外国经济与管理 2013 年 第 35 卷第 06 期, 页码:52 - 60
③Oticon(现名William Demant Holding A/S)公司的组织实践很好地说明了这一问题。Oticon是一家生产助听器的丹麦公司,1991年开始进行组织变革,废除原有的职能部门,取而代之的是各种以项目为基础的临时性组织。这一变革有效地改善了公司的财务与技术绩效。1998年,由于知识分享、协调、专业化等方面的问题,Oticon又逐渐恢复了原来的矩阵式组织形式。关于该案例的具体情况,参见“Foss N.战略、经济组织与知识经济[M].(韩绍凤等译).大连:东北财经大学出版社,2007”。
[1]Bakker R M and Janowicz-Panjaitan M.Time matters:The impact of“temporariness”on the functioning and performance of organizations[A].Kenis P,Janowicz-Panjaitan M and CambréB(Eds.).Temporary organizations:Prevalence,logic and effectiveness[C].Lypiatts:MPG Books Group,2009:121-140.
[2]Bakker R M.Taking stock of temporary organizational forms:A systematic review and research agenda[J].International Journal of Management Reviews,2010,12(4):353-486.
[3]Bakker R M,CambréB,Korlaar L,et al.Managing the project learning paradox:A set-theoretic approach toward project knowledge transfer[J].International Journal of Project Ma-nagement,2011,29(5):494-503.
[4]Bartsch V,Ebers M and Maurer I.Learning in project-based organization:The role of project team’s social capital for o-vercoming barriers of learning[J].International Journal of Project Management,2013,31(2):239-251.
[5]Bechky B.Gaffers,gofers,and grips:Role-based coordination in temporary organizations[J].Organization Science,2006,17(1):3-22.
[6]Brady T and Davies A.Building project capabilities:From ex-ploratory to exploitative learning[J].Organization Studies,2004,25(9):1601-1621.
[7]DeFillippi R J and Arthur M B.Paradox in project-based en-terprise:The case of film making[J].California Management Review,1998,40(2):125-139.
[8]Demarest M.Understanding knowledge management[J].Long Range Planning,1997,30(3):374-384.
[9]Engwall M.No project is an island:Linking projects to history and context[J].Research Policy,2003,32(5):789-808.
[10]Engwall M and Westling G.Peripety in an R&D drama:Cap-turing a turnaround in project dynamics[J].Organization Studies,2004,25(9):1557-1578.
[11]Engwall M and Svensson C.Cheetah teams in product deve-lopment:The most extreme form of temporary organization?[J].Scandinavian Journal of Management,2004,20(3):297-317.
[12]Erik J W and Kramer E C.Tailored task forces:Temporary organizations and modularity[J].Intenational Journal of Pro-ject Management,2008,26(5):537-546.
[13]Goodman R A and Goodman L P.Some management issue in temporary systems:A study of professional development and manpower—The theatre case[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1976,21(3):1491-1514.
[14]Grabher G.The project ecology of advertising:Tasks,talents and teams[J].Regional Studies,2002,36(3):245-262.
[15]Grabher G.Temporary architectures of learning:Knowledge governance in project ecologies[J].Organization Studies,2004,25(9):1494-1514.
[16]Ibert O.Project and firms as discordant complements:Orga-nizational learning in the Munich software ecology[J].Re-search Policy,2004,33(10):1529-1546.
[17]Janowicz-Panjaitan M,Bakker R M and Kenis P.Research on temporary organizations:The state of the art and distinct ap-proach toward“temporariness”[A].Kenis P,Janowicz-Pan-jaitan M and CambréB(Eds.).Temporary organizations:Prevalence,logic and effectiveness[C].Lypiatts:MPG Books Group,2009:58-85.
[18]Katzenbach J R and Smith D K.The discipline of teams[J].Harvard Business Review,1993,(3-4):111-120.
[19]Kenis P,CambréB,Lucas G J M,et al.Applying organization theory to temporary organizations[A].Kenis P,Janowicz-Panjaitan M and CambréB(Eds.).Temporary organizations:Prevalence,logic and effectiveness[C].Lypiatts:MPG Books Group,2009:86-117.
[20]Kerghan J A and Cooke R A.Teamwork in planning innova-tive project:Improving group performance by rational and in-terpersonal interventions in group process[J].IEEE Transac-tions on Engineering Management,1990,37(2):109-116.
[21]Lindkvist L.Governing project-based firms promoting mar-ket-like process within hierarchies[J].Journal of Management and Governance,2004,8(1):3-25.
[22]Lindner F and Wald A.Success factors of knowledge ma-nagement in temporary organization[J].International Journal of Project Management,2011,29(7):877-888.
