外国经济与管理 2013 年 第 35 卷第 02 期, 页码:34 - 42
[1]Aldrich H E and Martinez M A.Many are called,but few are chosen:An evolutionary perspective for the study of entrepre-neurship[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2001,25(4):1-34.
[2]Ardichvili A,et al.A theory of entrepreneurial opportunity i-dentification and development[J].Journal of Business Ventu-ring,2003,18(1):105-123.
[3]Baron R A and Tang J T.The role of entrepreneurs in firm-level innovation:Joint effects of positive affect,creativity,and environmental dynamism[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2011,26(1):49-60.
[4]Brouthers K D and Bakos G.SME entry mode choice and per-formance:Transaction cost perspective[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2004,28(3):229-247.
[5]Brush C G and Vanderwerf P A.A comparison of methods and sources for obtaining estimates of new venture perfor-mance[J].Journal of Business Venturing,1992,7(2):157-170.
[6]Busenitz L W,et al.Entrepreneurship research in emergence:Past trends and future directions[J].Journal of Management,2003,29(3):285-308.
[7]Chrisman J J,et al.The determinants of new venture per-formance:An extended model[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,1998,23(1):5-29.
[8]Conner K R.An historical comparison of resource-based theo-ry and five schools of thought within industrial organization e-conomics:Do we have a new history of the firm?[J].Journal of Management,1991,17(1):121-154.
[9]Connolly T,et al.Organizational effectiveness:A multiple-constituency approach[J].Academy of Management Review,1980,5(2):211-217.
[10]Davidsson P,et al.Editors’introduction:Low and MacMil-lan ten years on achievements and future directions for entre-preneurship research[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Prac-tice,2001,25(4):5-16.
[11]Dollinger M J.Entrepreneurship:Strategies and resources[M].(3Ed.).New York:Prentice Hall,2003.
[12]Ensley M D,et al.Understanding the dynamics of new ven-ture top management teams cohesion,conflict,and new ven-ture performance[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2002,17(4):365-386.
[13]Francsi D H and Sandberg W R.Friendship within entrepre-neurial teams and its association with team and venture per-formance[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2000,25(2):5-25.
[14]Gartner W B.A conceptual framework for describing the phe-nomenon of new venture creation[J].Academy of Management Review,1985,10(4):696-705.
[15]Govindarajan V.A contingency approach to strategy imple-mentation at the business-unit level:Integrating administrative mechanisms with strategy[J].Academy of Management Jour-nal,1988,31(4):828-853.
[16]Grande J,et al.The relationship between resources,entre-preneurial orientation and performance in farm-based ventures[J].Entrepreneurship&Regional Development,2011,23(3/4):89-111.
[17]Hofer C W.Improving new venture performance:Some guidelines for success[J].American Journal of Small Busi-ness,1987,12(1):11-25.
[18]Jain H A.Predictors of performance of venture capitalist-backed organizations[J].Journal of Business Research,2001,52(3):223-233.
[19]Katre A and Salipante P.Start-up social ventures:Blending fine-grained behaviors from two institutions for entrepreneurial success[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2012,36(5):967-994.
[20]Lerner M and Brush C.Israeli women entrepreneurs:An exami-nation of factors affecting performance[J].Journal of Business Venturing,1997,12(4):315-339.
[21]Li H Y.How does new venture strategy matter in the environ-ment-performance relationship?[J].Journal of High Technology Management Research,2001,12(2):183-204.
[22]McGee J E,et al.Cooperative strategy and new venture per-formance:The role of business of strategy and management experience[J].Strategic Management Journal,1995,16(7):565-580.
[23]Murphy G B,et al.Measuring performance in entrepreneur-ship research[J].Journal of Business Research,1996,36(1):15-23.
[24]Neill S and York J L.The entrepreneurial perceptions of strategy makers:Constructing an exploratory path in the pur-suit of radical growth[J].Journal of Business Research,2012,65(7):1003-1009.
