外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 07 期, 页码:69 - 74
[1]Agarwal R and Selen W.Dynamic capability building in serv-ice value networks for achieving service innovation[J].Deci-sion Sciences,2009,40(3):431-475.
[2]Anderson A R,et al.Innovation in services through learning in a joint venture[J].Service Industries Journal,2011,31(12):2019-2032.
[3]Bosch-Sijtsema P M and Postma T J B M.Governance factors enabling knowledge transfer in interorganizational develop-ment projects[J].Technology Analysis and Strategic Manage-ment,2010,22(5):593-608.
[4]Chen J S,et al.Co-production and its effects on service inno-vation[J].Industrial Marketing Management,2011,40(8):1331-1346.
[5]Davis J P and Eisenhardt K M.Rotating leadership and col-laborative innovation:Recombination processes in symbiotic relationships[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,2011,56(2):159-201.
[6]Dhanaraj C and Parkhe A.Orchestrating innovation networks[J].Academy of Management Review,2006,31(3):659-669.
[7]Eisingerich A B,et al.Managing service innovation and inter-organizational relationships for firm performance:To commit or diversify?[J].Journal of Service Research,2009,11(4):344-356.
[8]FjeldstadD,et al.The architecture of collaboration[J].Strategic Management Journal,2012,33(6):734-750.
[9]Gallouj F and Savona M.Innovation in services:A review of the debate and a research agenda[J].Journal of evolutionary economics,2009,19(2):149-172.
[10]Hipp C.Collaborative innovation in services[A].Gallouj F and Djellal F.The handbook of innovation and services:A muti-disciplinary perspective[C].London:Edward Elgar Publishing Limited,2010.
[11]Hipp C,et al.The incidence and effects of innovation in services:Evidence from Germany[J].International Journal of Innovation Management,2000,4(4):417-453.
[12]Hsueh J T,et al.The effects of network embeddedness on service innovation performance[J].Service Industries Jour-nal,2010,30(10):1723-1736.
[13]Jones C,et al.A general theory of network governance:Ex-change conditions and social mechanisms[J].Academy of Management Review,1997,22(4):911-945.
[14]Li D,et al.Governance in multilateral R&D alliances[J].Organization Science,2011,doi:10.1287/orsc.1110.0671.
[15]Love J H,et al.Openness,knowledge,innovation and growth in UK business services[J].Research Policy,2011,40(10):1438-1452.
[16]Mention A L.Cooperation and coopetition as open innova-tion practices in the service sector:Which influence on inno-vation novelty?[J].Technovation,2011,31(1):44-53.
[17]Miles I.Research and development(R&D)beyond manufac-turing:The strange case of services R&D[J].R&D Mana-gement,2007,37(3):249-268.
[18]Mors M L.Innovation in a global consulting firm:When the problem is too much diversity[J].Strategic Management Journal,2010,31(8):841-872.
[19]Panico C.On the contractual governance of research collabo-rations:Allocating control and intellectual property rights in the shadow of potential termination[J].Research Policy,2011,40(10):1403-1411.
[20]Sampson R C.Organizational choice in R&D alliances:Knowledge-based and transaction cost perspectives[J].Ma-nagerial and Decision Economics,2004,25(6/7):421-436.
[21]Sundbo J and Gallouj F.Innovation as a loosely coupled sys-tem in services[J].International Journal of Services Tech-nology and Management,2000,1(1):15-36.
[22]Tether B S.Do services innovate(differently)?Insights from the European Innobarometer Survey[J].Industry and Innovation,2005,12(2):153-184.
[23]Tether B S and Tajar A.The organisational-cooperation mode of innovation and its prominence amongst European service firms[J].Research Policy,2008,37(4):720-739.
[2]Anderson A R,et al.Innovation in services through learning in a joint venture[J].Service Industries Journal,2011,31(12):2019-2032.
[3]Bosch-Sijtsema P M and Postma T J B M.Governance factors enabling knowledge transfer in interorganizational develop-ment projects[J].Technology Analysis and Strategic Manage-ment,2010,22(5):593-608.
[4]Chen J S,et al.Co-production and its effects on service inno-vation[J].Industrial Marketing Management,2011,40(8):1331-1346.
[5]Davis J P and Eisenhardt K M.Rotating leadership and col-laborative innovation:Recombination processes in symbiotic relationships[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,2011,56(2):159-201.
[6]Dhanaraj C and Parkhe A.Orchestrating innovation networks[J].Academy of Management Review,2006,31(3):659-669.
[7]Eisingerich A B,et al.Managing service innovation and inter-organizational relationships for firm performance:To commit or diversify?[J].Journal of Service Research,2009,11(4):344-356.
[8]FjeldstadD,et al.The architecture of collaboration[J].Strategic Management Journal,2012,33(6):734-750.
[9]Gallouj F and Savona M.Innovation in services:A review of the debate and a research agenda[J].Journal of evolutionary economics,2009,19(2):149-172.
[10]Hipp C.Collaborative innovation in services[A].Gallouj F and Djellal F.The handbook of innovation and services:A muti-disciplinary perspective[C].London:Edward Elgar Publishing Limited,2010.
[11]Hipp C,et al.The incidence and effects of innovation in services:Evidence from Germany[J].International Journal of Innovation Management,2000,4(4):417-453.
[12]Hsueh J T,et al.The effects of network embeddedness on service innovation performance[J].Service Industries Jour-nal,2010,30(10):1723-1736.
[13]Jones C,et al.A general theory of network governance:Ex-change conditions and social mechanisms[J].Academy of Management Review,1997,22(4):911-945.
[14]Li D,et al.Governance in multilateral R&D alliances[J].Organization Science,2011,doi:10.1287/orsc.1110.0671.
[15]Love J H,et al.Openness,knowledge,innovation and growth in UK business services[J].Research Policy,2011,40(10):1438-1452.
[16]Mention A L.Cooperation and coopetition as open innova-tion practices in the service sector:Which influence on inno-vation novelty?[J].Technovation,2011,31(1):44-53.
[17]Miles I.Research and development(R&D)beyond manufac-turing:The strange case of services R&D[J].R&D Mana-gement,2007,37(3):249-268.
[18]Mors M L.Innovation in a global consulting firm:When the problem is too much diversity[J].Strategic Management Journal,2010,31(8):841-872.
[19]Panico C.On the contractual governance of research collabo-rations:Allocating control and intellectual property rights in the shadow of potential termination[J].Research Policy,2011,40(10):1403-1411.
[20]Sampson R C.Organizational choice in R&D alliances:Knowledge-based and transaction cost perspectives[J].Ma-nagerial and Decision Economics,2004,25(6/7):421-436.
[21]Sundbo J and Gallouj F.Innovation as a loosely coupled sys-tem in services[J].International Journal of Services Tech-nology and Management,2000,1(1):15-36.
[22]Tether B S.Do services innovate(differently)?Insights from the European Innobarometer Survey[J].Industry and Innovation,2005,12(2):153-184.
[23]Tether B S and Tajar A.The organisational-cooperation mode of innovation and its prominence amongst European service firms[J].Research Policy,2008,37(4):720-739.
白鸥, 刘洋. 服务业创新网络治理研究述评与展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(7): 69–74.