外国经济与管理 2013 年 第 35 卷第 09 期, 页码:25 - 34
[1]Carden L L and Callahan J L.Creating leaders or loyalists?Conflicting identities in a leadership development programme[J].Human Resource Development International,2007,10(2):169-186.
[2]Carson J B,Tesluk P E and Marrone J A.Shared leadership in teams:An investigation of antecedent conditions and performance[J].Academy of Management Journal,2007,50(5):1217-1234.
[3]Chang C H and Johnson R E.Not all leader-member exchanges are created equal:Importance of leader relational identity[J].Leadership Quarterly,2010,21(5):796-808.
[4]Cogliser C C,Schriesheim C A,Scandura T A and Gardner W L.Balance in leader and follower perceptions of leader-member exchange:Relationships with performance and work attitudes[J].Leadership Quarterly,2009,20:452-465.
[5]Day D V and Harrison M M.A multilevel,identity-based approach to leadership development[J].Human Resource Management Review,2007,17(4):360-373.
[6]Day D V,Harrison M M and Halpin S M.An integrative approach to leader development:Connecting adult development,identity,and expertise[M].New York:Psychology Press,2009.
[7]DeRue D S,Ashford S J and Cotton N C.Assuming the mantle:Unpacking the process by which individuals internalize a leader identity[A].Roherts L M and Dutton J E(Eds.).Exploring positive identities and organizations:Building a theoretical and research foundation[C].New York:Taylor&Francis,2009:213-232.
[8]DeRue D S.Adaptive leadership theory:Leading and following as a complex adaptive process[J].Research in Organizational Behavior,2011,31(1):125-150.
[9]Dodge K A.Social information processing patterns as mediators of the interaction between genetic factors and life experiences in the development of aggressive behavior[A].Mikulincer M and Shaver P R(Eds.).Understanding and reducing aggression,violence,and their consequences[C].Washington,DC:American Psychological Association,2011:165185.
[10]Emery C,Gianluca C and David B.Relational schemas to investigate the process of leadership emergence[R].Proceeding of Annual Meeting in Academy of Management on West Meets East:Enlightening,Balancing,and Transcending,August 12-16,2011.
[11]Henderson D J,Liden R C,Glibkowski B C and Chaudhry A.LMX differentiation:A multilevel review and examination of its antecedents and outcomes[J].Leadership Quarterly,2009,20:517-534.
[12]Hermans H J M.Telling and retelling one’s self-narrative:A contextual approach to life-span development[J].Human Development,2010,35(6):361-375.
[13]Holmes J.Conformity and change in leadership identity construction[D].Uppsala University,2011.
[14]Ibarra H,Snook S and Guillen L.Identity-based leader development[A].Khurana R and Nohria N(Eds.).Leadership:Advancing an intellectual discipline[C].Boston:Harvard Business Press,2010:657-678.
[15]Ingalill S A.Modeling leadership-Implicit leadership theories in Sweden Scandinavian[J].Journal of Management,2006,22(4):44-46.
[16]Jacksona E M and Johnsonb R E.When opposites do(and do not)attract:Interplay of leader and follower self-identities and its consequences for leader-member exchange[J].Leadership Quarterly,2012,23(3):488-501.
[17]Karp T and HelgT I T.Leadership as identity construction:The act of leading people in organizations:A perspective from the complexity sciences[J].Journal of Management Development,2009,28(10):880-896.
[18]Karp T.Studying subtle acts of leadership[J].Leadership,2013,9(1):3-22.
[19]Komives S R,Longerbeam S D,Mainella F,Osteen L,Owen J E and Wagner W.Leadership identity development:Challenges in applying a developmental model[J].Journal of Leadership Education,2009,8(1):11-47.
[20]Kouzes J M and Posner B Z.The leadership challenge[M].(3rd Ed.).San Francisco:Jossey-Bass,2003.
[21]Lord R G,Brown D J and Freiberg S J.Understanding the dynamics of leadership:The role of follower self-concepts in the leader/follower relationship[J].Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,1999,78(3):167-203.
[22]McClelland D C and Burnham D H.Power is the great motivator[J].Harvard Business Review,2003,81(1):117126.
[23]Morgeson F P,DeRue D S and Karam E P.Leadership in teams:A functional approach to understanding leadership structures and processes[J].Journal of Management,2010,36(1):5-39.
[24]Onorato S M.Developing a leadership identity:A case study exploring a select group of Hispanic women at a Hispanic serving institution[D].Florida International University,2010.
[25]Schyns B and Schilling J.Implicit leadership theories:Think leader,think effective?[J].Journal of Management Inquiry,2011,20(2):141-150.
[26]Shamir B and Eilam G.What’s your story?—Toward a life-story approach to authentic leadership[J].Leadership Quarterly,2005,16(3):395-418.
[27]Sveningsson S F and Alvesson M.Managing managerial identities:Organizational fragmentation,discourse and identity struggle[J].Human Relations,2003,56(10):11631193.
[28]Van V M,Hogan R and Kaiser R B.Leadership,followership,and evolution:Some lessons from the past[J].American Psychologist,2008,63(3):182-196.
[29]Wang F and Howell J M.A multilevel study of transformational leadership,identification,and follower outcomes[J].Leadership Quarterly,2012,23(5):775-790.
[30]Wilson K and Sin H P.What about the leader in leadermember exchange?The impact of resource exchanges and substitutability on the leader[J].Academy of Management Review,2010,35(3):358-372.
