外国经济与管理 2010 年 第 32 卷第 02 期, 页码:45 - 50
[1]Brady,Michael,Joseph Cronin,Gavin Fox,and Michelle L Roehm.Strategies to offset performance failures:The role of brand equi-ty[J].Journal of Retailing,2008,84(2):151-164.
[2]Lin,Zhiang,Xia Zhao,Kiran M Ismail,and Kathleen M Carley.Organizational design and restructuring in response to crises:Les-sons from computation modeling and real-world cases[J].Organization Science,2006,17(5):598-618.
[3]Keller,Lane Kevin.Conceptualizing,measuring,and managing customer-based brand equity[J].Journal of Marketing,1993,57(1):1-22.
[4]Ahluwalia,Rohini.Examination of psychological processes underlying resistance to persuasion[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2000,27(2):217-232.
[5]Rhee,Mooweon,and Pamela R Haunschild.The liability of good reputation:A study of product recalls in the US automobile indus-try[J].Organization Science,2006,17(1):101-117.
[6]Fiske,Susan T.Attention and weight in person perception:The impact of negative and extreme behavior[J].Journal of Personalityand Social Psychology,1980,38(6):889-906.
[7]Hogarth,Robin M,and HilleL J Einhorn.Order effects in belief updating:The belief adjustment model[J].Cognitive Psychology,1992,24(1):1-55.
[8]Weiner,B.Human motivation[M].New York:Holt,Rinehart and Winston,1980.
[9]Folkes,Valerie S.Consumer reaction to product failure:An attributional approach[J].Journal of Consumer Research,1984,10(4):398-409.
[10]Szymanski,D M,and D H Henard.Customer satisfaction:A meta-analysis of the empirical evidence[J].Academy of MarketingScience,2001,29(1):16-35.
[11]Burgoon,J K,and B A LePoire.Effect of communication expectancies,actual communication and expectancy disconfirmation on e-valuations of communicators and their communication behavior[J].Human Communication Research,1993,20(1):67-96.
[12]Cyert,L J,and M H DeGoot.Bayesian analysis and uncertainty in economic theory[M].Totowa,NJ:Rowman and Littlefield,1987.
[13]Sloot,L M,Peter C Verhoef,and Philip Franses.The impact of brand equity and the hedonic level of products on consumer stock-out reactions[J].Journal of Retailing,2005,81(1):15-34.
[14]Ahluwalia,Rohini,Robert E Burnkrant,and H Rao Unnava.Consumer response to negative publicity:The moderating role ofcommitment[J].Journal of Marketing Research,2000,37(5):203-214.
[15]Siomkos,George,and Gary Kurzbard.The hidden crisis in product-harm crisis management[J].European Journal of Marketing,1994,28(2):30-41.
[16]Raju,S,and Rao Unnava.The role of arousal in commitment:An explanation for the number of counterarguments[J].Journal ofConsumer Research,2006,33(9):173-178.
[17]Dean,Dwane Hal.Consumer reaction to negative publicity:Effect of corporate reputation,response,and responsibility for a crisisevent[J].Journal of Business Communication,2004,41(2):192-211.
[18]Mattila,Anna.The impact of service failures on customer loyalty[J].International Journal of Service Industry Management,2004,15(2):134-146.
[19]Roehm,Michelle,and Michael Brady.Consumer response to performance failures by high-equity brands[J].Journal of ConsumerResearch,2007,34(12):537-545.
[20]Kardes,F,Fennis,B,Zakary,H,and Bullington,B.The need for cognitive closure in the effectiveness of the disrupt-then-reframein influence technique[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2007,34(3):377-385.
[2]Lin,Zhiang,Xia Zhao,Kiran M Ismail,and Kathleen M Carley.Organizational design and restructuring in response to crises:Les-sons from computation modeling and real-world cases[J].Organization Science,2006,17(5):598-618.
[3]Keller,Lane Kevin.Conceptualizing,measuring,and managing customer-based brand equity[J].Journal of Marketing,1993,57(1):1-22.
[4]Ahluwalia,Rohini.Examination of psychological processes underlying resistance to persuasion[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2000,27(2):217-232.
[5]Rhee,Mooweon,and Pamela R Haunschild.The liability of good reputation:A study of product recalls in the US automobile indus-try[J].Organization Science,2006,17(1):101-117.
[6]Fiske,Susan T.Attention and weight in person perception:The impact of negative and extreme behavior[J].Journal of Personalityand Social Psychology,1980,38(6):889-906.
[7]Hogarth,Robin M,and HilleL J Einhorn.Order effects in belief updating:The belief adjustment model[J].Cognitive Psychology,1992,24(1):1-55.
[8]Weiner,B.Human motivation[M].New York:Holt,Rinehart and Winston,1980.
[9]Folkes,Valerie S.Consumer reaction to product failure:An attributional approach[J].Journal of Consumer Research,1984,10(4):398-409.
[10]Szymanski,D M,and D H Henard.Customer satisfaction:A meta-analysis of the empirical evidence[J].Academy of MarketingScience,2001,29(1):16-35.
[11]Burgoon,J K,and B A LePoire.Effect of communication expectancies,actual communication and expectancy disconfirmation on e-valuations of communicators and their communication behavior[J].Human Communication Research,1993,20(1):67-96.
[12]Cyert,L J,and M H DeGoot.Bayesian analysis and uncertainty in economic theory[M].Totowa,NJ:Rowman and Littlefield,1987.
[13]Sloot,L M,Peter C Verhoef,and Philip Franses.The impact of brand equity and the hedonic level of products on consumer stock-out reactions[J].Journal of Retailing,2005,81(1):15-34.
[14]Ahluwalia,Rohini,Robert E Burnkrant,and H Rao Unnava.Consumer response to negative publicity:The moderating role ofcommitment[J].Journal of Marketing Research,2000,37(5):203-214.
[15]Siomkos,George,and Gary Kurzbard.The hidden crisis in product-harm crisis management[J].European Journal of Marketing,1994,28(2):30-41.
[16]Raju,S,and Rao Unnava.The role of arousal in commitment:An explanation for the number of counterarguments[J].Journal ofConsumer Research,2006,33(9):173-178.
[17]Dean,Dwane Hal.Consumer reaction to negative publicity:Effect of corporate reputation,response,and responsibility for a crisisevent[J].Journal of Business Communication,2004,41(2):192-211.
[18]Mattila,Anna.The impact of service failures on customer loyalty[J].International Journal of Service Industry Management,2004,15(2):134-146.
[19]Roehm,Michelle,and Michael Brady.Consumer response to performance failures by high-equity brands[J].Journal of ConsumerResearch,2007,34(12):537-545.
[20]Kardes,F,Fennis,B,Zakary,H,and Bullington,B.The need for cognitive closure in the effectiveness of the disrupt-then-reframein influence technique[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2007,34(3):377-385.
王晓玉. 负面营销事件中品牌资产的作用研究综述[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2010, 32(2): 45–50.