[23]Lundin R A and Sderholm A.A theory of the temporary or-ganization[J].Scandinavian Journal of Management,1995,11(4):437-455.
[24]Lundin R A and Steinthórsson R A.Studying organizations as temporary[J].Scandinavian Journal of Management,2003,19(2):233-250.
[25]Meyerson D,Weick K E and Kramer R M.Swift trust and temporary groups[A].Kramer R M and Tyler T R(Eds.).Trust in organizations:Frontiers of theory and research[C].Thousand Oaks,CA:Sage,1996:166-195.
[26]Morley E and Silver A.A film director’s approach to mana-ging creativity[J].Harvard Business Review,1977,55(2):59-70.
[27]Mutka S and Aaltonen P.The impact of a delivery project’s business model in a project-based firm[J].International Jour-nal of Project Management,2013,31(2):166-176.
[28]Newell S,Bresnen M and Edelman L.Sharing knowledge across projects:Limits to ICT-led project review practices[J].Management Learning,2006,37(2):167-185.
[29]Prencipe A and Tell F.Inter-project learning:Processes and outcomes of knowledge codification in project-based firms[J].Research Policy,2001,30(9):1373-1394.
[30]Saunders C S and Ahuja M K.Are all distributed teams the same?Differentiating between temporary and ongoing distri-buted teams[J].Small Group Research,2007,38(5):3-11.
[31]Shenhar A J.Contingent management in temporary,dynamic organizations:The comparative analysis of project[J].Journal of High Technology Management Research,2001,12(2):239-271.
[32]Sydow J and Staber U.The institutional embeddedness of project networks:The case of content production in German television[J].Regional Studies,2002,36(3):215-227.
[33]Sydow J,Lindkvist L and DeFillippi R.Project-based organi-zations,embeddedness and repositories of knowledge:Editori-al[J].Organization Studies,2004,25(9):1475-1489.
[34]Tatham P and Kovács G.The application of“swift trust”to humanitarian logistics[J].International Journal of Production Economics,2010,126(1):35-45.
[35]Turner J R and Müller R.On the nature of project as a tem-porary organization[J].International Journal of Project Ma-nagement,2003,21(1):1-8.
[36]Turner J R.Towards a theory of project management:The nature of project[J].International Journal of Project Manage-ment,2006,24(2):1-3.
[37]Whitley R.Project-based firms:New organizational form or variations on a theme[J].Industrial and Corporate Change,2006,15(1):77-99.
[38]Zollo M and Winter S G.Deliberate learning and the evolu-tion of the dynamics capabilities[J].Organization Science,2002,13(3):339-351.
[1]Bakker R M and Janowicz-Panjaitan M.Time matters:The impact of“temporariness”on the functioning and performance of organizations[A].Kenis P,Janowicz-Panjaitan M and CambréB(Eds.).Temporary organizations:Prevalence,logic and effectiveness[C].Lypiatts:MPG Books Group,2009:121-140.
[2]Bakker R M.Taking stock of temporary organizational forms:A systematic review and research agenda[J].International Journal of Management Reviews,2010,12(4):353-486.
[3]Bakker R M,CambréB,Korlaar L,et al.Managing the project learning paradox:A set-theoretic approach toward project knowledge transfer[J].International Journal of Project Ma-nagement,2011,29(5):494-503.
[4]Bartsch V,Ebers M and Maurer I.Learning in project-based organization:The role of project team’s social capital for o-vercoming barriers of learning[J].International Journal of Project Management,2013,31(2):239-251.
[5]Bechky B.Gaffers,gofers,and grips:Role-based coordination in temporary organizations[J].Organization Science,2006,17(1):3-22.
[6]Brady T and Davies A.Building project capabilities:From ex-ploratory to exploitative learning[J].Organization Studies,2004,25(9):1601-1621.
[7]DeFillippi R J and Arthur M B.Paradox in project-based en-terprise:The case of film making[J].California Management Review,1998,40(2):125-139.
[8]Demarest M.Understanding knowledge management[J].Long Range Planning,1997,30(3):374-384.
[9]Engwall M.No project is an island:Linking projects to history and context[J].Research Policy,2003,32(5):789-808.
[10]Engwall M and Westling G.Peripety in an R&D drama:Cap-turing a turnaround in project dynamics[J].Organization Studies,2004,25(9):1557-1578.
[11]Engwall M and Svensson C.Cheetah teams in product deve-lopment:The most extreme form of temporary organization?[J].Scandinavian Journal of Management,2004,20(3):297-317.
[12]Erik J W and Kramer E C.Tailored task forces:Temporary organizations and modularity[J].Intenational Journal of Pro-ject Management,2008,26(5):537-546.