[25]Robinson K C.An examination of the influence of industry structure on eight measures of new venture performance for high potential in dependent new ventures[J].Journal of Busi-ness Venturing,1998,14(2):165-187.
[26]Rogers E W and Wright P M.Measuring organizational per-formance in strategic human resource management:Problem,prospects,and performance information markets[J].Human Resource Management Review,1988,8(3):311-331.
[27]Romanelli E.Environments and strategies of organization start-up:Effects on early survival[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1989,34(3):369-387.
[28]Sandberg W R and Hofer C W.Improving new venture per-formance:The role of strategy,industry structure,and the en-trepreneur[J].Journal of Business Venturing,1987,2(1):5-28.
[29]Shane S A and Venkataraman S.The promise of entrepre-neurship as a field of research[J].Academy of Management Review,2000,25(1):217-226.
[30]Timmons J A.New venture creation[M].(5Ed.).New York:McGraw-Hill,1999.
[31]Ucbasaran D,et al.The focus of entrepreneurial research:Contextual and process issues[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2001,25(4):57-80.
[32]Ulrich D and Barney J B.Perspectives in organizations:Re-source dependence,efficiency,and population[J].Academy of Management Review,1984,9(3):471-481.
[33]Van de Ven A H,et al.Designing new business startups:Entrepreneurial,organizational,and ecological considerations[J].Journal of Management,1984,10(1):87-108.
[34]Venkatraman N and Ramanujam V.Measurement of busi-ness performance in strategy research:A comparison of ap-proaches[J].Academy of Management Review,1986,11(4):801-814.
[35]Watson W E,et al.Team interpersonal process effectiveness in venture partnerships and its connection to perceived suc-cess[J].Journal of Business Venturing,1995,10(3):393-411.
[36]Wickham P A.Developing a mission for an entrepreneurial venture[J].Management Decision,1997,35(5):373-381.
[37]Zahra S A,et al.Competitive analysis and new venture per-formance:Understanding the impact of strategic uncertainty and venture origin[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Prac-櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒tice,2002,27(1):l-28.
[2]Ardichvili A,et al.A theory of entrepreneurial opportunity i-dentification and development[J].Journal of Business Ventu-ring,2003,18(1):105-123.
[3]Baron R A and Tang J T.The role of entrepreneurs in firm-level innovation:Joint effects of positive affect,creativity,and environmental dynamism[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2011,26(1):49-60.
[4]Brouthers K D and Bakos G.SME entry mode choice and per-formance:Transaction cost perspective[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2004,28(3):229-247.
[5]Brush C G and Vanderwerf P A.A comparison of methods and sources for obtaining estimates of new venture perfor-mance[J].Journal of Business Venturing,1992,7(2):157-170.
[6]Busenitz L W,et al.Entrepreneurship research in emergence:Past trends and future directions[J].Journal of Management,2003,29(3):285-308.
[7]Chrisman J J,et al.The determinants of new venture per-formance:An extended model[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,1998,23(1):5-29.
[8]Conner K R.An historical comparison of resource-based theo-ry and five schools of thought within industrial organization e-conomics:Do we have a new history of the firm?[J].Journal of Management,1991,17(1):121-154.
[9]Connolly T,et al.Organizational effectiveness:A multiple-constituency approach[J].Academy of Management Review,1980,5(2):211-217.
[10]Davidsson P,et al.Editors’introduction:Low and MacMil-lan ten years on achievements and future directions for entre-preneurship research[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Prac-tice,2001,25(4):5-16.
[11]Dollinger M J.Entrepreneurship:Strategies and resources[M].(3Ed.).New York:Prentice Hall,2003.
[12]Ensley M D,et al.Understanding the dynamics of new ven-ture top management teams cohesion,conflict,and new ven-ture performance[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2002,17(4):365-386.
[13]Francsi D H and Sandberg W R.Friendship within entrepre-neurial teams and its association with team and venture per-formance[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2000,25(2):5-25.
