,25(3):419-437.
[10]Heider F. Social perception and phenomenal causality[J]. Psychological Review,1944,51(6):358-374.
[11]Kacmar K M and Baron R A. Organizational politics:The state of the field,links to related processes,and an agenda for future research[A]. in Ferris G R(Ed.). Research in personnel and human resources management[C]. Stamford,CT:JAI Press,1999:1-39.
[12]Lewin K,Heider F T and Heider G M. Principles of topological psychology[M]. New York:McGraw Hill Book Co.,Inc.,1936.
[13]Lin N. Social resources and social mobility:A structural theory of status attainment[A]. in Breiger R(Ed.). Social mobility and social structure[C]. Cambridge,UK: Cambridge University Press,1990: 120-146.
[14]Liu Y,Liu J and Wu L. Are you willing and able? Roles of motivation,power,and politics in career growth[J]. Journal of Management,2010,36(6):1432-1460.
[15]Luthans F,Rosenkrantz S A and Hennessey H W.What do successful managers really do?An observation study of managerial activities[J]. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science,1985,21(3):255-270.
[16]McAdams D P and Vaillant G E. Intimacy motivation and psychosocial adjustment: A longitudinal study[J]. Journal of Personality Assessment,1982,46(6):586-593.
[17]McAdams D P. The person: An introduction to personality psychology[M]. Fort Worth,TX: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,1990.
[18]McCallum S Y. An examination of internal and external networking behaviors and their relationship to career success and work attitudes[D]. Unpublished Doctorial dissertation,St. Ambrose University,2008.
[19]McClelland D C. Business drive and national achievement[J]. Harvard Business Review,1962,40(4):99-112.
[20]McClelland D C,et al. The achievement motive[M]. New York:AppletonCenturyCrofts,1976.
[21]McClelland D C. Human motivation[M]. Glenview,IL: Scott,Foresma,1987.
[22]McClelland D C and Burnham D H. Power is the great motivator[J]. Harvard Business Review,2003,81(1):117-126.
[23]Schachter S. The psychology of affiliation:Experimental studies of the sources of gregariousness[M]. Stanford,CA:Stanford University Press,1959.
[24]Tett R P and Guterman H A. Situation trait relevance,trait expression,and crosssituational consistency:Testing a principle of trait activation[J]. Journal of Research in Personality,2000,34(4):397-423.
[25]Tett R P and Burnett D D. A personality traitbased interactionist model of job performance[J]. Journal of Applied Psychology,2003,88(3):500-517.
[26]Thompson J A. Proactive personality and job performance:A social capital perspective[J]. Journal of Applied Psychology,2005,90(5):1011-1017.
[27]Treadway D C,et al. Political will,political skill,and political behavior[J]. Journal of Organizational Behavior,2005,26(3):229-245.
[28]Wanberg C R,Kanfer R and Banas J T. Predictors and outcomes of networking intensity among unemployed job seekers[J]. Journal of Applied Psychology,2000,85(4):491-503.
[29]Winter D G. The power motive[M]. New York:Free Press,1973.
[30]Wolff H G and Moser K. Entwicklung und validierung einer networkingskala[J]. Diagnostica,2006,52(4):161-180.
[31]Wolff H G,Moser K and Grau A. Networking: Theoretical foundations and construct validity[A]. in Deller J(Ed.). Readings in applied organizational behavior from the Lüneburg Symposium[C]. Mehring: Hampp,2008: 101-118.
[32]Wolff H G and Klaus M. Effects of networking on career success:A longitudinal study[J]. Journal of Applied Psychology,2009,94(1):196-206.
[33]Wolff H G and Kim S. The relationship between networking behaviors and the big five personality dimensions[J]. Career Development International,2012,17(1):43-66.
[34]Yang M M. Gifts,favors,and banquets:The art of social relationships in China[M]. Ithaca,NY:Cornell University Press,1994.
[35]费孝通.乡土中国[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2012.
[36]黄光国,胡先缙. 人情与面子:中国人的权力游戏[M]. 北京:中国人民大学出版社,2010.
[37]刘军,宋继文,吴隆增. 政治与关系视角的员工职业发展影响因素探讨[J]. 心理学报,2008,(2):201-209.
[38]马超,凌文辁,方俐洛. 企业员工组织政治认知量表的构建[J]. 心理学报,2006,38(1):107-115.
[39]谭乐,宋合义,毛娜. 规则导向型组织文化下领导者动机组合对绩效的影响研究[J]. 软科学,2008,106(10):100-105.
[40]吴静珊,王才康. 网络构建行为的研究现状与展望[J]. 心理科学进展,2010,18(6):1011-1017.
吴湘繁, 关浩光, 马洁. 员工为什么热衷于构建职场关系网络——基于特质激发理论的实证研究[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2015, 37(6): 0.