外国经济与管理 2006 年 第 28 卷第 02 期, 页码:15 - 21
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[10]Burdett K,and D T Mortensen.Equilibrium wage differentials,employer size,and unemployment[J].International E-conomic Review.1998,39(5):257-274.
[11]Howitt,Peter.Business cycles with costly search and recruiting[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1988,103(Feb.):147-165.
[12]Eckstein Z,and K I Wolpin.Duration to first job and return to schooling:estimates from a search-matching model[J].Review of Economic Studies,1995,62:263-286.
[13]Blanchard,O and Portugal,P.What hides behind an unemployment rate:comparing Portuguese and U S Labor Mar-kets[J].American Economic Review,2001,91:187-207.
[14]John T.Addison,Pedro Portugal.Job search methods and outcomes[R].IZA Discussion Paper No.349,2001,(Aug.).
[15]Gerard J,Van den Berg,and Geert Ridder.An empirical equilibrium search model of the labor market[J].Econometri-ca,1998,66(5):1183-1221.
[16]Blau,D M and Robins,P K.Job search outcomes for the employed and unemployed[J].Journal of Political Economy,1990,98:637-55.
[17]Ports,M H.Trends in job search method,1970-1992[J].Monthly Labor Review,1993,116(10):63-67.
[18]Portugal,P and Addison,J T.Unemployment benefits and unemployment transitions:a discrete duration model withmultiple destinations[R].Unpublished Paper,Department of Economics,University of South Carolina,1999.
[19]Banerjee Biswajit,and Bucci Gabriella.On-the-job search in a developing country:an analysis based on Indian data onmigrant[J].Economic Development and Culture Change,1995,(4):565-583.
[20]Gregg,P,and Wadsworth,J.How effective are state employment agencies?Job centre use and job matching in Britain[J].Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics,1996,58:43-67.
[2]Albrecht,J W,and B Axell.An equilibrium model of search employment[J].Journal of Political Economy,1984,92:824-840.
[3]Albrecht,James W,Vroman,Susan B.Dual labor markets,efficiency wages,and search[J].Journal of Labor Econom-ics,1992,10(4):438-461.
[4]Birger Wernerfelt.General equilibrium with real time search in labor and product markets[J].Journal of Political Econo-my;1988,9(4):821-830.
[5]Diamond,Peter A.Aggregate demand management in search equilibrium[J].Journal of Political Economy,1982,90(Oct.):881-894.
[6]Burdett,Kenneth,and Mortensen,Dale T.Search,layoffs,and labor market equilibrium[J].Journal of Political Eco-nomy,1980,88:652-72.
[7]Mortensen,Dale T.Job search and labor market analysis[A].In Orley Ashenfelter and Richard Layard,eds.Handbookof labor economics[C].Amsterdam:North-Holland,1986:849-919.
[8]Holzer,H J.Job search by employed and unemployed youth[J].Industrial and Labor Relations Review,1987,40:601-611.
[9]Holzer H J.Search methods used by unemployed youth[J].Journal of Labor Economics,1988,6:1-20.
[10]Burdett K,and D T Mortensen.Equilibrium wage differentials,employer size,and unemployment[J].International E-conomic Review.1998,39(5):257-274.
[11]Howitt,Peter.Business cycles with costly search and recruiting[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1988,103(Feb.):147-165.
[12]Eckstein Z,and K I Wolpin.Duration to first job and return to schooling:estimates from a search-matching model[J].Review of Economic Studies,1995,62:263-286.
[13]Blanchard,O and Portugal,P.What hides behind an unemployment rate:comparing Portuguese and U S Labor Mar-kets[J].American Economic Review,2001,91:187-207.
[14]John T.Addison,Pedro Portugal.Job search methods and outcomes[R].IZA Discussion Paper No.349,2001,(Aug.).
[15]Gerard J,Van den Berg,and Geert Ridder.An empirical equilibrium search model of the labor market[J].Econometri-ca,1998,66(5):1183-1221.
[16]Blau,D M and Robins,P K.Job search outcomes for the employed and unemployed[J].Journal of Political Economy,1990,98:637-55.
[17]Ports,M H.Trends in job search method,1970-1992[J].Monthly Labor Review,1993,116(10):63-67.
[18]Portugal,P and Addison,J T.Unemployment benefits and unemployment transitions:a discrete duration model withmultiple destinations[R].Unpublished Paper,Department of Economics,University of South Carolina,1999.
[19]Banerjee Biswajit,and Bucci Gabriella.On-the-job search in a developing country:an analysis based on Indian data onmigrant[J].Economic Development and Culture Change,1995,(4):565-583.
[20]Gregg,P,and Wadsworth,J.How effective are state employment agencies?Job centre use and job matching in Britain[J].Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics,1996,58:43-67.
何亦名, 张炳申. 国外工作搜寻理论研究述评[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2006, 28(2): 15–21.