[14]Gartner W B.A conceptual framework for describing the phe-nomenon of new venture creation[J].Academy of Management Review,1985,10(4):696-705.
[15]Govindarajan V.A contingency approach to strategy imple-mentation at the business-unit level:Integrating administrative mechanisms with strategy[J].Academy of Management Jour-nal,1988,31(4):828-853.
[16]Grande J,et al.The relationship between resources,entre-preneurial orientation and performance in farm-based ventures[J].Entrepreneurship&Regional Development,2011,23(3/4):89-111.
[17]Hofer C W.Improving new venture performance:Some guidelines for success[J].American Journal of Small Busi-ness,1987,12(1):11-25.
[18]Jain H A.Predictors of performance of venture capitalist-backed organizations[J].Journal of Business Research,2001,52(3):223-233.
[19]Katre A and Salipante P.Start-up social ventures:Blending fine-grained behaviors from two institutions for entrepreneurial success[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2012,36(5):967-994.
[20]Lerner M and Brush C.Israeli women entrepreneurs:An exami-nation of factors affecting performance[J].Journal of Business Venturing,1997,12(4):315-339.
[21]Li H Y.How does new venture strategy matter in the environ-ment-performance relationship?[J].Journal of High Technology Management Research,2001,12(2):183-204.
[22]McGee J E,et al.Cooperative strategy and new venture per-formance:The role of business of strategy and management experience[J].Strategic Management Journal,1995,16(7):565-580.
[23]Murphy G B,et al.Measuring performance in entrepreneur-ship research[J].Journal of Business Research,1996,36(1):15-23.
[24]Neill S and York J L.The entrepreneurial perceptions of strategy makers:Constructing an exploratory path in the pur-suit of radical growth[J].Journal of Business Research,2012,65(7):1003-1009.
[25]Robinson K C.An examination of the influence of industry structure on eight measures of new venture performance for high potential in dependent new ventures[J].Journal of Busi-ness Venturing,1998,14(2):165-187.
[26]Rogers E W and Wright P M.Measuring organizational per-formance in strategic human resource management:Problem,prospects,and performance information markets[J].Human Resource Management Review,1988,8(3):311-331.
[27]Romanelli E.Environments and strategies of organization start-up:Effects on early survival[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1989,34(3):369-387.
[28]Sandberg W R and Hofer C W.Improving new venture per-formance:The role of strategy,industry structure,and the en-trepreneur[J].Journal of Business Venturing,1987,2(1):5-28.
[29]Shane S A and Venkataraman S.The promise of entrepre-neurship as a field of research[J].Academy of Management Review,2000,25(1):217-226.
[30]Timmons J A.New venture creation[M].(5Ed.).New York:McGraw-Hill,1999.
[31]Ucbasaran D,et al.The focus of entrepreneurial research:Contextual and process issues[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2001,25(4):57-80.
[32]Ulrich D and Barney J B.Perspectives in organizations:Re-source dependence,efficiency,and population[J].Academy of Management Review,1984,9(3):471-481.
[33]Van de Ven A H,et al.Designing new business startups:Entrepreneurial,organizational,and ecological considerations[J].Journal of Management,1984,10(1):87-108.
[34]Venkatraman N and Ramanujam V.Measurement of busi-ness performance in strategy research:A comparison of ap-proaches[J].Academy of Management Review,1986,11(4):801-814.
[35]Watson W E,et al.Team interpersonal process effectiveness in venture partnerships and its connection to perceived suc-cess[J].Journal of Business Venturing,1995,10(3):393-411.
[36]Wickham P A.Developing a mission for an entrepreneurial venture[J].Management Decision,1997,35(5):373-381.
[37]Zahra S A,et al.Competitive analysis and new venture per-formance:Understanding the impact of strategic uncertainty and venture origin[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Prac-櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒tice,2002,27(1):l-28.
余绍忠. 创业绩效研究述评[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2013, 35(2): 34–42.