[13]Goodman R A and Goodman L P.Some management issue in temporary systems:A study of professional development and manpower—The theatre case[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1976,21(3):1491-1514.
[14]Grabher G.The project ecology of advertising:Tasks,talents and teams[J].Regional Studies,2002,36(3):245-262.
[15]Grabher G.Temporary architectures of learning:Knowledge governance in project ecologies[J].Organization Studies,2004,25(9):1494-1514.
[16]Ibert O.Project and firms as discordant complements:Orga-nizational learning in the Munich software ecology[J].Re-search Policy,2004,33(10):1529-1546.
[17]Janowicz-Panjaitan M,Bakker R M and Kenis P.Research on temporary organizations:The state of the art and distinct ap-proach toward“temporariness”[A].Kenis P,Janowicz-Pan-jaitan M and CambréB(Eds.).Temporary organizations:Prevalence,logic and effectiveness[C].Lypiatts:MPG Books Group,2009:58-85.
[18]Katzenbach J R and Smith D K.The discipline of teams[J].Harvard Business Review,1993,(3-4):111-120.
[19]Kenis P,CambréB,Lucas G J M,et al.Applying organization theory to temporary organizations[A].Kenis P,Janowicz-Panjaitan M and CambréB(Eds.).Temporary organizations:Prevalence,logic and effectiveness[C].Lypiatts:MPG Books Group,2009:86-117.
[20]Kerghan J A and Cooke R A.Teamwork in planning innova-tive project:Improving group performance by rational and in-terpersonal interventions in group process[J].IEEE Transac-tions on Engineering Management,1990,37(2):109-116.
[21]Lindkvist L.Governing project-based firms promoting mar-ket-like process within hierarchies[J].Journal of Management and Governance,2004,8(1):3-25.
[22]Lindner F and Wald A.Success factors of knowledge ma-nagement in temporary organization[J].International Journal of Project Management,2011,29(7):877-888.
[23]Lundin R A and Sderholm A.A theory of the temporary or-ganization[J].Scandinavian Journal of Management,1995,11(4):437-455.
[24]Lundin R A and Steinthórsson R A.Studying organizations as temporary[J].Scandinavian Journal of Management,2003,19(2):233-250.
[25]Meyerson D,Weick K E and Kramer R M.Swift trust and temporary groups[A].Kramer R M and Tyler T R(Eds.).Trust in organizations:Frontiers of theory and research[C].Thousand Oaks,CA:Sage,1996:166-195.
[26]Morley E and Silver A.A film director’s approach to mana-ging creativity[J].Harvard Business Review,1977,55(2):59-70.
[27]Mutka S and Aaltonen P.The impact of a delivery project’s business model in a project-based firm[J].International Jour-nal of Project Management,2013,31(2):166-176.
[28]Newell S,Bresnen M and Edelman L.Sharing knowledge across projects:Limits to ICT-led project review practices[J].Management Learning,2006,37(2):167-185.
[29]Prencipe A and Tell F.Inter-project learning:Processes and outcomes of knowledge codification in project-based firms[J].Research Policy,2001,30(9):1373-1394.
[30]Saunders C S and Ahuja M K.Are all distributed teams the same?Differentiating between temporary and ongoing distri-buted teams[J].Small Group Research,2007,38(5):3-11.
[31]Shenhar A J.Contingent management in temporary,dynamic organizations:The comparative analysis of project[J].Journal of High Technology Management Research,2001,12(2):239-271.
[32]Sydow J and Staber U.The institutional embeddedness of project networks:The case of content production in German television[J].Regional Studies,2002,36(3):215-227.
[33]Sydow J,Lindkvist L and DeFillippi R.Project-based organi-zations,embeddedness and repositories of knowledge:Editori-al[J].Organization Studies,2004,25(9):1475-1489.
[34]Tatham P and Kovács G.The application of“swift trust”to humanitarian logistics[J].International Journal of Production Economics,2010,126(1):35-45.
[35]Turner J R and Müller R.On the nature of project as a tem-porary organization[J].International Journal of Project Ma-nagement,2003,21(1):1-8.
[36]Turner J R.Towards a theory of project management:The nature of project[J].International Journal of Project Manage-ment,2006,24(2):1-3.
[37]Whitley R.Project-based firms:New organizational form or variations on a theme[J].Industrial and Corporate Change,2006,15(1):77-99.
[38]Zollo M and Winter S G.Deliberate learning and the evolu-tion of the dynamics capabilities[J].Organization Science,2002,13(3):339-351.
杨伟, 李乐. 临时性组织研究评介与展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2013, 35(6): 52–60.