外国经济与管理 2011 年 第 33 卷第 05 期, 页码:57 - 65
[1]Flannery,M,and Hankins,K.Atheory of capital structure adjust ment speed[R].Working Paper,2007.
[2]Fama,E F,and French,K R.Testing tradeoff and pecking order predictions about dividends and debt[J].Review of FinancialStudies,2002,15(1):1-33.
[3]Flannery,Mark J,and Rangan,Kasturi P.Partial adjust ment toward target capital structures[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2006,79(3):469-506.
[4]Lemmon,ML,Roberts,M R,and Zender,J F.Back to the beginning:Persistence and the cross-section of corporate capital struc-ture[J].Journal of Finance,2008,63(4):1 575-1 608.
[5]Huang,Rongbing,and Ritter,Jay R.Testingtheories of capital structure and esti matingthe speed of adjust ment[J].Journal of Fi-nancial and Quantitative Analysis,2009,44(2):237-271.
[6]Shyam-Sunder,L,and Myers,S C.Testing static tradeoff against pecking order models of capital structure[J].Journal of FinancialEconomics,1999,51(2):219-244.
[7]Chen,Long,and Zhao,Xinlei.Mechanical mean reversion of leverage ratios[J].Economic Letters,2007,95(2):223-229.
[8]Chang,Xin,and Dasguta,Sudipto.Target behavior and financing:Howconclusive is the evidence?[J].Journal of Finance,2009,64(4):1 767-1 796.
[9]Barclay,Michael J,and Smith,Clifford W.The capital structure puzzle:The evidence revisited[J].Journal of Applied CorporateFinance,2005,17(1):8-17.
[10]Hovaki mian,A,Opler,T,and Tit man,S.The debt-equity choice[J].Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,2001,36(1):1-24.
[11]Hovaki mian,A,Hovaki mian,G,and Tehranian,H.Determinants of target capital structure:The case of dual debt and equityis-suers[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2004,71(3):517-540.
[12]Leary,M T,and Roberts,M R.Do firms rebalance their capital structures?[J].Journal of Finance,2005,60(6):2 575-2 619.
[13]Liu,L.Do firms have target leverage ratios?Evidence from historical market to book and past returns[EB/OL].Available atSSRN:http://ssrn.com/abstract=871928,2005.
[14]Kayhan,A,and Tit man,S.Firms’histories and their capital structures[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2007,83(1):1-32.
[15]Harford,Jarrad,Klasa,Sandy,and Walcott,Nathan.Do firms have leverage targets?Evidence fromacquisitions[J].Journal ofFinancial Economics,2009,93(1):1-14.
[16]Faulkender,Michael W,et al.Do adjust ment costsi mpede the realization of target capital structure?[R].Working Paper,2008.
[17]Heshmati,A.The dynamics of capital structure:Evidence fromSwedish micro and small firms[J].Research in Banking and Fi-nance,2002,2:199-241.
[18]Cook,Douglas O,and Tang,Tian.Macroeconomic conditions and capital structure adjust ment speed[J].Journal of Corporate Fi-nance,2010,16(1):73-87.
[19]Byoun,Soku.Howand when do firms adjust their capital structures toward targets?[J].Journal of Finance,2008,63(6):3 069-3 096.
[20]Lockhart,G Brandon.Adjusting to target capital structure:The effect of credit lines[R].Working Paper,University of Florida,2009.
[2]Fama,E F,and French,K R.Testing tradeoff and pecking order predictions about dividends and debt[J].Review of FinancialStudies,2002,15(1):1-33.
[3]Flannery,Mark J,and Rangan,Kasturi P.Partial adjust ment toward target capital structures[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2006,79(3):469-506.
[4]Lemmon,ML,Roberts,M R,and Zender,J F.Back to the beginning:Persistence and the cross-section of corporate capital struc-ture[J].Journal of Finance,2008,63(4):1 575-1 608.
[5]Huang,Rongbing,and Ritter,Jay R.Testingtheories of capital structure and esti matingthe speed of adjust ment[J].Journal of Fi-nancial and Quantitative Analysis,2009,44(2):237-271.
[6]Shyam-Sunder,L,and Myers,S C.Testing static tradeoff against pecking order models of capital structure[J].Journal of FinancialEconomics,1999,51(2):219-244.
[7]Chen,Long,and Zhao,Xinlei.Mechanical mean reversion of leverage ratios[J].Economic Letters,2007,95(2):223-229.
[8]Chang,Xin,and Dasguta,Sudipto.Target behavior and financing:Howconclusive is the evidence?[J].Journal of Finance,2009,64(4):1 767-1 796.
[9]Barclay,Michael J,and Smith,Clifford W.The capital structure puzzle:The evidence revisited[J].Journal of Applied CorporateFinance,2005,17(1):8-17.
[10]Hovaki mian,A,Opler,T,and Tit man,S.The debt-equity choice[J].Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,2001,36(1):1-24.
[11]Hovaki mian,A,Hovaki mian,G,and Tehranian,H.Determinants of target capital structure:The case of dual debt and equityis-suers[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2004,71(3):517-540.
[12]Leary,M T,and Roberts,M R.Do firms rebalance their capital structures?[J].Journal of Finance,2005,60(6):2 575-2 619.
[13]Liu,L.Do firms have target leverage ratios?Evidence from historical market to book and past returns[EB/OL].Available atSSRN:http://ssrn.com/abstract=871928,2005.
[14]Kayhan,A,and Tit man,S.Firms’histories and their capital structures[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2007,83(1):1-32.
[15]Harford,Jarrad,Klasa,Sandy,and Walcott,Nathan.Do firms have leverage targets?Evidence fromacquisitions[J].Journal ofFinancial Economics,2009,93(1):1-14.
[16]Faulkender,Michael W,et al.Do adjust ment costsi mpede the realization of target capital structure?[R].Working Paper,2008.
[17]Heshmati,A.The dynamics of capital structure:Evidence fromSwedish micro and small firms[J].Research in Banking and Fi-nance,2002,2:199-241.
[18]Cook,Douglas O,and Tang,Tian.Macroeconomic conditions and capital structure adjust ment speed[J].Journal of Corporate Fi-nance,2010,16(1):73-87.
[19]Byoun,Soku.Howand when do firms adjust their capital structures toward targets?[J].Journal of Finance,2008,63(6):3 069-3 096.
[20]Lockhart,G Brandon.Adjusting to target capital structure:The effect of credit lines[R].Working Paper,University of Florida,2009.
洪艺珣, 王志强. 国外资本结构动态权衡理论实证研究脉络梳理与未来展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2011, 33(5): 57–65.