[2]Carson J B,Tesluk P E and Marrone J A.Shared leadership in teams:An investigation of antecedent conditions and performance[J].Academy of Management Journal,2007,50(5):1217-1234.
[3]Chang C H and Johnson R E.Not all leader-member exchanges are created equal:Importance of leader relational identity[J].Leadership Quarterly,2010,21(5):796-808.
[4]Cogliser C C,Schriesheim C A,Scandura T A and Gardner W L.Balance in leader and follower perceptions of leader-member exchange:Relationships with performance and work attitudes[J].Leadership Quarterly,2009,20:452-465.
[5]Day D V and Harrison M M.A multilevel,identity-based approach to leadership development[J].Human Resource Management Review,2007,17(4):360-373.
[6]Day D V,Harrison M M and Halpin S M.An integrative approach to leader development:Connecting adult development,identity,and expertise[M].New York:Psychology Press,2009.
[7]DeRue D S,Ashford S J and Cotton N C.Assuming the mantle:Unpacking the process by which individuals internalize a leader identity[A].Roherts L M and Dutton J E(Eds.).Exploring positive identities and organizations:Building a theoretical and research foundation[C].New York:Taylor&Francis,2009:213-232.
[8]DeRue D S.Adaptive leadership theory:Leading and following as a complex adaptive process[J].Research in Organizational Behavior,2011,31(1):125-150.
[9]Dodge K A.Social information processing patterns as mediators of the interaction between genetic factors and life experiences in the development of aggressive behavior[A].Mikulincer M and Shaver P R(Eds.).Understanding and reducing aggression,violence,and their consequences[C].Washington,DC:American Psychological Association,2011:165185.
[10]Emery C,Gianluca C and David B.Relational schemas to investigate the process of leadership emergence[R].Proceeding of Annual Meeting in Academy of Management on West Meets East:Enlightening,Balancing,and Transcending,August 12-16,2011.
[11]Henderson D J,Liden R C,Glibkowski B C and Chaudhry A.LMX differentiation:A multilevel review and examination of its antecedents and outcomes[J].Leadership Quarterly,2009,20:517-534.
[12]Hermans H J M.Telling and retelling one’s self-narrative:A contextual approach to life-span development[J].Human Development,2010,35(6):361-375.
[13]Holmes J.Conformity and change in leadership identity construction[D].Uppsala University,2011.
[14]Ibarra H,Snook S and Guillen L.Identity-based leader development[A].Khurana R and Nohria N(Eds.).Leadership:Advancing an intellectual discipline[C].Boston:Harvard Business Press,2010:657-678.
[15]Ingalill S A.Modeling leadership-Implicit leadership theories in Sweden Scandinavian[J].Journal of Management,2006,22(4):44-46.
[16]Jacksona E M and Johnsonb R E.When opposites do(and do not)attract:Interplay of leader and follower self-identities and its consequences for leader-member exchange[J].Leadership Quarterly,2012,23(3):488-501.
[17]Karp T and HelgT I T.Leadership as identity construction:The act of leading people in organizations:A perspective from the complexity sciences[J].Journal of Management Development,2009,28(10):880-896.
[18]Karp T.Studying subtle acts of leadership[J].Leadership,2013,9(1):3-22.
[19]Komives S R,Longerbeam S D,Mainella F,Osteen L,Owen J E and Wagner W.Leadership identity development:Challenges in applying a developmental model[J].Journal of Leadership Education,2009,8(1):11-47.
[20]Kouzes J M and Posner B Z.The leadership challenge[M].(3rd Ed.).San Francisco:Jossey-Bass,2003.
[21]Lord R G,Brown D J and Freiberg S J.Understanding the dynamics of leadership:The role of follower self-concepts in the leader/follower relationship[J].Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,1999,78(3):167-203.
[22]McClelland D C and Burnham D H.Power is the great motivator[J].Harvard Business Review,2003,81(1):117126.
[23]Morgeson F P,DeRue D S and Karam E P.Leadership in teams:A functional approach to understanding leadership structures and processes[J].Journal of Management,2010,36(1):5-39.
[24]Onorato S M.Developing a leadership identity:A case study exploring a select group of Hispanic women at a Hispanic serving institution[D].Florida International University,2010.
[25]Schyns B and Schilling J.Implicit leadership theories:Think leader,think effective?[J].Journal of Management Inquiry,2011,20(2):141-150.
[26]Shamir B and Eilam G.What’s your story?—Toward a life-story approach to authentic leadership[J].Leadership Quarterly,2005,16(3):395-418.
[27]Sveningsson S F and Alvesson M.Managing managerial identities:Organizational fragmentation,discourse and identity struggle[J].Human Relations,2003,56(10):11631193.
[28]Van V M,Hogan R and Kaiser R B.Leadership,followership,and evolution:Some lessons from the past[J].American Psychologist,2008,63(3):182-196.
[29]Wang F and Howell J M.A multilevel study of transformational leadership,identification,and follower outcomes[J].Leadership Quarterly,2012,23(5):775-790.
[30]Wilson K and Sin H P.What about the leader in leadermember exchange?The impact of resource exchanges and substitutability on the leader[J].Academy of Management Review,2010,35(3):358-372.
朱瑜, 童静, 黄丽君. 领导关系认同建构研究述评[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2013, 35(9): 25–34.